More Free*Style Guest Stars!

I found some more great finds and great pics from members of the Flickr Free*Style group. Woot! Up first we have the lurrrvely Itny Lisle giving us a little fun in the sun. Her ‘kini is a freebie from Popfuzz. The Marilyn tee is free from Embellished. The shades are $15 (but strangely marked as a “freebie”) from SpeXx and the bracelet is a part of a very generous gift from ::69::, available in-store. Her green peacock earrings are a lucky chair gift from Microphage.
The not-free-but-fabu stuff includes her hair from Abyss and Naughty Designs and her Fashionably Dead skin. Isn’t that lil’ dab of sunscreen on her lil’ nose kyoot?

Next up is Vixxon Sass! Her skin is the Quelito Soon skin in Darjeeling – Acceso that was a Bianca F group gift (one of the best subscribe-o-matics in SL for generous gifts!). The leather vest is free from the much blogged and loved teddy bear hunt at Asri Falcone. It’s labeled as a men’s gift but isn’t it the yum on Ms. Sass? The boots are the also loved dollarbie from Katat0nik on Axis Mundi that Creamy blogged here. The bracelet is free from Edge Grafika. (LOTS of cool freebies there!) The skirt and leather shorts are part of the Babydoll treasure hunt that’s still going on. Her C&H “ash brown” hair is available for free here. Her “Timeless” shape is by none other than Free*Style Fox Ashia!
And last but not least, I found a boi to post about. It’s Free*Style gone “G Style.” These pictures and finds came about when he was giving me heck about how long it takes me to do just one little post. (It takes a lot longer than you’d think, but don’t get me wrong – I love it!) I turned to him and said “HA! Why don’t YOU try it?!” And he did. And, he now admits that it’s a lot harder than it looks. Adaire for the WIN!

G is rocking the free “Black and White Suit” from the beloved Yip! It comes in many colors too! His “Jack” skin and hair are both free from the Gnubie Store from Random Fashions. His Decollage eyes are also $0L and are also available at the Gnubie Store.

I think he’s looking rather dapper thanks to Yip, but it’s a darn shame that the only time I can get G in a suit is for a post!! Below, he’s got on a “Made in Germany” tee by iNFLiCT that’s available from the German Fashion Expo at Vanity. It’s worth noting that there are a decent amount of guy and unisex freebies available there. Yay! His yummily ripped up “Zoltan” jeans are a dollarbie from PomJ. There’s also a blue pair for $2L. The piercings are from FlipSide and aren’t free, but G won’t take ’em off for anything since he got them.
Thanks to all of the stars featured here, especially for posting all of the links!! Keep sending in those pics and stay classy, Free*Style readers. [cackles at the absurdity of trying to imitate the great Will Farrell as Ron Burgundy]

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