Archive for May, 2008

Flower Power

May 31, 2008

Mucho quickness, I only found out about this today. Gigi Couture has a lovely flower dress outside the store but today is the last day so hurry girlies.

Flower Dress : Gigi Couture (free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (approx 100L)

Fricka Morgath has given her Frick update group a selection of stunning skins based on Another Shop skins (7 skin designs and manicure and pedicure, all with such creative, inventive designs. TP to the Frick store and click the sign to join the group for these. *UPDATE* when I went to collect the LM, the skins are now in a box in front of the subscribo sign. You must take a look around this store, you will be amazed at the prices of these beautiful skins, including lots more for free.


Click for closeups
gg_011 gg_010

gg_009 gg_008

gg_007 gg_006

All skins by Frick (free group gift in store)
Grape Earrings: [ PERTURB/ation ] (Group Gift)
Crusty Nugget Ring: Ki2 (Starlust) this was free in the store, I’m not sure if it is stil available but it’s worth checking
Black Anna May Hair : Le Salon (group gift)
The Short Hair in Silver: Armidi (not free)

Hunting Honey

May 31, 2008

Today I’m showing some of my favorite outfits from the Vanity Treasure Hunt. Some really amazing designers are participating and I made some awesome finds!

Vanity Hunt

Vanity Hunt

Vanity Hunt

These lovely outfits are from INDI Designs, total yum!

Vanity Hunt

This smexeh number is thanks to InStyle

Vanity Hunt

And this sex on a texture leather dress is from Ibizarre. Ash=sex kitteh!!! A huge thankyou to all the designers taking part. There are so many stores I love and some I have just discovered thanks to the showcase at Vanity Universe.

Next up is quite possible the cutest shop on the grid! Honey Shop is full of darling dresses and the non freebie items are so reasonably priced I had to spend……I just had to I tell you!! There are 3 lucky chairs here and also a huge freebie vendor. You just scroll through and pick the outfit you want. Alot of the textures displaying the outfits in the vendor have prices on them, but they are indeed free.

Honey Shop

This first dress is the one that I just had to buy. It’s only 50l and look at the kyoooot!!

Honey Shop

This coat is from the freebie vendor, tres smex!

Honey Shop

And look at this gorgy dress!!! All flouncy and frilleh woot!!! I shall be flouncing all round the grid now!!

Outfits 1,2,& 3
INDI Designs

Outfit 4

Outfit 5

Vanity Universe Treasure Hunt

Coat & Dresses

Honey Shop

Worn Throughout

Hair – Sexy Hair Caramel Brown (not free) woot a lighter colour, now I just need it in blonde!
Shop Sau

Ears (not free)
Body Politik

Tattoo (not free)

Mothers Day Amethyst Heart (1 linden for 24 hrs)

Manicure (that doesn’t match any of the clothes but I refuse to take off cos it’s yellow!!!)
Candy Nails @ Juicy
The slurl will take you to GiGi Couture, turn right and walk a little way till you come to candy nails, the gift is just outside the door of the store.

The Reluctant Neko

May 30, 2008

When I first tp’ed into into Izumiya, my first reaction was, “Woah.” (Not to be confused with Joey’s “woah” from the tv show “Blossom.” It was more like a Keanu Reeves kinda “woah.”) I grabbed my girl IsabellaGrace Baroque (“Bella” for short) of Who let the dorks out? fame and we both attempted to figure out what we should do with this giant heap of freebie lurve. The conversation went something like:

A: So how about we be nekos?
I: I don’t really do the neko thing all that well.
A: Me neither. I’m completely crap.
[a few moments pass while contemplating]
A: Let’s do it!
I: \\o//…

All of the items from Izumiya are either free of $1L, but there are so many freebies and dollarbies that I couldn’t keep track of which was what! It’s like a shopping spree up on the 2nd floor!

