Archive for October, 2007


October 31, 2007

I did something I never usually do today, I went on a treasure hunt…and do you know why? Because it was Artilleri and I LOVE Artilleri. So off I went and battled the lag in search of the 21 smoking skulls dotted around the sim. If you have never been to Artilleri, get down there quick, the Sim is built in a 50s Style and clothes are amazing, it’s a fabulous store. The items are hidden in smoking skulls dotted around the Sim and luckily for you I’ve included the SLURL’s of the ones I found so all you have to do is log onto SL, keep this window open and click on each SLURL in turn. You will see a red light where the item is located…FOLLOW THE RED LIGHT and then click on the skull to buy, each item is 1L.

Here are some pics of my fabby finds, I’m a vision in orange:

Cute kini’s in 2 styles.

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This great jacket.

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High waisted pants, top and bangle

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Lily skin, earrings and hair

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High waisted skirt

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Pretty tea dress

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Orange retro glasses

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and last but not least, this amazing coat which I have been hankering after for ages.

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This lovely printed dress with sash

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All of these items where 1L each and there are a few more I didn’t find. I’ll do another post if I find them.

1. annie top – outside fence
2.tiki dress – behind sign in bowling alley
3. Lily skins – on sand
4. Janae dress – under the boat dash
5.Gladys glasses – on top of skull pole
6. Ronja jacket – lifeguard seat
7. Brazil bracelet – on Zoltar shoulder
8. glitter love earrings – roof window corner
9.Vicky Polka – laundry basket
10.spin ashtray – on shelf
11 Saturn clock – on bookshelf on wall
12 Greta glasses – in yellow chair
13 Coat on top of the tops stand in the store
14:In the bird house
There is also one in the trash can and one in the blue car in the carpark

There are 3 in the park
There are three in the store called HOME, one in the E of the word HOME

This was a mega quick post so I’ll try to sort the URLs later if they don’t work, oh yes and I think the hunt is on until Saturday.

Artilleri :

Spooky Lilly Doll

October 30, 2007

Hey ya’s, it’s Lilly here.

It was midnight last night, I was just about to go to bed and then my sis Keleka sent me an LM for this amazing free dress from Kiki’s Closet. My little sleepy eyes went all wide awake when I saw it, so I thought I’d better rush and show it to you guys because it will probably go after Halloween. The store also has a matching headdress (not worn) both items are free.

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Isn’t the dress adorable? It’s got such a beautiful movement to it and a cute little pumpkin design, it makes me look like a little spooky doll. My avatar is tiny and curvy by the way and sometimes clothes just don’t look right, but this dress looked like it was made for me.

I discovered this hair at Sugarcube, it wasn’t quite free but it definitely didn’t break the bank, only 29L (sorry Creamy, I broke your rules). I think this hair is possibly only available at this price for a limited time.

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The hair goes perfectly with this outfit and has many options, A crown, a crown with veil, earrings and a lovely necklace (not shown). All of that for 29L, you can’t complain. The skin worn is the group gift from Blowpop, as worn in some of Creamy’s pics.

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Kiki’s Closet :
Sugarcube :

OMG So cute

October 29, 2007

Hi, just rushing in to to do a quick post about these cute lil pumps, they are a group Halloween gift from Boing Fromage. Lilly Loll ran out and grabbed them so we thought you must see them, they are too good to be missed.

This is the ghostie pair, aren’t they adorable? I don’t care when Halloween is over, I’d like to prance about in these cuties all year long.

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You also get a pair of pumpkin pumps too, and if you are a total loony like Lilly you can wear one of each.

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You get 2 pairs for 1L if you are a member of the group, but they can also be purchased for 120L for both pairs.

These capri pants are part for a set from Ingenue called Ingenuette (0L), as you may notice, Lilly is a curvy gal and these fit her in all the right places (as opposed to the wrong places).

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I received a notice from my friend telling me about this Halloween gift from Last Call. Lovely Stripy arm warmers and matching scarf to keep you warm on the cold days ahead (well, in some places anyway, heehee!)

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These gorgeous woolies come in purple and orange for 1L each…bargain I say! This unisex top is a group gift from Dutch Touch, please see Eisa’s post below for more details on this top.

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All these items shown today are only available for a limited time so rush out and get them while you can. You can TP direct to the stores from the links below. The hair worn is the ETD Pheobe and the skin is Blowpop.

Boing Fromage :
Ingenue :
Last Call:

Naughty and Nice

October 29, 2007

I felt so naughty and frisky today when I adorned myself with this outfit from Savvy?

