Archive for February, 2008

so here we are

February 29, 2008

i was poking around onrez for freebs, as is my wont, and while i found a bunch of goodies i just had to share this little number by marinoco oceanlane with y’all. somehow it made me think of getting all glammed up for a new years eve date:

there’s sexy smexy criscrossed back detail, even!:

the bangles are dollarbies at slink (there’s a gold set as well), and the earrings/necklace were a muse group gift (no longer available).

and the skin! it’s by the same aphrodite outlander who spoils us with brilliant shoes. originally 50L at Another Fundraiser, the above shown another skin mod and four other lovely variations are currently available at her shop for 1L.


oh yeah, i mentioned the word date up there? well, it IS my world, my slimagination after all, and i’m gonna say i got stood up because it makes for a nice segue to the next dress:

meeee-ow. you can grab the free slinky polkadotted goodness at mojo. clearly i’ve gone home, let the girls out, let my hair down, and went out looking for a shot and a beer, cause i’m not the champagne type anyway 😀

moar details:

set one
hair: etd, anisa (not free)
sim: nbc’s rainbow room

set two
hair: truth, ana lu (not free)
bolero: booN (group gift, no longer available)
stockings: savvy? (group gift, no longer available)
eyes: big booty big money group gift
sim: devil’s moon

I’m off on my travels

February 28, 2008

I’m off to the North Pole (or I might as well be, it’s the North of Norway, why did my friend Sammie Stawberry have to move so far away?)

So Cheri and Olivia are kindly driving the Free*Style bus while I’m away. I’ll be back on Weds 5th March at some point.

Join the Free*Style Chat Room and shout out on group IM for a main Free*Style group invite (no spammers please – immediate foot up the arse of anyone who does this), or contact a Free*Style Group Admin for an invite.

Have fun honeypie’s!

a not so little princess

February 28, 2008

“I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses. All of us. Didn’t your father ever tell you that?”

hey kids! i’ll be filling in here and there while creamy is on her much deserved vacation holiday, so you’ll have to excuse my noviceness. i thought i’d get into a free*style posting groove a little early with this dress from kouse’s sanctum

does it get much more luscious and princesstastic than that? i don’t think so.
the lady serenity gown in red rose is one of three gifts you score when you tp your tushie to kouse’s and grab up various little boxes hidden (in plain sight) throughout the store. the other gifts? a silver crown and this dainty circlet thinger:

i’m not sure how long this is going to be available, so get on down there.

oh yeah, the skin: it’s a brand spanking new hybrid III, by santana lumiere, and nope, it’s not free. sure is purty, though.

the rest:
eyes (free) – BBBM group gift
hair (not free)- etd‘s katie

edited to add: pics taken at the straylight sim.

Foxy Sn@tch

February 27, 2008

Well, look at this tranformation today. Finally my letter came up on the lucky chair and I got this funky afro from BP, I think the whole of SL will have this hair soon (it rocks on guys too!). This hair is becoming an obsession!

So Ivey at Snatch has put some more free items in the store (Yay Ivey!!!), this first one called ‘Cry Baby’ is free somewhere in the store for a week. I’ll give you a clue, when you TP into the store walk straight ahead and go left to where the stockings are at the a back.

Cry Baby has slightly mucky leggings just how I like them, like you’ve been getting up to ‘I don’t know what.’


The next item is available for free for 24 hours and then it will be back to it’s full price again, but, if you look hard you may find another free item, you have to look at each ad to see which is free.

Today it was the Gothkini.


oooh think I shoulda gone for a bigger cupsize…


This beautiful skin is by Fleur, the ‘Vivant Chestnut Soiree’. Fleur is now doing the 500L gift for those who missed out last time. So if you haven’t got your gift voucher yet, join the Fleur Group and click on the sign outside the store, you will be given your voucher. Wear the voucher and choose your skin, only 1 voucher per person and only applies to those who missed out last time. This offer only applies until Tuesday.


Ooh and I always forget to mention the eyes, these are a group gift by Big Booty Big Money.

While we were in Snatch, Skyler found a free backpack and T Shirt in Retox, (which is on the left hand side of the store) and I took some sneaky pics of him (he said it was ok though, thanks Skyler)

Broken Heart Tee, Retox at Snatch (free)

So you need to get your hunting head on to find these, it’s pretty tricky for me to explain exactly where they are.

Pixelated Glamour

February 27, 2008

I received yet another set of beautiful preview outfits from the Pixel Dolls Group just before just before I logged off last night, therefore, yet again, I was on SL longer than I intended as I tried them all…another late night for Creamster! I didn’t have much time to show them earlier as I’m off on my travels on Friday (until next Weds) so had lots of preparing to do today, but these are definitely worth the wait.