I have on the Izumiya “Bad Cat” pendant, cat hip bag, and one of the tank tops in the Izumiya tank top set. I also have on Tuli’s “Emily” group gift skin and blue cat eyes that are a subscribe-o-matic gift from Tesoromio, one of my new favorite stores! The subscribe-o-matic has a ton of free gifts stored in it – just click it and look through the history. I picked up a stack of bracelets there because I just couldn’t help myself (not free). The boots are those kyoot free Katatonik on Axis Mundi legwarmer boots I keep blogging.

The ridiculously awesome low-riding dark denim that goes with everything jeans are a lucky chair prize from Fluky, another one of my favorite stores for reasonably priced and adorable clothing. Fluky has a wall of free and dollarbie stuff that is totally worth checking out too. The designer, Bronwen Llewlyn, has a great sense of humor that you can see in her designs and zany little things she has in her store (and in her subscribe-o-matic!).

Other non-free stuffs include the neko ears from [OZ] Hiding Place, my new *DP* yum yum hair ($120L I think), and the +Plus leather gloves that were a great buy for $50L (check out the shop every month for a new freebie!).

Bella has on Izumiya’s cat tattoo, key pendant (comes in a set of 4), coveralls, and bracelets. She also has some gray leg warmers that were a Kurotsubaki group gift (no longer available). The non free items include her Mia Snow 2 skin, Neko’s Obsession tail, “Hello Kitty” SWEET LEOnard ears, and Urban Bomb Unit PornStars.

I’ll watch over you, Kitteh Bella! Awwz. We are kyoot nekos, even if reluctant ones, no? The pose I’m busting out to sit next to Bella was a freebie from one of my favorite pose shops, Vital.

And I couldn’t help but have us cheese near some of the cheeky signs in Hysteria. Same gear on, but I’m also holding the “Bad Cat” stuffed animal from Izumiya (who is naughtily smoking a ciggie) for $10L. But nope, no drama here. Just neko-ness.

Bella trotted off to more exciting things, and I snapped one more pic using one of the MANY free poses from Izumiya. I tell you, this place is a goldmine. The only new thing I am wearing is a scarf from Kittylicious that I got as a freebie from the German Fashion Expo. (Please forgive me but yer on yer own finding that stall – no time today for link crusading, alas.) And not a sign of bling anywhere. [grateful sigh]

Two reluctant nekos over and out.

Lucky Lucky Ash!

May 30, 2008
I love Silent Sparrow. I love the clothes, I love Hya, I love the sim……have I mentioned I love Hya?! I have gladly spent my last lindens when she’s released a new outfit and will no doubt do it again and again! The prim work, the textures, dude EVERYTHING is my idea of perfect.

So when I got a notice saying there was a new outfit in the lucky chair, off I went!!! I have been trying on and off for a couple of days to get this. It’s made of gorgeous. I had to have it, I just had to!!! After being there for 2 cycles today, I actually got usurped…..emo! But I prevailed eventually woot!!! This outfit is yummm. It’s a mixture of the Thorns and Beloved suits.

Check it out for yourselves…..awesome no? So whooping with delight, I tp’d to Ivalde to have a wander round. as soon as I landed, I got an IM saying it was my letter on the lucky chair upstairs!!!

Like I’ve said in previous posts, I rarely win stuff, now 2 outfits in one day zomg!! This oufit is just darling. The colour is to die for, and the skirt is the right kinda swishy! I can’t wait to get back to the store and spend some lindens, I just had to show you guys first!

And lastly, but by no means least, a gorgy swimsuit from the Rosemar group. It’s in keeping with the retro theme I started with the Ivalde dress. A lush lime green Pinup swimsuit woot!!

There is a joining fee for the Rosemar group, but she is beyond generous with us, giving out gifts for reasons such as “I just noticed there wasn’t a gift left in the notices for you guys” Gotta love her!! And with that Ash is out to spend some cash at the above stores….yay!!!

