Archive for January, 2008


January 31, 2008

Boree Vella sent me a lil IM yesterday about some new free goodies at Bijou. This store is pure sex, everything about the clothes textures, the lighting – ooozes it. BoRee has featured more beautiful clothes at Bijou in her blog About Face, check it out.

Less about sex, more about the clothes…take a lookie.

This exquisite little number is the free Diva dress, it comes in 5 colours each with a co-ordinating peacock feather stole.



and not only that, this beautiful cape, gloves and corsage too


Skin: Minnu FashCon Free Gift
Hair: Truth Berri (1L)

Also free in store is the ‘jealous’ shirt which comes in 6 colours and the free ‘poison’ dress which I have blogged previously in this post

Sammie and I went through the Fashion Consolidated notices from freebie day yesterday, some designers kindly sent there goodies direct to the group. Here are some of our faves.

Jealousy top, Bijou (free in store)
Caliente Express Jeans (FashCon Group Gift)
Caliente Express Wuvme Skin (Fashcon Group Gift)
Artilleri Earrings (Fashcon Group Gift)
Hightops: Darkstar Designs (not free but half price in sale)

Bianca Latex Dress (Fashcon group gift)
Bewitched Hair (Fashcon Group Gift)
Metallic Tights (G.L.A.M, free group gift)
Skin Minnu (Fashcon group gift in store)

as above

Hair, Bewitched Fashcon group gift
Caliente Express Wuvme skin (Fashcon group gift)
Pearls (Fashcon group gift)


Punch Drunk Glam Rock Dress (Fashcon group gift)
Hair, Skin and Metallic Tights as above

Yoko Hair: Crimson & Clover (Fashcon group gift)
CKS Designs Swing Sweater (Fashcon group gift)
/UNISEX Jeans: Callie Cline (Fashcon group gift)
Skin as above

Join the Fashion Consolidated group if you haven’t already and then look at through the group notices for all these goodies, most of them are dated 1/30. These will remain in the notice archives for 30 days.

Fave’s from FashCon Day

January 31, 2008

Well, I know this Freebie day on Fashion Consolidated group got a bit stressful with the shoppers/store owners. Lots of lag, etc along with SL being unstable in general which didn’t help matters, but the idea was fantastic and thanks to everyone involved.

Myself and some friends had an unpleasant incident in a store (which shall remain nameless but will never be featured in this blog). We were stranded there unable to TP, worried about relogging incase we couldn’t get back online again. So what do you do? You dance about, morph your shape and dress silly – not harming anyone, until things stabilise again. Well, we were ejected from the premises with no warning and banned, and apparently reported to LL, (really, I think they have more concerns with the grid stability than a few people doing gestures in a store, so good luck with that).

Thankfully this is not a store I ever visit, otherwise I would be devastated. This is one of the things I dislike about SL, some people taking it too seriously and lacking a sense of humour (remember, first and foremost – it’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun!!) The only custom this store will have lost from this incident is mine and everyone I know, even though Creamy doesn’t spend much money, I spend LOTS on my alts – I could have become a devoted customer. Maybe a lady on a power trip should think about that! A polite warning to stop would have been sufficient!! If the person involved is reading this, feel free to leave a comment, I’d be interested to hear what you have to say on the matter.

I didn’t manage to pick up many items in the end as I was having difficulty TPing, but the good thing for me that came out of yesterday was this adorable IDEWTSYA dress free from Big Booty Big Money and the free skins from Minnu.

(Shoes by ZHAO, not free)

The beautiful brow jewels worn here are free at Demoiselles (click on the pic for a close up)


Hair: Berri by Truth (1L)
Dress: BBBM (Free), still available at the time of posting so get it quick!!
Pale Skin: Minnu (Free), still available at the time of posting so get it quick!!
Brow Jewels: Demoiselles (Free)

Stuff for the Dudes at KMADD

January 31, 2008

Oi Oi! Eisa has been dragged out from his pit to do a bit of blogging for the chaps. I found some really great stuff at MAD Designs new place, a whole load of freebies on the table when you TP in, also some stuff for the ladies.

