Hello from Creamy

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Welcome to my first blog one and all. I decided to create this blog as I am excellent hunter-down of fab free stuff and I’d like to share my finds with all you girls and guys. Yep, I will try my best to find guys stuff too.

Creamy is not my main Avatar, she’s a sort of side project, to see how lovely I can get her to look with as few Lindens as possible. You won’t find Creamy in any outfit or skin which is nothing less than she deserves, she’s a classy chick with no money but she will never beg from others…that’s bad SL etiquette. Of course if someone offers to give her something she won’t turn it down.

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This first blog is just a small one, so it’s just about the one outfit today (pictured above). This beautiful dress is called Lucia from Bossa Nova, you get 2 dresses in the folder, 1 black and 1 white and you can mix them up. Bossa Nova is a gorgeous little store which often does fab freebs, it’s worth joining the Bossa Nova group as (name) often gives out freebie outfits, when you join the group be sure to check past notices for any freebs.

My skin is a group freebie from Minnu, it’s called Hollywood Gloss, very 40’s looking – I love it, I couldn’t believe my luck when I got this for free as Minnu is one of the best skin makers in SL right now. If you join the Minnu group quick and look at past notices you can grab this skin while it’s still there.

My hair is called Olivia from Diversity, it goes perfectly with this skin for a 40s sort of look. If you are under 30 days old, grab a voucher from Diversity and you can choose any hair you want from the store. Diversity also have guys and girls 1L hair at the back of the store.

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The Mary Jane Shoes are also from Diversity/Digit Darkes, only 1L, this is the silver pair but you can also get a gold pair for 1L

The black pearl necklace is from Yummy at Tableau, (1L) for a box of necklaces, brooches and handbags. My earrings are from Amaretto, they come in a 1L outfit set which includes a dress and jewellery which I will blog later.
Hope y’all liked my first installment, sorry about the dodgy layout. I’ll get there in the end.

Bossa Nova – http://slurl.com/secondlife/Amour/185/60/27

Diversity/Digit Darkes – http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dacham/74/146/49

Amaretto – http://slurl.com/secondlife/Isla%20Violeta/160/201/27

Yummy – http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tableau/110/181/17

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