Silent sparrow lucky chair

ETD- Twila

Outfit 2
Ivalde lucky chair

Tricolore (old group gift)

Outfit 3
Rosemar Group Gift
(250 joining fee, soooooo worth it)

Eleanor @ Savoir Hair

Mixin’ it up with GG & Fetch & Starlust

May 30, 2008

Anyone missing me online today? No?
Oh well, if you were wondering where I was, I had asked Helena Stringer (see previous post) to send all her hunt items to one of my other avi’s so I could concentrate on putting the outfits together and then I found some awesome items in this avatars groups, you need to get these quick though, 15 days in the archives and some of these will be gone in the next few days.


First up, Gianna at Gigi Couture (GG for Generous Gianna, she gives out the most amazing gifties to her group) has sent out a really cute dress as a group gift, apologies if one of my fellow blogger ladies does this one too, I know we will all pounce on it ‘cos it’s awesometastic.


Vanessa at Fetch Alternative has started making skins, and she has passed a preview to the Fetch group, it’s natural, no makeup, very pretty and a great peek at what she has to come. There is also a pair of really cute denim shorts in the group which I know you will all love.

Pale Natural Skin: Fetch Alternative (group Gift)
Cross Earring: Sey (free group gift in store)
Hat and eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Hair: Gritty Kitty Scene (not free)

Shorts: Fetch Group Gift
Top: Part of
GiGi couture dress

Oh and this hurrrrr, its by Marly’s and she slipped it into the Starlust Motel group notices, you really need to join this group for lots of other great stuffages such as these ‘Ageplay’ Glasses by Marcelle Decuir of Decollage. I’m totally up for a bit of ageplay if anyone is interested, only if I can be ancient and wrinkly mind you.

M is for Melatonin Hair; Marlys, (Starlust Group Gift)
Ageplay Glasses: Decollage (Starlust Group Gift)
Pale Natural Skin:
Fetch Alternative (group Gift)

Oh and also in the Starlust group you will find these fabboo Thimbles ‘if I was these pants’ outfit which Lolivia previously blogged HERE (Thimbles group gift) in a reddish colour called arsenic. yayayyyaya!

‘if I was these pants’ in Arsenic – Thimbles: (Starlust Group Gift)

Don’t come crying to me saying I didn’t warn ya’s :p

Huntorama: Stringer Mausoleum & Shrine

May 29, 2008

Helena Stringer is having brilliant hunt with items for both men and women at the Stringer Mausoleum & The Stringer Shrine “Links Lost Rupees Hunt” on May 30th-June 8th.

Those of you who love dressing your avatar in a fantasy style will especially love this hunt – really creative fun stuff to be found here. Helena kindly dropped me a preview of some of the goodies you can find. It took me ages to put these looks together, I had so much fun but I’m sure you could be more creative than me.

Hexar Horns & Skin, Creepy Spiders, Pale-Gothic Princess and eyes, Stringer Mausoleum & The Stringer Shrine
Hair: Boon (free)
Womens Latex Catsuit: Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free in lots of colours, also mens available for free)

Deconstructed Hat, Tribal Coming of Age skin, citrus eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Cross Earring: Sey (free group gift in store)
Latex Catsuit: Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free)

Mens Crying Spider skin, Lizard Free Mohawk, creepy spiders, eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt Double anti brow piercing: Nomine (20L – loooads of facial piercings there for only 20L each!!)


Helena’s Peacock lashes are so over the top and fabul, they demand a close up

Anenome -MF Rainbow Hair, Pale-Face Doodles skin, Peacock lashes, creepy spider pets: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Latex Catsuit: KCreations (free)
Double anti brow piercing: Nomine (20L – loooads of facial piercings there for only 20L each!!)