I picked up the skin in these photo’s from Minnu, a gift to celebrate Fashcon’s Rezz-Day, I think for a limited time so grab it quick if it’s still there and good luck, it’s hella laggy down there. Best to get nekkid, bald and AO-less and just cam inside the store from your landing point, it’s in the lobby area to the left on the desk.

OK, so all of the following outfits from various designers are freebies from MAD Designs, unless otherwise stated.

The top/scarf here is designed by Redgrave, it’s photosourced the scarf, shirt and sweater are all worn as the jacket layer. The detail is fantastic and very realistic. The fader jeans and comet sunglasses are a group gift from SavvyAvvy, this group gift also includes two belts. Search SavvyAvvy and look in notice archives, msg ‘freebies’ dated 01/27/08.

Carl Perkins Shoes – Jeepers Creepers (not free)

‘Martini Madness’ retro shirt here is by Artilleri at MAD Designs, ‘Rough Love’ Black Jeans by MAD Designs, Guillaume pour homme Mhaijik tag worn around neck.

Woooaaaw…who got paint on my new shirt??? Shirt and Blue Jeans by MAD Designsdudestuff_004

These retro shirts are by Renegade at MAD Designs
VOTE FOR PEDRO! There should be more Napolean Dynamite stuff in SL, it’s only right!

Holli Hansup, don’t show this one to your hubby, he might want to play SL…

Huge in Japan, and other places ;P

Have I been working out?? No love, I was born this perfect.
Tee from Tonic, Suede pants by SF Designs both at MAD Designs

Thanks to Aemillia at Philotic Energy for taking pity on this chinless dork who wandered into her store, she gave me a new shape and cool ‘Mykal’ hair to go with the Minnu skin (these are not available for free)

TP to MAD Designs/KMADD City to grab all these free outfits
TP to Philotic Energy for the Mykal hair
TP to Minnu for the skin
Join SavvyAvvy group for the jeans, sunglasses and belts

Peace out Bruvva’s!!

Thanks to all the designers for giving away these amazing free gifts!!

Happy Rez-Day FASHCON

January 30, 2008

TODAY (Jan 30th) is the Fashion Consolidated Group Rez-Day.

For those of you who don’t know about Fashcon, where have you been hiding? This group consolidates hundreds of designers into the one group and they can send their new releases by notice through Fashcon, rather than you having to join loads of different groups – therefore saving your valuable group space. Every SL fashion lover should be in Fashion Consolidated!

Honey Fairweather, who founded Fashion Consolidated announced today that to celebrate the rez-day designers can announce quality (yes, quality!!) freebie items in their store through the Fashcon group notices for one day only.

So join the group quick, stuff is being released already. I’m all excited!



January 30, 2008

Last week I received a notice to the Free*Style group about a couple of free gifties at Pop feel, as usual, so much stuff in Free*Style notice archives I couldn’t find the notice again to say thanks to the person who sent it (note the name down at the time!!!..I hear you cry).

If you haven’t been to this store yet, you must check it out, the clothes are sweetness.
At the back of this store you will find this free Kimono & Obiset Poem in Rose and Pop feel shape which I am wearing with the free Rabbit Titania Skin.

Shape & Kimono: Pop feel (Free)
Hair: Kira, Frangipani (1L)
Skin: Titania, Rabbit (1L)

A couple of days later I was invited to join the ‘Fashion Shop Pop feel’ group (to join type ‘pop feel’ into group search), total delight when I looked in notice archives and found some lovely gifts.

This adorable Mouse outfit, complete with ears, tail, garter and belt (not shown).

(Triangle will like this…it’s got ears 😀 )

The Valentine earrings are also a group gift and come in red and white. You can also just see the nails, there are 2 pairs of nails in the group gifts, blackribbon shown below, and Panther.

Mouse Outfit, Nails and Earrings: Pop feel group gifts
Shape and skin: (as above)
Hair: Berri, Truth (1L)

While I was in-store I couldn’t resist this outfit, the Audrey Hepburn-esque, Aline Coat Set which includes the pants and sweater neck and cuffs (180L)

Aline Coat Set, Pop feel (180L)
Ballet Flats, AI Studio’s (1L)

yah-yah, non co-ordinating….it’s deliberate mismatchness :p

Psychedelic flower Bag, Mimi Eden (1L)
Bangles by Katerina Lytton (sent out to the Free*Style Group, notecard me for invite)

Sn@tch this babies

January 29, 2008

YAY! I’m feeling better. I’ve got something cute to show you here.