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It’s called Halloween Concubine and you can get this outft by joining the Savvy? group. It’s smoking hot and looks great with this hat, a Halloween gift (0L)from Elegance on the Ivalde Village sim. My necklace was in a huge freebie pack from Sh*t Happens and my shoes were a group gift from Next Step, as shown in my previous post.

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Can you see the tears in the stockings? I won’t tell you what I’ve been up to, you can just imagine. (Creamy puts her book down and tiptoes off to make a cup of tea)

The skin worn is a group gift from Minnu called Hollywood Gloss, (please see previous posts for info).

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Now a big contrast, Creamy shows her innocent side. This sweet little dress from Sugarcube is also only available if you join the group. I’ve included the TP link below so you can go and check out the store, lots of other cute free clothes hair and skins there.

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My hair is Juliet from Gurl 6, bought with a new player voucher for Avatars under 30 days old (please contact me if you would like one). My skin is a group gift from Blowpop (please see previous post).

This next outfit is also a group gift from Sugarcube, called ‘only for him’ It would look a bit odd on a guy so I thought I would wear it (hehe). It’s supersexy and classy, I just wish I could find some decent free court shoes to go with it.

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Lovely lacy detail on the top, I’m not normally a big fan of lace but on this dress it works for me.

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The 2 pictures above were taken on the new Sinistyle sim. The detail here is amazing, it’s spookytastic and perfect for Halloween pics, go down and take a look. I’ve included the LM’s below.

Savvy? :
Sinistyle :
Sugarcube :
Elegance Hats at Ivalde :


October 27, 2007

Yo! skim read past this bit….I feel like having a rant.

WOW!! I’ve seen the dark side of blogging already, I seem to have stepped into some kind of competitive blogging realm. Yep, I’ve been accused of ‘copying’ someone elses blog because I innocently used her catchwords , ‘fab’ and ‘free’ in my first post. Anyway, just so you know, when I wrote my first post I had never even seen this person’s blog. Of course, we will occasionally show the same items, there is only so much out there and I’m not going out of my way to avoid doing that. If I like it, I will write about it.

Having read the blog, her dress style and writing style is completely different from mine. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great – very informative and helpful lots of content (I have included a link on my page, it’s worth checking out). I will also try to find out about any other sites which write about free stuff in Second Life and include links, if you know of any send me the link please.

I use my Free*Style Group in-game to inform of any cool freebies in Second Life, I don’t have time to blog everything so I send notecards in-game at the time of discovery. This Free*Style blog is purely a bit of fun to show our favourite outfits and how we put them together, to show that you can look stylish for free (or nearly free). If you wish to join the group just type in FREE STYLE into search and it should come up. If you can’t find it, IM me or leave your name in the comment below and I’ll add you.

Anyway, my last comment on this matter is SL is just for fun and it’s a free world! Some people should get over themselves and stop taking things so seriously.. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (my God, I should say that to myself sometimes, LOL!)

Now it’s time to show you my latest pretty finds.

This outfit is from a lovely store called Amaretto, it comes complete with jewellery and a pose which made my head go backwards when I moved my mouse. It was quite amusing for about 5 minutes, SL was being a bitch today as many of you will know.

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The skin I am wearing is a group freebie from Minnu, only available for a limited time so join this group if you haven’t already. My hair is called Juliet from Gurl 6, I got this with my voucher for new players under 30 days old, so this will only be free if you use a voucher *NEWSFLASH* Gurl 6 has some free hair for Halloween. I haven’t been able to get it because I can hardly move in SL today, but i’ve put the LM at the bottom of this post so you can go take a look. This necklace is 1L from another fave store of mine called Boing Fromage, lots of cute quirky,unusual clothes in her store.

Check out these foxy shoes, ooooh!!!

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Again these are a group gift from a store called Next Step, if you want to get these join the group quick, they are only in the notice archive for 30 days and I think they where posted at the beginning of the month. Also I just noticed there are some lovely shoes at Next Step for 11L, 20L and 50L, the link to tp direct to them is at the bottom of this post

This next outfit is a cute casual look, the top was a Halloween freebie from a store called Fetch, if you join Fashion Consolidated Group, you will get the notice about this one. A nice little addition to everyone’s wardrobe.