When I tried these head adornments from the Stringer hunt, I felt marine-like and instantly had the urge to be a mermaid, so off I went on a mermaid adventure and I discovered a beautiful underwater haven at Bonny Cove (found the lovely free mermaid items there too which I also wearing)

Rock Critter Hat and Peach-Sparkle Dust Blue skin: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Female Mermaid outfit: Malaika Mermaids (0L and includes shape (not worn), tail, fins and great AO)

Space Fish Hat and Male Crying Spider skin: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Male Mermaid outfit: Malaika Mermaids (0L and includes shape and skin (not worn), tail, fins and great AO)

Mer Gold outfit, free outside the Sirens store
Bonny Cove
Phoebe Hair in Caramel Blackened: ETD (1L or free)

Helena has kindly uploaded some pics to Flickr of a few other items you can find on her hunt, click these pics for a close up and more info.

FreeStyle-Links Lost Rupees Hunt 11 FreeStyle-Links Lost Rupees Hunt 2
The hairstyles and skins worn in the above two photo’s can be found in the hunt, (not the outfits), click on the pic for more info on the free outfits worn.

More Info copied from Helena’s notecard

“Link was passing through my forest, and it seems his pouch of rupees had a hole. Now it is your task to collect them all up!

This will take place at the main HQ spot, on the whole lot, both levels, in Lyashko, at the Stringer mens store and grounds at Mapinguari, and also at my sister’s store and grounds at the same site, just walk out of the mens store and you’ll see hers!

In the folder with this notecard is a sample of the colours and sizes of the rupees (NOTECARD WILL BE PASSED TO THE FREE*STYLE AND STRINGER GROUP). Wear it to see the sizes that you are looking for. The largest is the green, next blue,red, then lastly gold. The type of rupee determines the type of gift. Here is a rundown:

Greens: 3 mens-skin&hair, 7 unisex-hair&eyes 10 womens-skin&hair
Blues:, 2 unisex-odd items, 4 womens-complete avitar&skin
Reds: 8 unisex-pets/hair/horns3 womens-eyelashes/hair/hat
Golds: L$100 gifttcard, L$250gifttcard, L$400gifttcard

Now the gold rupees are brought out at random, one each day of the hunt. Sometimes it may be more, like the first day, and after that whenever I want to put out extra. Join my group”Stringer’s followers-info group” to know how many on which day, and how much it is.

The gold rupees will only be hidden in my actual stores, just so it’s a bit easier to find, rather then it being the WHOLE grounds. So just the Shrine, Mausoleum and the Mens stores.

Hunt Locations:
The Stringer HQ’s
The Stringer Men’s store
C&D Designs

If you want to bring a friend and help each other find stuff thats great, but for the sake of the rest who might want to enjoy, please don’t yell out where the rupees are. Also if someone is desperate to find something, don’t answer by shouting, just im them, if you know where it is.

I am willing to give out hint, to my group if you are in it. Just open the group chat, and I’ll give you a hint. You have to ask nice though.

Hint: You can find one of the lost rupees somewhere near the cherry tree, at C&D designs. It is a Special Edition hair, not to be resold!

Happy Hunting
Helena Stringer”


May 29, 2008

I loves hunts like woa! The Piece Of Candy hunt is dead easy, and the prizes are kyoooot! As soon as I saw the first outfit, I knew exactly how I wanted to wear it!

Also another good excuse to drag out my fave hair from CreamShop, it’s not free but comes with 4 different options in the pack, so well worth it!
Next up is a super sweet outfit from ITSF. The skirt comes in two colours, gotta love options!

I was just wandering a sim when I came across this store, and what a nice surprise it was!

I’m also happy to bring you an outfit from a relatively new designer. Jennylynn Capalini owns the Peeps store. I was lucky enough to meet her and have a chat, she’s lovely and put up with my inane questions very patiently lol. I was totally devoid of caffeine at the time XD! She has a freebie wall in her store that she plans to add to weekly. The top and skirt are just two examples of what you can find there.

And last, a couple of dresses I found thanks to a tip in the comments. I think it was from Eden (will go back and check!) *Edit: It was Eden Knoller who left me the tip…thankyooo Eden! There are four yummy dresses to be had from Fumi.