There are four beautiful dresses in total, and as always with Pixel Dolls creations the detail and textures are amazing.




Skin and Hair – Tuli Group Gifts

So, if you are already a member of Pixel Dolls you should already have these, if not go to the store and click the sign to subscribe, click again and choose history, option 1.

Coneheaded SexyBum

February 26, 2008

Hey girls, look what I found in the Savvy Avvy group. If you have never visisted Savvy Avvy before you must, it’s for the superstylish Avatar, fantastic hair and clothes and shoes for men and women. This outfit was a Valentine’s gift to the group from Zahara.

The whole outfit includes the jeans, legwarmers, jumper and mohair wrap – great to mix and match with other stuff, a valuable addition to every girls virtual wardrobe.


These skinny fit jeans give serious sexy bum issues…


As soon as I wore this outfit I knew I had to go back and get this conehead hairstyle (style ANT92 B&Gold 2 pack) from Boon to go with it, this wasn’t free but the style is just so unusual and fun I just had to have it. See my previous post for the fantastic free unisex hair at Boon.

Skin worn is ‘Buddy Holly’ by GiGi Couture (Group Gift)

There is also still some free jeans, sunglasses and belts for guys in the Savvy Avvy group too, I have previously featured these in THIS POST. This gift for the guys is named ‘freebies’ dated 27/01/08 so get it NOW dudes, only in for 30 days and it will be gone tomorrow, search Savvy Avvy Update Group and look in the notice archives for these goodies.

There’s still a bit more time to get the girls outfit, it’s named Group Special dated 12/2/08 but do it today incase you forget.

Mwahh kisheeesh x


February 26, 2008

Olivia sent a notice to the group about this funky choppy UNISEX hairstyle free from Boon, how cool is this? It comes in loads of colours in large and small sizes. A boyish style which makes girl avs look so cute, yet also slightly feminine to make guys look, well, in touch with their feminine side as you will see on Eisa later on in this post. The charming skin worn here is Mela’s ‘Elephant’ skin, this is Freeee in her store Mela’s at Juicy.


Iki sent out two fun tops to her Dutch Touch group to brighten up your day, the UNISEX jeans are also a recent Dutch Touch Group gift and they are still there if you TP to Dutch Touch, touch the subscribo sign, touch again and choose History and then go through all the options for all of these gifts. These will only be there until Iki removes them so get them quick.

Pumps by 69 Succubus (Group Gift)



I dragged Eisa out to model these next outfits, poor Eisa has been so neglected lately, I think he forgot how to walk.

Cheri found these amazing free guys tops in a store called =About= at Creators Pavillion the other day, this is a really great store for guys – you will also find a free Monkey Avatar there.


The jeans worn here are the Dutch Touch group gift jeans shown earlier. As you can see they are unisex and look really great on guys too.

The sneakers worn here are the free ones I featured on a previous post from =About= at the Creators Pavillion Spring Sale area.

This is the second free top at =About=, great design and excellent quality, Eisa is wearing it with the 1L Tartan Kilin pants which were at the Creators Pavillion Spring Sale


OK Eisa, sorry, get back into your box again until next time – honestly he goes wild when he gets out, I should let him out more.


Eisa skin is ‘Justin, Eyeliner’ by Good Life, (not free)

A new girl on the scene

February 25, 2008

This post is a mixture of freebies and non freebies. The gorgeous dress I am wearing here is a the ‘Fairyheartful’ dress which is a free gift in the Aoharu group (search Aoharu and look in notice archives for the free gift which will be there for 30 days). I have featured the fantastic Aoharu previously HERE on my blog, there are beautifully designed Japanese clothes and skins and soon to be hair, this dress is a little taster of what’s on offer here.

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I was a lucky girl the other day and received these preview Essence skins from Canimal, now I must stress that these aren’t free but I think they are beautiful so I had to show you, I have made an almost freebie shape especially for these skins. I’ll put it at Free*Style for you all to enjoy, it’s a fully modifiable shape so tweak it and make it your own.

Yep – I’ve been on the silly names website again, this secksay lady is called ‘Meg A. Boner’

Canimal Essence Skins (modifiable lip colour/gloss and brow colour)
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Nelly Hair – Truth (1L)
Essence Skin & Soul Eyes – Canimal (not free)
Meg A. Boner Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

This shape also looks really great with the skins from A Piece of Candy and Imagen available at Free*Style for 1L.

L-R – Candy Skin, Imagen Eva Skin at Free*Style
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In the Meg shape box I have included a skirt shape (so your bum doesn’t look huge in dresses and skirts) and also a regular shape. This is a pic of the full body regular shape worn with Canimal Essence Skin. She’s curvy, voluptuous with legs up to her armpits.

