Archive for December, 2007


December 31, 2007

I’m off to partay…wooohoooooo!!


Tiara – Queen C (1L)
Fluffy neck scarf – Ranoel (0L)
2008 Glasses – found in the treasure hunt at Wierd Shit

Big massive thanks to all the Free*Syle group members for all the excellent free stuff they have found since the group started and an even huger thanks to all the designers of these great freebies for their generosity 🙂

Here’s hoping for more great freebies in 2008!!!!

Have a great New Year!
Much Love
Creamy xxx

La Sylphide Skins – Grey in a Good Way!

December 30, 2007

Ooooh I’m all excited!! Stephanie Misfit has a new skin store at Fashion Victim called La Sylphide and for 1L in the store are these two beautiful black & white Liliana skins, one called Noir and this one called ‘True Red’ which has the most striking red lips, a beautiful contrast to the grey skin.


The only place for taking pictures of this look I put together was Kyoot’s ‘Silent’ Sim. Perfect for black and white movie starlets.


Liliana Skin: La Sylphide (1L)
Orange Fur Coat: CRAP (1L)
Leah Dress: Hubby’s Boutique (0L)
Hair: Bitchy by Coif (not free)
Eyes: Rainbow Anime Eyes, Inspired (previous group gift)

I can’t forget to show you the stunning Noir skin.


*Donut earrings and Manicure: Rabbit (0L)
*Ring: Hanuata


The skins in La Sylphide come in various skin tones and makeups -not just grey, they are absolutely beautiful, and only 500L!!!!

I always enjoy taking pics for my blog posts, but this has been one of my favourites so far…..and….it’s nice to be grey in SL in a good way!!!!

The Post I Meant To Do Yesterday!

December 29, 2007

Hey folks! It’s your ill freebie blogger here. Yesterday – not a good day!! I woke up with the worst cold ever for a start, my brain felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and my head was going to explode, so I spent much of the day lying on my the sofa feeling sorry for myself trawling the Japanese sims of SL in a daze in a vain attempt to cheer myself up.

So, I find this gorgeous little Japanese hair shop called Candy House which I thought you would all like to know about. But, when I hopped in my Photosphere and and aimed the camera close to take a pic…HORROR OF HORRORS……I noticed I had been wearing 2 pairs of lashes AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! Not only that, they were both badly fitting because I had shrunk my head to fit the new hair, check this out, I look like a hairy caterpillar has crawled onto my eyes.


I am scared to look at the SL Fashion Police blog now in case I have been caught with this serious fashion faux pas…a virtual girls worst nightmare!!!!

Anyhoooo, on with the hair, this free style is on the table in the Candy House Store and is called ‘Xmas hair’, if you like it you better grab it quick, it might be gone soon.



*Camisole – free from DDJ Design

I loved all the hair in Candy House, I decided to buy a funky side-ponytail style called ‘UPyokomusubi’, but I accidentally purchased different style called ‘One-Maki’ in my Lemsip-infused haze. Luckily, Marina Puff the lovely store owner was there at the time and kindly gave me the hair I had meant to buy. Both styles are great and since I have them, I might as well show you. They are 120L’s each and you get various shades and sizes in the pack.

One-Maki Style

UPyokomusubi Style

The outfit I am wearing is a bit of a mix of stuff I have found over the past few months. I thought the look was perfectly suited to hanging around smokin’ like a moody teenager outside MacDonalds, if I had a spitting anim, I would have done that too!


*Hair: Candy House – Xmas Style (Free), (other styles 120L)
*Skin: Dutch Touch (Group Gift)
*Brown Anime Eyes: Kana-Na (Free)
*Eyelashes – Minnu (1 pair Group Gift)
*Leather Jacket: T Factory (Free)
* Open Shoulder Knit Top (worn underneath Jacket): Snack-Kame (1L)
*Skirt: Overdose (1L)
*Glam Rock Leggings: Punch Drunk (Group Gift) touch subscribe sign at the store, then touch again and go to notice 1 in History to get these leggings
*Animated Cigarette (male and female versions), Animazoo (free and harmless)

*Cough* *Splutter* Lemsip time!!

More Juicy Poses

December 27, 2007

Gorgeous Yongho at Juicy has made two more sets of poses for 1L each.

This set is called Party Girl, perfect for your New Years Eve pictures, grab the nearest good looking (or not so good looking) person and BINGO…the perfect photo!

Juicy Party Girl Poses

Be a Tiny Dancer with this cute set of 1L poses, you can get the perfect leotard in a free pack from Pixel Dolls, see this previous post for a pic.