I’ve just shown two of them here. They have system skirts, so once again I took my eyesight in my hands and braved the new rc for you!! They really are lovely and I’m amazed that they’re

We really are very lucky in Phil’s Place, we can be who we want and escape the mundane and look amazing while doing it thanks to our generous designers. Huge huggles to all the designers I have shown today, either for your freebs or full priced shtuff. I heart yooooooos!

Piece of Candy


Juicy (not free)

Ringpop Ring
Digital Tramp (not free but hell fun doncha think!)

Cream Shop (not free)

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

(there is only one landing point in the sim. You will need to walk around and look for the Fumi store 🙂

What do you draw?

May 29, 2008


I introduce a lovely hat and the pose today. 🙂
The hat can be gotten by the item camp only for the group.
Please join the group of “Double Paradox” and sit for 20 minutes.

Hat : **DP**yumyum (FREE)
Animations : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)

上のアニメーションと、下の3種類ポーズは::: u:ka :::さんのFREEです。^^*
Artist’s animation and three kinds of poses are FREE of the shop ::: u:ka :::.

Pose : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)
Necklace : ::69:: (1L$)
pants : Moni Criss (50L$)
Shose : Juisy Shoes (500L$)
This very savory shoes are Juicy Shoes.:p
I like it with HQ very much. 🙂

Alice in Modern Days

May 29, 2008

5月31日までの期間限定でこちらの2点の可愛いフリフリなワンピースが無料で置かれています。アリス・ドレスという名前のワンピ、本来ならガーリーに着こなすのでしょうが私はBubblegum Pink x Toxic Greenの組み合わせが大好きなのでヘアは緑を選びました。昨晩慌てて撮ったSSなのでヘアと服のプリムの調整ができてないです・・・スミマセン

Outfit – Likka*House (Free until the end of May JST. Other colors available for only L$20)
Skin – Rave Nation (Free)

Outfit – Likka*House (Free until the end of May JST. Other colors available for only L$20)
Skin – Winter Moon (Free)

A little classy Sn@tch to spoon!

May 28, 2008

Yeah, I think I’m running out of cleverness with the ol’ titles. But you’ll get it if you read my post. I hope.

I came across this “Jacqueline” gown awhile ago and keep pulling it out when I’m feeling slinky dressy-ish. It’s by Clio -pret a porter- and it’s available for a mere $1L among a whole stack of freebies and dollarbies! The “Prelude” circlet in silver was a very recent group gift by one of my most favorite stores on the SL planet, Kouse’s Sanctum. (Admittedly, I may be slightly biased because I won a picture competition and Kouse made a dress named after me. Woot!) The bracelet is also from Kouse’s Sanctum from Kouse’s hunt a few weeks ago.

The Hair Solutions “Eleanor” style is a Savoir Hair find. (I’m going to be sporting all those lurvely hairstyles for some months to come, I reckon. Yay Lanie and Teegan!!) All the manicures I’ve been wearing recently is from Sn@tch called “Nail Candy,” and the pack comes in 38 colors for just $200L. They’re amazing and extremely well done, as they do not show any white bits or weird pieces of nail like many “glove” manicures do.

Also very exciting is the Sin Skins 2.0 beta test skins (I’m wearing the “nimbus” shade) that you can receive by clicking their subscribe-o-matic. But! I will give you my spiel and say that the designer was very generous, and we should all pay her back by giving her feedback on the provided notecard (which is why we are all getting these lovely free skins in the first place). Yuss!

Next up, we have “Spoon Gurl Adaire” that was inspired by thrashing out some Soundgarden with The G Man last night while we played Rockband. There is no doubt in my mind that if I was ever filmed playing said game, I’d have to move to a little-known country and change my name. Yeah…I’m that awesome sauce.

