Discord, A Gothic Surprise

At last, another kitty post for you today, Miaow has been out prowling all morning and discovered a new amazing sim called Discord – Nightmare City, it’s a gothic/neko dark place, a fantastic build. When you first arrive you land in an enclosed spooky enclosed area, you have to click the sign to TP to the main entrance.

Main Entrance

There is a row of TP signs to each area, The clothes, tattoo’s animations and hair are amazing and really great prices. I really need the B-Girl AO, it’s only about 200L, there’s also a B-Boy AO and Vampire and Zombie AOs if you are into that sort of thing, those are on Vampire Street. Whatever you do, don’t go to the dungeon, eeeeek, I was trapped!!!

TP signs against the wall.

Pochette has a store there too, you click on the sign near the entrance to TP. The Pochette area is a total contrast to the rest of the store, a lot brighter but still slightly haunting. I took most of my pics here because it’s so beautiful. Outside the Pochette store you will find the denim skirt worn in these pics, this is exclusive to this location.

Miaow sitting in the treehouse at Pochette at Discord

The Broken Sunshine backpack and huggable doll are both group gifts from Catnip, how adorable are these? Join Catnip group and this is in message dated 3/29. The black and red tank worn here can be found free at the entrance to the Discord store.


Broken Sunshine Doll Backpack and Doll – Catnip(Group Gift)
Tank – Discord (free)

Also, if you join the Discord group you receive a really cool bracelet for men and women, you will see this close to the landing point at the entrance. I bought the neko tail and ears from WaRmth at [OZ]Hiding Place (another great shopping place), they were only 70L and perfectly match this bracelet -purely by coincidence. Some free items here too!

Bracelet – Discord (Group Gift, join group and touch sign in store)

Click on the pic for a closeup of of the intricate detailing on the ear accessories, I can’t believe this set was only 70L, they are animated too!

Neko Ears and Tail: WaRmth – 70L
Peppa Hair: Diversity (bought with voucher for players under 30 days old)
The fantastic feline skin is a free gift from FH skins, it’s been in my inventory for a while waiting for a perfect moment, and today is that day.

Denim Skirt: Pochette at Discord (free)
Socks: Pochette at Cherry Buttons (free)
Chucks: Darkstar (not free)

A couple more items to show you here, this top and bracelet you will find in a little freebie store in OZ, lots of other goodies in there too.

Bracelet and Top – [OZ] (Free)

Last but not least, Aitui has a new free gift for women, this top is 1L and you can also get it with long sleeves. The Pexanoyia Goggles are a group gift from Curious Kitties. Join the group and look in the notice archives for message dated 3/26/08.

Top: Aitui (1L)
Goggles: Curious Kitties (Group Gift)

Phew, I’m kittied out!

I just want to clear something up with y’all. I think I may have confused some of you, although I occasionally use my different avatars to model in my blog posts, I always write as Creamy Cooljoke.

Olivia Connaught, Miu Elfan and Cheri Pye also write for this blog and they are not my alts, they are all complete lunatics in their own right :0)

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