Another great gifty from Snatch, you have to hunt around for this one – look for this sign somewhere in the store. I know where it is but I’m not tellin’.

(oh look! welcome to my screen shot)

This is what you get when you find the sign, a really cute little skirt and two tops, Ivey has also thrown in the biggest torch ever, just in case you can’t see in the dark.

skirt sets2
Grey Plaid Skirt with Undone Grape Cardi : Snatch
Hair: Philotic Energy (previous group gift no longer available for free)
Legwarmers: Kurasobaki Group Gift
Kafka Boots: Darkstar Designs 40L in the sale, hurry and get them before they go full price

Grey Plaid Skirt with Chainsaw of Love top: Snatch

The striking skin worn in these pics is an opening gift by Symphony skins, thanks to the group member who sent the notice about this. You also receive a shape and beautiful feathered headwear.

Alto Masquerade Design

Hair: Berri by Truth (1L)

6lbs Lighter

January 29, 2008

Creamy crawls into her blog on her hands and knees looking a little worse for wear.

Hullo! I spent most of yesterday ‘talking to God on the big white telephone’ and lapsing in and out of conciousness and I hadn’t even done anything fun to get in that state. Anyway, I’m kinda back but not much energy even to play SL.

Crappy Robe in a freebie box from Love.Love.Love (lots of non-crap stuff in there too)
Legwarmers free group gift from
Slippers free from
Bare Rose Spa
Puking pose from the ‘Wasted Fashionisa’ set, 1L, La Reina
Photo taken in an amazing show house
The Firm (I did clean up afterwards, honest!)

Apologies to those of you who have asked for invites to the Free*Style group and I haven’t responded, my IMs get capped so please can you send me a notecard or contact one of the following people who can also do invites to the group.

Azia Lunasea
Cheri Pye
Dot Lane
Holli Hansup
Sammie Stawberry
Laki Trescothick

There are a couple of others who can invite too, but in my fuddled mess of mind today, I can’t remember who, you can also join the Free*Style Chat Room and send an IM to the group to see if anyone who can invite is available there.

I’ve managed to summon up a bit of energy to show you these goodies I picked up over the past coupla days.

Thanks to Morgan Kincess of Digital Eyes who told me about this one after seeing it in the background on my previous blog post. The C Class Mercedes from Akeyo, have now been made available FREE in the store. Amazing detail on the exterior and interior of this car and the closest I’ll ever get to driving one of these beauties.


This stylish outfit (glasses, pants, top and belt) is perfect for posing about, this was a free gift from [CRAP] because the subscribe-o-matic group has reached over 100 members. If you would like these TP over to the the [CRAP] store and click on the subscribe sign, click it again and go to history, these items will only be available until Tenshi removes them.

I took the Merc for a spin around Broadmead (the place I visited on my last post). All you do is hop in the car and wear the HUD. Being a novice driver in SL, I found this car a little hard to handle and caused some damage on a few Porches…shhhh, it wasn’t me ok.


The cute crop hairstyle is the new group gift from Philotic Energy. The Leif style is actually for the dudes but I’ll show it on a guy shape next time. Touch the subscribe sign in store for this one.

This super-chic newsboy cap with veil is also in the free group giveaway from [CRAP] . A big thanks to Tenshi Vielle for all of these goodies.

Skin, Candy Berry by A Piece of Candy (1L)
Hair, Kira at Frangipani (1L)

OK shower time, wash this horrible feeling away.

Posing around at Broadmead

January 28, 2008

I found a most amazing place today called Broadmead, I felt like I’d been transported to an upmarket area in London. It’s funny how I find places, usually it starts with a piece of furniture I like in a store (which doesn’t sell it), so I look at the profile of the creator and then I start TP’ing through all their store locations. (The store I was looking for is called Kemuri, beautiful vintage style furniture).

So I decided to use this chic place as a backdrop for showing you these free outfits I picked up today, (the only freebies I actually found here at Broadmead were at Pochette, which I have previously blogged and a cute bag at Mimi Eden.