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Lingerie and Socks – Dutch Touch Group Gifts (touch the subscribo sign at the store, touch it again and choose ‘history’, these may still be available.

I have set the price for Meg Shape at 1L, it’s not much but everything counts towards my rocketing broadband fee’s (I think it’s because of all my Flickr uploads for this blog). I don’t earn money in SL so if you feel like donating a tip into my little black kitty at Free*Style it would be greatly appreciated.

The freebies and dollarbies at Free*Style are growing, I might need to expand. If you are a designer, please contact me if you would like to add a free or dollarbie gift. For those of you who have no home in SL, feel free to set Free*Style as your home location, I’m gradually making it into a cool little beach hangout.

When you land at Free*Style you will also see a Metaverse Voter, if you click on this you will be given a HUD to wear – it’s like a sort of Facebook for SL and also you can explore the grid with ease, add your favourite places and find anything you want. If you are a business owner you can add your business to this HUD and also place one of these on your land to get on the HotSpot list. For more info about this IM Robbie Kiama in game or check out the website

(See the Kitty there? That’s my Tip Kitty – he eats Lindens, he needs them to survive)

TP to Free*Style

Flower Girl Prancing Around

February 25, 2008

The amazingly talented Four Yip of Yip’s has made another glorious free outfit, Cheri blogged her wonderful free Peacock outfit a couple of days ago.

The Anouska outfit is all flowers and butterflies, beautifully designed – I have never seen anything like it and I never want to take it off. It goes perfectly with Truth’s new dollarbie ‘Nelly’ hair in silver and Cupcakes difference skins which are only 25L for 10 in the sale at Popfuzz!!Aren’t they fantastic, the ones I am wearing in this post are Gothy and Vixen. When you land there click on the sale box and you will tp to the sale room – the Cupcakes skins are on the far back wall



There’s even a little butterfly which sits on your tummy, I was actually not going to use this pic because the thought of a butterfly on my belly button makes me want to hurl – seriously, I have bellybutton phobia. I conquered my fear to show you this…are you proud of me?


Feeling a bit naughty? Throw off some layers and pop on a few butterflies (no butterflies were harmed in the making of this blog post)


You will find the free Anouska and Peacock outfit at Yip’s in a little room just across from where you land (you can also treat onlookers to a little burlesque dancing), check Mini out here – floozie she is.


Another fantastic outfit is being given for 1L from Crystal Queendom, this is the Masquerade Ballerina outfit, such an unusual, creative design and lots of ways to wear it.




TP to Popfuzz for the Cupcakes 25L skins
TP to Yip’s for the free Anouska flower outfit
TP to Crystal Queendom for the 1L ballerina outfit
TP to Truth for the 1L Nelly hair

Sunday Fun and Frolics

February 24, 2008

It’s after 11am on Sunday morning here in the UK, it’s a chillaxing sort of day. I broke my world record for lateness on SL last night….3am!!! That’s waaaaay past my bedtime these days (even on a Sat night) and today my eyeballs are hurting.

This outfit is perfick for frolicking about on a Sunday.


Sorry had to edit the post here, the bow moustache is created by Differ*nt but not a group gift like I originally thought, I received it in another group I am in and got confuzzled as usual – so as of yet, this isn’t available for free. Sowwy peeps!


These t-shirts with tattoo arms are in a free box at a really cool store called Sey which is right next to the Spring Sale Market at Creators Pavillion, these are UNISEX too. This Spring Sale market is on until the 3rd March and there are lots of free and low price goodies to be found there from all the best Japanese stores.


Also in the free box at Sey you will find some cool accessories including this belt, cuff and skull pouch, lots of other bits in there too

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Camo top free on a stall at Creator’s Pavillion Spring Market
Jeans – Dutch Touch Group Gift – see Cheri’s previous post.

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You will find these retro sneakers tucked right at the back of market on the -About- Stall. The right one is yellow, left one white for quirky look.

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Check this out though. You can get two matching pairs also by copying each one and attaching the copy to the other foot – you do need to move it about a bit to get it to fit but it works really well. Again these sneakers are UNISEX, you can modify the size to fit.

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I also picked up these Kilin Tartan Troos (Pants or Trousers to non Scottish speakers) at the Spring sale for 1L – love them! The belt is the free Valentine Gift from Kiki’s closet which I have blogged previously, it’s still available for free at the Spring Sale Market too.

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I may have missed lots of goodies here, it’s definitely worth going there and having a rummage about. Creators Pavillion one of my favourite shopping places in SL, always changing and lots of pretty places to see.

TP to Creators Pavillion Spring Sale
Hair by Find Ash at Plastic Magic (free)
Buddy Holly Skin – GiGi Couture Group Gift
Mixture of Poses here by Demoiselles, Animah, Pochette and MCH