[Insert Alabama Smalls here]

Hehehe, couldn’t help but play off of the title of your last post, Creamy! Yet another Free*Style Rockstar submitted some gorgeous pictures (with links!) to the Flickr group and I couldn’t pass up posting them.

Please meet Ms. Alabama Smalls, who I had the pleasure of meeting when she won The Violent Nightmare model search contest. When you see these pics, you’ll see why!

Here we have “Sweet Home Alabama” with a kyoot little outfit. (Yup, I’m going to make as many bad jokes as I can muster – forgive me Alabama!!) Her skin is Another Shop skin called “Envy” with Freckles. I just recently started wearing my Eloh skins again, wondering why I ever stopped, as the originals are just gorgeous unto themselves. One place you can pick them up is at Baby Monkey. (And Baby Monkey has a hunt going on, too!) Her “Kira” hair in “Espresso” is a great dollarbie from Frangipani Designs. Her *DP Serendipity Syusu blouse is also free, and her Amerie’s *NAUGHTY* Autumn Chocolate Pants are just $1L.
She also snagged some great lucky chair outfit fromSn@tch amongst other very cool freebies. The Sn@tch lucky chair outfit is called “Glam Vamp” and is worth stalking in the newly redesigned store! The Sn@tch “Streetwalkers” (I love the name!) are not free but are ridiculously kyoot and reasonably priced at $250. Ivey made really cool patterns on many of them and I couldn’t help but pick up a few pairs myself. The necklace from Al Jewels is called “Gray Pearls” and is available for $1L (just flip through the vendor for lots of awesome dollarbies). The skin is Mela’s “Sakura Sorceress” that is still available for $1L. The eXceSs- Reverse Hair ::A:: Black Tipped (all 3 colors) is at Savoir Hair and is free (this was an eXceSs group gift too). The Black Gothic Bangle & Ring is from Baby Monkey. The tattoo is just $1L and is called “It is time to awake my little demon” from Alexitimia.

Here is a closeup of that gorgy Mela skin, edgy eXceSs hair, and the Al Jewels pearls mentioned above. The “Naturals Grey Blue” eyes are from Flawed Perfect for $50L.

The Alabama Slammah below is wearing the MiaSnow Sofia 2.0 (no longer available from what I could find). The Frangipani “Zoey” in Licorice is available for 1L. The shirt is from Amerie’s NAUGHTY that was a gift from the apple hunt. The camo pants are another Sn@tch lucky chair gift. The Les Animaux Vintage Souvenir Charm Bracelet was a Le Zoo freebie.
And it appears Alabama got a bit banged up from her pose, lol. The Undead Skin is a dollarbie from Alextimia Tattoo that was blogged awhile ago but looks tres fabu here.The hair from ETD is called Phoebie for 1L. The Amerie’s *NAUGHTY*Bloodied Bikini is just $1L. The shoes are the Sn@tch “Streetwalkers” mentioned above.
Thanks again to Alabama for the fabulous pics!!

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