First up, some quirky free outfits from Versteck – Fogerty, Avenue and Poupee (I can’t remember which is which). A very big thanks to the person who told the Free*Style group about this, when I went back to search your name, I couldn’t find the message again.


The man in the car in the background had his eyes popping out of his head when he saw me in this outfit, he had never seen anyone dressed so inappropriately in this neighbourhood



You will also find these brightly coloured 1L shoes in Versteck, I think there were about 6 different colours.


This gorgeous skin and corset top were 1L each from A Piece of Candy (the LM should be correct now, to those of you who tried to tp and ended up in another skin shop). The Candy skin is based on an Another Shop skin but it’s been modified it such a way it looks completely different. Stunning!


I spied these beautifully hand-drawn Mona Jackets from Surf Couture on Gogo’s blog,, I really love this store so I had to have them. These were a group gift and come in no less then 9 colours and they won’t be available in store.

Surf co1

Surf Co2


If you would like these jackets, search for Surf Co and they are attached to notice dated 26/1.

Yawwwwnzz! Bedtime! and I’m a borderline psycho performer

January 27, 2008
You may have noticed I included a new category at the side of this blog for Second Life blog feeds, these syndicate SL blogs and update regularly with new posts, saves you having to search through blogs individually.

There is a hot new blog feed called which has two separate categories, for SL lifestyle/non-fashion blogs and for fashion blogs.

You should already be added to the feed if you are on the Fashion Planet World of SL , if you don’t see your blog on or if you have a blog and wish to be added you can leave a request with HERE. Remember for general lifestyle/non-fashion blogs and for fashion blogs only.

See Melanie Kidd’s Grid Expectations for further info on

Oh, and I saw this quiz on Sidonie’s blog, The Incredible Pixel Girl and couldn’t resist taking the test.

You Are An ESFP

The Performer

You are a natural performer and happiest when you’re entertaining others.
A great friend, you are generous, fun-loving and optimistic.
You love to laugh – and you like almost all people equally.
You accept life as it is, and you do your best to make each day fantastic.

In love, you are a smooth talker and incorrigible flirt.
While you get into relationships easily, you don’t tend to stick around when times get tough.

At work, you do well in groups. You keep everyone laughing through difficult tasks.
You would make a good actor, designer, or counselor.

How you see yourself: Capable, fair, and efficient

When other people don’t get you, they see you as: Incompetent, stubborn, and silly

What’s Your Personality Type?
You Are 40% Abnormal

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.

You are at high risk for having a borderline personality. It is very likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at medium risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is somewhat likely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at medium risk for having a social phobia. It is somewhat likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom’s basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

How Abnormal Are You?

It’s official, I’m a vain, phobic, borderline pyschopath show-off with dirty hands…YAY!

Wow! Pixel Dolls Again

January 27, 2008

Pixel Dolls have given out ANOTHER gift to the update group, the beautifully embellished Anne dress and it goes perfectly with the belts sent out to the group last week. I am wearing it with the Dauphine Jacket Belt, they look like they were made for each other.


If you would like this dress, go to the Pixel Dolls store, touch the subscribe sign, touch it again and go to ‘History’ it should be the first message, also the belts may still be in there. Do it quick though because these are only there until the creator removes it.


Miam Miam have made some beautiful Chanel inspired jewellery which is 1L in store. I know there is a big debate about copying real designs in SL but my personal opinion is that I love to dress my Avatar in similar designs to those I would wear in RL. I have no idea what the legal implications will be in the future but right now, I’m wearing ’em.


The beautiful skin worn here is the Valentine Another Shop Mod by Rave Nation (1L), this is the Fe tone and I made a beautiful exotic shape to go with it. The eyelashes were found in the gift hunt at Sin Skins at Xmas time (these are no longer available for free). The hair is the new 1L Kira style by Frangipani which comes in many colours, the one worn here is licorice.

Ann Princess Dress: Pixel Dolls (Group Gift)
Coco Jewellery, 1L at Miam Miam
Kira Hair: Frangipani (1L) lots of other 1L styles in store too
Blue/Green Big Pupil Eyes: Snatch (I think these were in a freebie box)
Fe Valentine Skin, 1L at Rave Nation