It’s magic!

I had a really bizarre dream last night that I was a famous magician and Four Yip was my glamourous assistant. This is how it went…

“and now for my next trick, I will attempt to saw a person in half. Any volunteers? No?
How about you with the blonde hair, come on up here”


“don’t be afraid young lady, you are perfectly safe, I’ve been doing this for many years and have only had 3 deaths so far….climb into the box please”

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“Now watch with amazement while Creamzilla The Great attempts to saw this girl in half…” *drum roll and dramatic music…*

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“I will now open the box, behold you will be amazed, her body has been completely sawn in half”


*Rapturous Applause*


“and now if you can climb out of the box young lady, you will see she is completely whole, not a scratch on her virtual body”


Oh no! It wasn’t a dream, it was REAL! Four Yip has made another cool free thing for us to play with. This comes complete with the magician’s trick set, and the outfit four is wearing which consists of shorts, top, tattoo’s and a gorgeous necklace (gorgeous, looks like it’s made out of tiny bones.)
I’m wearing the Charliegirly outfit which is also free at Yip’s, and a ‘big fake dastardly tache’ free from The Seamstress

Yip’s Magic Sawing Trick: Yip’s (free), go get it and amaze your friends and neighbours!

Photo’s taken at Gypsy Moon

p.s. No Four Yip’s where harmed in the making of this blog post.

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