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These are 1L skinny jeans from G.L.A.M. This sim is closed for rebuild at the moment so I will put the link in later, I’m sure it will be back up and running in a couple of days. They have a couple of boxes of great clothes and accessories for guys and girls for 1L. I love the fit of these jeans, they make my virtual butt look so peachy. These AMAZING wedge shoes are a group gift from Maitreya, join the group and grab them quick before they are gone.

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This gorgeous skin is group giveaway from Blowpop, it’s really pretty with smokey eyes and light glossy lips, (also if you join this group you can get another one of the Blowpop skins for only 49L!) I am so happy that stores are giving away great skin these days, I wish more stores would do it for the guys too, but I suppose it doesn’t make sense as guys don’t change their skins as often…ho-hum! My hair is the lovely 1L Phoebe hair from ETD, which tends to star in most of my posts.

Boing Fromage:
Gurl 6:
Next Step:

Halloween for the Dudes

October 25, 2007

Well, this task isn’t proving easy, finding decent freebies for men I mean. It’s a girls world out there in SL, but I will make it my mission to do it for the guys!

I’ve come across some pretty good Halloween stuff in the past week. SL has gone Halloween crazy, so I’ll get this over and done with and then watch this space to see what I come up with in future posts. Excuse me while I make myself look a total tool!

Lets start with the worst first shall we? (when I say ‘worst’, I mean, ‘most gruesome’). Now everyone needs some dismembered appendages hanging above their head at this time of year. This body chandelier is a Halloween freebie from Grim Babies, hilarious! Go take a look at the Grim Babies sim, it’s an excellent build and definitely worth exploring, especially at this time of year.
Yeah and I know I look I’ve crammed myself into a condom but this is actually a free guys catsuit from Kcreations (comes in various colours), please don’t make me wear that again…it chaffed so bad!

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All the skins worn in this blog are a Halloween gift from Minnu, available for free in store for a limited time. The hair worn is a group gift from Truth, all you need to do is click to subscribe on the sign at the store, then click it again to check history and you should be given a folder with the hair. I’ve put links to all the stores mentioned at the bottom of my blog.

Next up, I found this fantastic hat and scarf combo from Gritty Kitty, it’s another limited time free gift located outside the store at Koreshan. The set is actually orange but I changed the colour of the scarf, and the hat has a colour change script in it to go with any outfit.

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I really love this, I think I will wear it all year.

The top worn is a unisex group freebie from Iki’s Dutch Touch, this is a group you really need to join, Iki often gives away unisex goodies. I love the style and quality of her clothes, I highly recommend you pay the store a visit. On the left of the entrance when you visit the store is a box of free stuff for girls.

The tee worn below is from Aitui, another fave store of mine, it’s only available for free for another couple of days so grab it quick. Even though this tee is Halloween themed, it can be worn all year round. I did a bit of dumpster diving and found these kitty ears too, once I brushed off the maggots they looked great.

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The arm straps worn are a group gift from a cool store called BroGear. I’m a sucker for armstraps and stuff, but would I wear them in RL? No way!
Shhhhhh, the pants worn are actually part of a girls free gift called Cimarron set from Pixel Dolls, they look great thought don’t they? They come in loads of different colours too. Swallow your pride guys and get down to Pixel Dolls for these.

This little Skellington chap is a free Halloween gift from a cool Neko store called Faceless, you get one to sit on your head and another to hold. Very cute and cuddly don’t you think? Again, the scarf worn is from Gritty Kitty but I coloured it red this time, to go with my lovely eyes.

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Well, I hope you enjoyed my first mens blog on this site. Quick check back to see I didn’t emulate any other similar blogs out there, any similarity is purely coincidental. Great…we are good to go!! *POST*

Links in no particular order:
Aitui :
Iki’s Dutch Touch :
Gritty Kitty :
Grim Babies:
KCreations :
Truth :
Pixel Dolls:

Halloweeeeeen Stuff, Part 1

October 22, 2007

I found lots of ACE Halloween freebs on my travels this week, so I’ll do a few separate blogs about my finds.

First up I am going to gush so much about Minnu’s group giveaway this week. These gorgeous Halloween skins were free, I frikkin love them so much – I couldn’t believe my luck.

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Yeah, they look wierd…but wierd is goooood!

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I mean, look at the amazing detail, so unusual and freaky, yet seriously foxy!

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Check this one out, it’s got some lovely cuts and bruises. Gruesome!!

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She only comes out at night, but she looks a total fright!
The hair worn in this pic was a group freebie from Bewitched, and the pretty white dress was a group freebie from Bossa Nova. I wore a blood overlay over the dress which was in a freebie box from Sh*t Happens.

