Archive for June, 2008

wah wah wah

June 30, 2008

i’m in a grumpity mood so i’ll spare yall the words words words words and get on with pictures and slurls.

get your ass to haunted zuzu. click the subscribeo. check the history. get two sassy tanks. i’m wearing the birds and cherries one below, which of course you’d never know cause it’s one of my typically craptastic shots… trust me, it’s a yummy top.

[hair – jade, nana (100L); skin – gala phoenix; headphones – pushbutton industries (90L); shorts – fetch alternative (from the freebie box); tights – edge grafica (free); boots – urban bomb unit, tattoo rainboots (245L);]

neeeexxxt is a lacy foofy dollarbie from sisters which a sane person might wear to a cocktail party, but me, not so much:

[hair – maitreya, aimee (free); boots – katat0nik (dollarbie); gloves – sheer (50L for two pair)]

and last freeb is something i have to kiss the lovely amethyst mcmahon’s feet for finding: edge grafica’s mourning dress… the velvety weightiness of the material is nearly palpable, and it comes with stunning little hat!

[hair – zero style, missi (300L for a three color pack); shoes – shiny things, ruffle boots (400L)]

locations: iron fist and winterfell absinthe.

June 30, 2008

Cherry Girlからまたまたセクシーなビキニが出ています!今回はラッキーボードの商品なんですが、店内にボードが2個あってそれぞれのアルファベット、数字が1分ごとに変わります。私が行った時は10分ほどの間に私の頭文字が3回位出てました^^今回もテクスもデザインもさすがです。アダルティなニプルアクションも絶対アリです!
今回試用しているスキンも話題のCherry Girlの物です。プルプルの唇、それに胸とかお腹とか柔らかそうでずーっと気になってたスキンの一つです^^メークバリエーションが4つで胸のタイプが2つの計8個入りでこのクオリティ、L$1500は破格ですね。
アンニュイな女性をイメージさせるヘアは大好きなAOHARUの作品です。毛の流れや後れ毛の感じがとても自然で、着る服によってはキュートにもアンニュイにも見えちゃうからすごいんです。それからポーズは私の初作品です。まだまだ勉強中ですがかわいく出来たと思うので販売する事に決めました^^Kuri Styleから3ポーズ入りL$10で販売しています。初めてのトライということで至らぬ点は多目に見てください><
Bikinis – Cherry Girl (Lucky Board prize. The alphabet/number changes every 1 minute)
Skin – Cherry Girl (L$1500 for a pack of 8 skins – 4 makeup variations each with 2 breast shadings.)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Poses – Kuri Style (L$10 for a pack of 3 poses. These are my very first try in making poses)

There is no charge for awesomeness… or attractiveness.

June 30, 2008

In between kicking the shit outta my computer this weekend, I managed to squeeze in a movie with my daughter made of win! I needed a break I tells ya as not only did windows pack up on me, my skin files were gonski, I couldn’t get to my back ups and there was all round emo tears!! Anyhoo, upshot is ……..I PWN WINDOWS!!! To celebrate we went to see Kung Fu Panda……kyootest and funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.



So when I got back to the grid I was all angry neko mode! Which is perfect as Arcana Ceawlin of Deadkitties dropped these wicked gifts on me! The skirt is a group gift. Do a search for deadkitties and it’s in the past notices. You get 3 different versions, and also theres some eyes in the archives too, grab those before they go poof.


This yummy kitty collar comes in 4 colours and if you stay in the group, it will be all yours next week……*purrs*


This tasty number is an in store gift called Lacey, it’s a linden, however it comes on all layers and is very versatile… get your paws on it now XD! Thanks Arcana, you cheered me up no end dude!!

Clothes,Collar and bracelets

Hair (not free)

Ears & Tail (not free)

Gas mask (not free)

Tattoos (not free)

Alive & Kicking

June 30, 2008

Well, it’s Sunday again and that can only mean one thing… time for G to get off his @$$ and make a post. I know, you don’t hear from me as often as most of my esteemed colleagues but rest assured I am out there scouring the grid for freebies to share with all my SL bros. So if you are, or know, a guy on a budget I am here (in the words of the exalted Busta Rhymes) to get you all in check!!

Now I am not one to hold a grudge but this plain gray T from Grudge Designs has me second thinking that stance. The shading is subtle but well done and no gaudy over sized logo makes this a great find for just… that’s right.. dolla dolla bill ya’ll! A trip to Sidewalk provided this kickass pair of frayed jeans that are part of a full outfit (shoes and shirt included) they offer up for free. Once again I can’t get enough of Philotic Energy’s “Faris” hair which you can snatch off the cheapie tree for just $1L. I am all about the accesories and when I ran across a unisex gift box from Made For You that had this brown leather armband I was more than happy to slide it on. On the other wrist I donned EnVenom’s “Gummi Bare Licorice” braclets which I have blogged before ($1L).

While I was at Grudge Designs I picked up this “Eulogy” T for just $75L and that gives me enough reason to hop on my soapbox. We all love free items in SL but when you do have a few extra lindens to throw around don’t forget to spend them with all the gracious designers that have been clothing you for next to nothing. [Steps off his soapbox] AB Apparel also has a $1L outfit for the bois and the jeans inside are simply stunning.

At this point I am sure you all have been spying my waist and saying “Why hasn’t he mentioned the belt!?!” Good things come to those who wait my friends. This week Mechanism released their hunter’s belt and a tank which Ashia rawked in a prior post. The belt is free but the tank is group gift and although I know Adaire would rather see me dead than wearing a tank top I suggest you join their group and give it a try. The shorts are also from Mechanism (is it becoming obvious I love this store? lol) and can be had for $180L. Those who know me well will not be surprised when I reveal that I am a total SHOE WHORE and when I heard Monogrind had a pair of combat boots as a group gift I nearly borked my index finger clicking my mouse to add them to my inventory.