Juicy Tiny Dancer

Click Juicy to TP direct to the store right now. Also check out Gogo’s blog at

Ivalde ‘Piece de Resistance’

December 26, 2007

*Burp* Hope you all had a wonderful Xmas!! I feel fat, bloated and I think I have a pickled liver. Time for a detox…after New Year!! /me drinks another glass of bubbly.

I just wanted to quickly show you the last Ivalde Xmas gift under the tree….Nef’s ‘piece de resistance’, this beautiful Santina skin and gown which comes in 2 lengths.


The free Tesla shoes match perfectly with this outfit.

Red Goddess 2

This beautiful red lipped skin seems to suit every shape, I am wearing it here with a free shape from Kao (which is modifiable) and this gorgeous vintage ‘kitten with a whip’ hairstyle which is free at Ingenue

Ingenue Hair and Ivalde Skin

The poses used in this post are only 1L from Juicy, see this post for more info on these.

Hurry and get this Ivalde outfit, it was still there at the time of this post but I don’t know for how much longer.

Happy Kissmass from Free*Style xx

December 25, 2007

I just wanted to wish you all very Merry Christmas. I’ve had such fun writing this blog and with the Free*Style group in-game and long may it continue. I would also like to thank the designers who have given away their fabulous creations, we all appreciate your generosity.

A VERY BIG WELCOME TO NEW FREE*STYLE BLOGGER CHERI PYE, I love her quirky style and I’m looking forward to seeing what she will come up with next.

This will probably be my last post of Christmassy outfits this year. I’ve found some fun and cute goodies which are perfect. Differ*nt are giving away to their group this cosy winter hat with hair, in 4 colours and short or long length hair attached.


Also Differ*nt have this cheeky pair of long ‘Dongipani’ shorts in the group (also see Cheri’s post about these). I just know these shorts will be pulled out of my inventory regularly from now on (if I can ever find them again that is).


Worn with yummy tights and jumper which were part of a group gift from Persona and these amazing Santa Boots free from Unique Needs, I totally love these! Remember to grab the other 12 free goodies around the tree at Unique Needs.

The skin worn in these pics is by ‘Another Shop‘, I think Eloh has gone mad. She is giving away all of her skins free now, FULL PERMS!!!!. Eloh….you rock and you are Crazay!! It takes one to know one 🙂



Eisa and Sammie got themselves kitted out in some festive gear too.


If you click these free stockings from Schadenfreud you get all kinds of fun gifts, including these baubal (babal, ballball…gahh whatever! tree ornament thingies, LOL!) Antlers. So many other amazing free goodies to be found here at Schadenfreud too.


Eisa’s HOT and SEXY Reindeer outfit is free under the Xmas tree at Luxurious World. So if your guy is in a rush for a silly outfit for Crimbo, send him here.

Thanks so much for everyone’s lovely comments regarding this blog and the Free*Style group. It’s all been quite overwhleming actually, I really didn’t expect Free*Style to become as popular as it has. As long as it remains fun I’ll keep doing it 😀

Merry Crimbles and a Happy New Year to you all! I’m off to bite a carrot and put some pretend snow by the fireplace. I musn’t forget to take a bite out of a mince pie and a shot of brandy too. All to fool my kids into thinking Santa has been (oops, I hope I didn’t spoil it for the Santa believers out there…Soz!)

Enjoy and take care you guys!
❤ Creamy

Super Styling for Girls and Boys

December 25, 2007

I”m all excited…it’s Christmas RIGHT NOW here in the UK. Woohooooo! (Yes..’get to your bed’ I hear you cry). I can’t, I’m too excited!

Here’s a quickie about some great goodies I received when I popped on SL earlier today, as a reward for lots of pressie wrapping. Most of these are group goodies so I didn’t provide links for these as not much time today so I’ll do them when bedlam is over. To get the group goodies type the name into search and ‘join’, then go to notice archives of the group and open the gift attached to the most recent notice (in most cases)

Muism gave their group 2 superstylish outfits, a sleek red suit and tie for the guys, which comes with a black and a white shirt.


Eisa is wearing the free Minnu male skin here, this given to the Minnu group a couple of days ago. It’s fantastic that a skin designer is giving a male skin away, it doesn’t happen very often. Yay for Minnu!


Here is the glorious Xmas outfit for girls from Muism. How cute is this ??? Check out the diddy little hat. The hair worn in these pics is ‘Syd’ by Darkstar Designs (50L in half price sale right now)



This outfit looks like it was made to match these ‘Ziggy’ boots of sculpty gorgeousness free at Tesla. These are going to be perma-attached to my tootsies, I feckin love ’em so hard. I’m also wearing the new beautiful S4 skin free from Tuli’s Group, 4 tones and freckled or unfreckled versions (I’m wearing the Olive Freckled skin) and what’s more, you also receive this beautiful ‘messy’ choker and bracelet.