This one gives Pete Burns a run for his money (that’s the bloke who looks like a plastic woman singer in Dead or Alive band in the 80s, for those of you under 25). The latex catsuit was free from Kcreations, I’ll blog this in my next post. The hair worn in this pic was a group freebie from Bewitched, it’s called Chris Angel. When I mention ‘group freebie’, you have to join the store group to get the item, and the freeb will not be available for longer than 30 days (so I believe), so grab it quick when I blog it.

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Well I think these skins rock. If and when you decide to buy a skin, Minnu skins are definitely worth investing in, in my opinion they are up there with the best skins in SL. To get these free skins you have to join the Minnu group and check back on past group notices, they are a boxed attachment to the msg and you get 5 diff skins in the box. Usually you pay 1150 L$ for Minnu skins, so grab these while you can.

*NEWSFLASH* These skins are no longer only a group freeb, run down and grab them at Minnu’s store. TP Link below.

Next, I’m in fairy mode. This skin was a group freebie from Ivalde, another group definitely worth joining. Again, check back on notice history when you join and save any attachments and they will go into your inventory recent items. Ivalde gives away freebs often and they are always sooo lovely.

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Ethereal, gorgeous….all of that, again, such a beautiful design on this skin.

I can’t forget to mention this silky, floaty dress from ICING at Mischief Cove. Can you believe this was free?? It’s so stunning, love the way it moves when I walk. Another tip for ya…if you have an outfit you love which is modifiable, you can change the colour. Make sure you copy it first (if it is copiable) and resave it as the new colour so you still have the original. If you need more advice on how to do this, contact me.

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About everything else worn in my pics:

The long straight hair worn in most of the pics was 1L freeb called Phoebe from ETD. The style and the textures are so well made, as with all ETD hairs. We are so lucky to get this for 1L, it comes in every colour of the rainbow too.

The lavendar colour eyes were from Shapes by Zada… They’ve got an amazingly realistic piercing look

The cute lil wings were free from Sh*t Happens…I LOVE that store!

Earrings from Amaretto, mentioned on my previous blog.

So as you can see, we do not have to look like cheap blingtards when we wear freebs. You just have to look hard and in the right places, and luckily, I’m doing it for ya – YAY! If you find something amazing for free, let me know in game or on e-mail. Oh, and please leave comments below, let me know what you think of my blog.

Minnu :
Bossa Nova:
Sh*t Happens:
Shapes by Zada:

Hello from Creamy

October 17, 2007

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Welcome to my first blog one and all. I decided to create this blog as I am excellent hunter-down of fab free stuff and I’d like to share my finds with all you girls and guys. Yep, I will try my best to find guys stuff too.

Creamy is not my main Avatar, she’s a sort of side project, to see how lovely I can get her to look with as few Lindens as possible. You won’t find Creamy in any outfit or skin which is nothing less than she deserves, she’s a classy chick with no money but she will never beg from others…that’s bad SL etiquette. Of course if someone offers to give her something she won’t turn it down.

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This first blog is just a small one, so it’s just about the one outfit today (pictured above). This beautiful dress is called Lucia from Bossa Nova, you get 2 dresses in the folder, 1 black and 1 white and you can mix them up. Bossa Nova is a gorgeous little store which often does fab freebs, it’s worth joining the Bossa Nova group as (name) often gives out freebie outfits, when you join the group be sure to check past notices for any freebs.

My skin is a group freebie from Minnu, it’s called Hollywood Gloss, very 40’s looking – I love it, I couldn’t believe my luck when I got this for free as Minnu is one of the best skin makers in SL right now. If you join the Minnu group quick and look at past notices you can grab this skin while it’s still there.

My hair is called Olivia from Diversity, it goes perfectly with this skin for a 40s sort of look. If you are under 30 days old, grab a voucher from Diversity and you can choose any hair you want from the store. Diversity also have guys and girls 1L hair at the back of the store.

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The Mary Jane Shoes are also from Diversity/Digit Darkes, only 1L, this is the silver pair but you can also get a gold pair for 1L

The black pearl necklace is from Yummy at Tableau, (1L) for a box of necklaces, brooches and handbags. My earrings are from Amaretto, they come in a 1L outfit set which includes a dress and jewellery which I will blog later.
Hope y’all liked my first installment, sorry about the dodgy layout. I’ll get there in the end.

Bossa Nova –

Diversity/Digit Darkes –

Amaretto –

Yummy –