Amplify & Zoo (and what a muddle I’m in)

This is how bad I am, Tinker Hax of Amplify contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know of free gifts in her store and I only just found the note in my inventory yesterday!! (Sorry Tinker). Notecards get sent and SL doesn’t always notify me so they go straight into my inventory, which is a hellhole as you can imagine. If you have sent me a notecard in the past and I haven’t replied, please contact me again – either leave a message on this blog or IM me if I am online (or notecard again if I’m offline). I’m not being ignorant, I’m just in a total muddle!

Thankfully I contacted Tinker and there are more goodies in store, for both Guys and Girls.

This is the cutesy cute ‘cutesiepop’ dress, comes with the little blue hairbow.

Cubbies Necklace by JetDoll (prev Fashcon gift, no longer free)

Dead Elvis Tee and Plaid Skirt, yeah, clash of patterns – but it works!!


Leopard Halter worn with the hair bow from the cutesiepop outfit.


Guys, here’s a free polo shirt for you.

Hair by Boon (free)
Guys Aden Skin: Imagen at Free*Style (1L)
Ceaser Titts Shape: by Creamy (promise, promise will be free soon)

Here’s some of the non-free goodies I fell in love with in the store. How sweet is this Minnie Dress? I’ve never seen a hooded Minnie dress so I had to have it.


Everyone needs a Skull tee (not free) in their SLives, this one is the biz!

TP to Amplify for all of these clothes.
Bomb Hair by BP (Lucky Chair)
Light Glossy Red Lip Skin at MB Designs (Group Gift dated 15/3/08)

I have been meaning to show you the cool free items from Zoo at Costa Rica , perfect for guys but girls can wear them too. Remember the backpack I blogged by mistake a while ago, which turned out not to be available any more? A lot of people were asking for it and it is again for free outside the store…YAY!


Perfect for a days virtual camping or whatever. If the place stinks of cow poo, you can wear this dust bandana (or if you want to look a bit mysterious and brooding)

Zoo/Dutch Touch

Unisex Top by Dutch Touch (Group Gift) TP to the store, touch the subscribo sign, touch again and choose history, it should be option 1, this will be there until the owner removes it.
Bandana and Backpack – Zoo at Costa Rica (free)

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