Foxy Sn@tch

Well, look at this tranformation today. Finally my letter came up on the lucky chair and I got this funky afro from BP, I think the whole of SL will have this hair soon (it rocks on guys too!). This hair is becoming an obsession!

So Ivey at Snatch has put some more free items in the store (Yay Ivey!!!), this first one called ‘Cry Baby’ is free somewhere in the store for a week. I’ll give you a clue, when you TP into the store walk straight ahead and go left to where the stockings are at the a back.

Cry Baby has slightly mucky leggings just how I like them, like you’ve been getting up to ‘I don’t know what.’


The next item is available for free for 24 hours and then it will be back to it’s full price again, but, if you look hard you may find another free item, you have to look at each ad to see which is free.

Today it was the Gothkini.


oooh think I shoulda gone for a bigger cupsize…


This beautiful skin is by Fleur, the ‘Vivant Chestnut Soiree’. Fleur is now doing the 500L gift for those who missed out last time. So if you haven’t got your gift voucher yet, join the Fleur Group and click on the sign outside the store, you will be given your voucher. Wear the voucher and choose your skin, only 1 voucher per person and only applies to those who missed out last time. This offer only applies until Tuesday.


Ooh and I always forget to mention the eyes, these are a group gift by Big Booty Big Money.

While we were in Snatch, Skyler found a free backpack and T Shirt in Retox, (which is on the left hand side of the store) and I took some sneaky pics of him (he said it was ok though, thanks Skyler)

Broken Heart Tee, Retox at Snatch (free)

So you need to get your hunting head on to find these, it’s pretty tricky for me to explain exactly where they are.

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