Stuff for the Dudes at KMADD

Oi Oi! Eisa has been dragged out from his pit to do a bit of blogging for the chaps. I found some really great stuff at MAD Designs new place, a whole load of freebies on the table when you TP in, also some stuff for the ladies.

I picked up the skin in these photo’s from Minnu, a gift to celebrate Fashcon’s Rezz-Day, I think for a limited time so grab it quick if it’s still there and good luck, it’s hella laggy down there. Best to get nekkid, bald and AO-less and just cam inside the store from your landing point, it’s in the lobby area to the left on the desk.

OK, so all of the following outfits from various designers are freebies from MAD Designs, unless otherwise stated.

The top/scarf here is designed by Redgrave, it’s photosourced the scarf, shirt and sweater are all worn as the jacket layer. The detail is fantastic and very realistic. The fader jeans and comet sunglasses are a group gift from SavvyAvvy, this group gift also includes two belts. Search SavvyAvvy and look in notice archives, msg ‘freebies’ dated 01/27/08.

Carl Perkins Shoes – Jeepers Creepers (not free)

‘Martini Madness’ retro shirt here is by Artilleri at MAD Designs, ‘Rough Love’ Black Jeans by MAD Designs, Guillaume pour homme Mhaijik tag worn around neck.

Woooaaaw…who got paint on my new shirt??? Shirt and Blue Jeans by MAD Designsdudestuff_004

These retro shirts are by Renegade at MAD Designs
VOTE FOR PEDRO! There should be more Napolean Dynamite stuff in SL, it’s only right!

Holli Hansup, don’t show this one to your hubby, he might want to play SL…

Huge in Japan, and other places ;P

Have I been working out?? No love, I was born this perfect.
Tee from Tonic, Suede pants by SF Designs both at MAD Designs

Thanks to Aemillia at Philotic Energy for taking pity on this chinless dork who wandered into her store, she gave me a new shape and cool ‘Mykal’ hair to go with the Minnu skin (these are not available for free)

TP to MAD Designs/KMADD City to grab all these free outfits
TP to Philotic Energy for the Mykal hair
TP to Minnu for the skin
Join SavvyAvvy group for the jeans, sunglasses and belts

Peace out Bruvva’s!!

Thanks to all the designers for giving away these amazing free gifts!!

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