Also, Fetch Alternative sent their group this military style jacket and I’m wearing it with this versatile beret which was a group gift from Relika, this comes with or without flower.


*Hair worn with the hat is ‘Billie’ by Philotic Energy (Group Gift)

Thank you to all the amazing designers who have given us all these fantastic goodies.
Much Love, Creamy xxx

Freebie Love day!

December 24, 2007

Hi Stylies!

This is my very 1st post on the blog & what a day it’s been for freebies…group gifts galore, makes me tired just thinking about it! (:P)

Below I’m wearing the lovely new Tuli group gift skin S4 Cream with Brown brows Rosy lips/Smokey blue, this really is a beautiful skin. Along with that I can’t take off the Nicky Ree Glamour Boa (white), this was found amongst many other freebies from Bossa Nova, Eolande etc at the SHINE event. Also wearing the seductive Thora lashes & Blue eyes from Minnu Palen’s Christmas Gift box, really nice. The gloves are from the recent opening of the new Tete a Pied in Fleur (on board one of the green seats on the train, this gift was empty the 1st time around so if you got it when the hunt was on the chances are you have an empty box 😦 GOOD NEWS is that the gloves have now been sorted out & are still onboard the train for you to collect!). Shoes are the Sculptie fluffy Silver heels from She’s So Unusual (hunt $0).

I have to mention the whole inspiration for putting this outtie together is these very classy & cute Lagerfeld headband in ‘snow’, a wonderful Christmas group gift from Chapeau Tres Mignon.


ABOVE Also wearing: WRONG – Amity dress (white) (tree gift L$0), Shape (my own), Freda’s snowball stockings (white) (group gift), Juicy – dancer6 pose! ($1L pack).

Continuing with the beautiful Tuli Christmas gift skin S4 Cream, I wanted you all to see the wonderful skin in full, so I’m going commando for my art! Here I’m also wearing the Nicky Ree Glamour Boa again (as I can’t take it off!), amazing Minnu group gift head harness!, TaP white gloves (mentioned above), Cindy Who? socks from FLUKY (part of L$1 avatar), ZHAO white Sadie stilettos (Avastar Christmas gift).

Cheri skin

cheri skin2

Onwards, Neferia Abel definately deserves some blog love for her entire advent collection of Christmas gifts, here is just one. This glitzy blue ruffle dress called Trine (under tree on 23rd December), I just love the texture of the ruffles, and the sequins have been beautifully put together with amazing attention to detail. In this pic I’m wearing the great new Minnu group gift skin, Second Mirage Diamond Circle necklace (past free gift) Celeste Silver earrings (past free gift), Maitreya – River Blonde gold (not free), ZHAO Sadie Stilettos (shoobie) (free gift).


Lastly a more festive finish! I’m wearing the delightful ^M^ Winter hat (blonde) a large pack of these were given out in the D!FF group yesterday, Also wearing the aweome new Dongipani Xmas Short also from D!FF, 2 wonderful group gifts from D!FF 😉 I’m wearing the classic Boing Fromage Vintage track jacket (not free), Chuck Taylors (100 member group gift from Darkstar Designs), Xmas Muffler from MilkyWay (Love Soul tree gift), [GHOST!] Prison socks? by Triangle Caudron (gift).



Bossa Nova Gifties

December 23, 2007

Yay!! Bossa Nova is having a gift hunt until 6th Jan. If you love your vintage glamour, you will love Bossa Nova.

Here is a little peek at the beautiful outfits and retro hairstyles to be found in little Christmas Ornaments dotted in and around the store.







Big massive thankies to Moire Georgette of Bossa Nova for giving away even more wonderful goodies!!

The cute shape I am wearing here is free from Kao’s shapes at Creator’s Pavillion, I think it works really well with this Minnu Lime skin (free with Minnu group). It’s modifiable too.

While you are at Creator’s Pavillion go to the Cova animation store and grab their fun free AO. Suitable for both sexes, makes you land flat on your face every so often and do flipovers. Just like you probably will be doing after a few too many at Christmas 😀

Feeling Coquettish

December 23, 2007

Heeey! I’m back.

I discovered a beautiful dress and jewellery at Coquette today.

Here is the free Christmas babydoll style dress in my fave colour -RED! Worn with tights free in a gift box from Paper Couture.


Also in the free box from Coquette is this beautiful Snowflake Jewellery.


Lots of other lovely inexpensive goodies at Coquette. This store is definitely worth a visit.

*Lime Skin, Minnu Group Gift
Other items worn not free, but I love them so I have to show them sometimes
*Roxy Hair and Oxford Leather Ankle Boot both from Armidi
*Pose from Animah