Actually, the store is named Spoon and is comprised of Olive Juice and Social Shock. I very rarely will wear a logo stamped item (Especially in rl! Fie on the Coach and Gucci logos that have thrown up on you!) but this was just too kyoot. The hoodie also comes with a spoon, rofl. And a spoon bracelet! You’ll love the shop too – I ended up buying erm…half of it. Alas.

The hair is new from *DP yumyum* that I had to have for just $120L. The “Badass” jeans and the “Belt of Doom” (I love anything with the word “doom” in it) are by Sn@tch and are available in the lucky chairs there in their new store, which I show below!

And look at the back, lol! It says, “The cake is a lie. The spoon is real.” I love wicked random stuff like that. The necklace is called “Kryptonite” and is a new freebie from Moontan Jewelry.

And now…the moment you have all been waiting for…FREE SHOES!!! Ivey from Sn@tch worked endlessly to make this hawtness embodied in shoe form. Until midnight SL on Sunday, these kyoot “Streetwalkers” in “Eggplant Stars” are FREE!!! There’s only one little…well, it’s not even a catch. The shoes are pretty hard to find amongst the vendors in her huge, re-designed shop, but they aren’t hidden, and God help you if you shout in the store where they are. Ivey threatened me under pain of beheading (Mmm…”Beheading by Ivey”) to not even hint. But, the hunt for them is quite worth it, and if you see Ivey in the store, be sure to shout, “OMG, Ivey made SHOES!” She’ll love it, I promise.

I was so completely flabbergasted to find free shoes that I didn’t stop to think and put on other freebies. But I’ll show you some other Sn@tchy goodness. Before I forget, she priced her fatpack of the Streetwalkers uber low in case you must have them all (like me). The peasant top in “grape” is one of 7 colors (with prim ruffles!) that are available for $225. The “Deadly Cords” in brown are 1 of 8 colors available for $225L.

I do want to mention the best thing I’ve found since Fluff with peanut butter sandwiches. Nanogunk created the “FIX Skin Color Pants & Sleeves” for $10 L that totally solves the icky flesh-colored flares bug that can happen. They’re tintable and I recommend these as the best $10L you could ever spend. For someone who takes a lot of pics, there’s nothing worse than seeing weird skin attached to my pants. [Shudder]

I grabbed Ivey’s beloved Roblem Hogarth, the designer of !Retox!, for a few pics of the new shop. Of course the first thing I asked him was, “Do you have guns?!?” Check out !Retox! for some of the coolest wings I’ve found in SL. And, when Ivey does a new release is the best time to get the Riot Vend down really low and the Lucky Chair party going.

And now for another little spiel, but an important one! Please, please know that everyone on the Free*Style team tries very hard to give you the most accurate links. It is a very time consuming process, and it personally takes me over an hour or so per post, depending on how many freebies I’m showing and if I can actually remember where I got the items (this post took almost 3). A lot of freebies are available in only one location and the LM included in the box links to the main location where the freebie isn’t available.

Also, many designers are like Ivey from Sn@tch and don’t put a giant sign marking the item as “free.” They do this in hopes that you will take a look at their hard work and not “TP in, grab, and bail” like we all do when we see a group notice about a freebie pop up. I think this is perfectly reasonable, don’t you? It’s all about perspective: this is pixelated clothing, not emergency aid given after a terrible natural disaster. Breathe!! And please, don’t TP in and start demanding to know where the freebie is. It makes the designer upset and it makes us all look bad. I just saw this happen today and cringed as the rude chick hadn’t even bothered to wait for the store to rez before she started shouting, “WHERE IS IT??” This is one sure-fire way to deter designers from being so generous and it just ain’t classy.

So! If you click on a link and do not find the item immediately – don’t panic! You may have to look around the shop or the sim, or you may have to use “hover tips” (see “view” on the menu bar to activate them). I did goof on 2 of them recently and I super appreciate getting the heads up from two very nice readers.

Thanks for listening and enjoi. 😉