Happy Sisters Hunt at Seasons

Hola all! Chica Indigo contacted me on Friday to let me know Seasons Haute Couture are having a Happy Sisters hunt which is on from now until Saturday May 3rd. I’m a lazy ass so I’ll copy you the info on the notecard Chica sent to me.

“Sisters Chica Indigo (owner of Seasons Haute Couture) and Lady Pichot (Owner of ~Facets~) are so happy about the opening of their new mainstores at a new location that they are celebrating it with a wonderful treasure hunt. Its called “The Happy Sisters Picture Hunt” ( lol, yeah silly name) and it will start Saturday April 26 and will end on Saturday May 3.

On this fun hunt you will be looking around their stores for pictures of the “happy sisters” (like it shoes in the official poster). There are 8 pictures in total, 4 from Seasons and 4 from Facets and they cost only 1L. Whats inside? Excusive, high quality, modern and chic outfits from Seasons Haute Couture, and wonderful jewelry and shoes from the new Facets accesories line.

While at Seasons & Facets be sure to get the opening gift for each store, easily located near the entrance, they are gorgeous btw. There is also a clereance section that includes dollarbies at the 2nd floor of both stores. In adition there are 4 lucky chairs with past favorites of Seasons clothing line and more exclusive jewelry from Facets.

Finally Seasons & Facets will be celebrating a weekly draw, with the members of their subscribeomatic group. A name will me chosen randomly and if that person has Seasons Haute Couture & Facets added to their pic section the lucky winners will be able to choose an outfit or item from each store. So go quickly to their place, join the subscribeomatic and add their stores to your pic section today!”

So here is the picture you will be looking for on the hunt.


Chica kindly dropped me some samples of what you will find there if you look reeeaaally hard.

This adorable plaid ‘Paris’ outfit which includes the matching shoozies.


Beautiful ‘Avril goes to Paris’ jewellery

ooooh boobage!

The chic ‘Avril’ cropped pants and top


This next beautiful creation is the opening gift ‘Jewel’ dress. I swear…I’m swooning so much of this, it’s all swooshy and gorgeousness. Loving the bold flower print too!


So you guys need to get your virtual bums down there and find these and the other goodies on the hunt. Remember, hunt ends on Saturday May 3rd – so plenty of time.

Big thanks to Dahlia for letting me know about this beautiful hair in the Exile Gear group. You will find a male and female style in the Exile Gear Group notices

All outfits – Seasons Haute Couture (free)
Cloe Crimson Hair – Exile (group Gift)
Rory Taupe skin – Piece of Candy (1L)

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