Ooodles Of Kyoooot!

I’ve had the first dress in my poor heaving inventory for a bit. So much so I didn’t know if it was still an L. Off to the store Ash goes (insert emo tear for me having another excuse to shop lol).

When I got there I found that the gorgeousness was indeed still on sale…double woot!!! I also found 3 other dresses that deserve an honorable mention even though they are 30L each.

Look at the amazing detail and textures……. *sighs* These are mixed in with the full priced dresses, so hover your mouse over them till you find the cheaper ones.

I’m not sure how long they will be on *special* for, so if these frilly lovelies are your thing, best to get over there asap!

Dresses (1st dress 1linden, last 3 dresses 30 lindens each)

ETD- Holly (not free)


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