I know… I am dragging this one out but there was just one more item I wanted to showcase and that is the first T-shirt that I can claim as “MINE”. With a lil free time on my hands I have decided to start my own line which I have dubbed “Guerilla Gear”. You can pick up my first creation for free at the Home of Freestyle or just shoot me an IM and I would be glad to send ya one.

With that being said I am gonna hit the sack and wish you all well… wherever you might be.


June 29, 2008

Who wants a quickie with me before I go bed?

I was walking around Takaraduka today (great shopping place) and I stumbled across this fantastic store called Ume Mode, check out this jewellery set and headband which was free (or 1L) in store. The punky hair worn here is Jule by Mirai Style (200L for 2 colours) and the mucho prettyness skin is Tuli Celeste [light/1] ~ dawn (freckled) whch was a previous group gift, but you can buy it in store.


Twosome have released a funky retro style 1L top and it will only be at this price until 1pm SLT tomorrow, this one is in juicy orange and brown colours, there are more luffly colours in store at full price.


Rasetsukoku sent a notice to fashcon that immediately attracted my attention, I liked the sound of this store, so off I popped over there. A really great fitting pair of scorpion jeans and teeny gothic top here for free or 1L. Can I just say free, meaning free or 1L? I keep forgetting.


Lastly but def not least is these versatile beach shoes which are a group gift from the :: Sixty-nine :: Group, they come in various sizes and can be worn by men and women. Looove dems!

69 group gift

Can I go bed now? Who’s coming?

Today is the day we’ve been waiting for

June 29, 2008

Hair – AOHARU (group gift. Kendal style)
Skin and Dress – AOHARU (not free)
Shoes – Juicy (L$500)

Hair – AOHARU (group gift in store. Yulia style. Available for free for 2 days only! Hurryyyy!)
Skin and Dress – AOHARU (not free)

Hair – AOHARU (not free. Rita style. I love all of them but this is my fave^^)
Skin and dress – AOHARU (not free)
Shoes – Juicy (L$500)

You know I’m no good

June 29, 2008

Glastonbury Festival in the UK is one of the most famous music festivals in the world. I couldn’t make it there this weekend, so I watched it on TV, (which is almost as good as you don’t get covered in shit and mud and you can go to bed without the fear of someone pissing on you in the night).

Amy Winehouse somehow managed to perform at the festival, dispite being diagnosed with the early stages of Emphysema due to her high intake of serious hard drugs and fags. She punched a fan in the face and sang her heart out…good on her, she’s a love or hate type of character, but I love her!

Well, when Francesca Balogh sent a notice to the Free*Style group about a store called Kazu, I TPd over and as soon as I saw this dress, I instantly thought ‘Amy’. It’s slinky and fitted, retro style with a thick red and black belt (this belt is a jacket layer so can be worn with other outfits). This is definitely a designer worth visiting, the clothes in the store are cool.


I made this pose here based on this pic of Amy so you can have it, in fact, I’ll make a set of Amy poses and put them out for 1L soon. The white strap on the shoulder is actually a bag also free or 1L in Kazu, my bad, I forgot to get a good pic of it but it is super-stylish.


Check this out, it’s almost the same dress, (she is absolutely trashed in this video, but that’s Amy, being wasted has become part of her act)

And how about these for a pair of ‘Fuck Me pumps’? These sooo high ‘n’ sooo sexy snakeskin shoes from are a group gift from SKG , they set this dress off perfectly doncha think?

Anyway, I’m off to rehab, see ya!

Dress: Kazu (free or 1L)
Snakeskin Shoes:
SKG (group gift) – many free and low priced shoes of loveliness in store too!

Not Free
Maggie Tattoo:
Cateye Skin:
Amy Hair:

flickr pick of the day

June 29, 2008

i know, i know….what with adaire about to scamper off a-globetrotting i should be stepping up to the blogging plate. but i had to drop everything and share this dorablez photo i just found by ashcrunkk in the free*style flickr pool:

we found teh amulet, charlieee

all that cuteness AND a charlie the unicorn reference in her photo title? i could die.

outfit details:

Puncture lip ring – not free
Pandora tiara – not free
D3 bracelets – not free
(Pixel Dolls) bikini – group gift
sn@tch tattoo – L$0
Winter Moon skin – L$1
+++BLUE BLOOD+++ stomp boots – camping 20 min.
Saya python tights – L$0
To Heart neon blue nails – L$0
Primalot white tutu mini – L$0
Maitreya hair – L$0

June 29, 2008

お馴染みKuri Styleの新作L$1セール!今回はこんなポップなカラーの作品です^^着てるだけでも元気が出ちゃうデザインと色、この夏大活躍しそうですね^^上のSSが今回のセール品。SL時間の6月1日深夜12時までL$1です!
こちらの色違いもキュート❤ ヘアはTekuTekuのグループギフトです。
Outfit – Kuri Style (The first outfit is marked down to L$1 until July 1 midnight SLT. The second outfit is L$50.)
Hair – TekuTeku group gift

Feels so natural

June 28, 2008

As always on a Saturday, Surfine produce a new weekly free gift for you. This dress is so pretty with brown pink and white flowers, great for a summer day. I would wear this in RL, if it was warm enough and my legs weren’t so hairy.



The dress works so well with this beautiful skin which is the new creation by Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar and Mimi Coral of Cupcakes. It took me some major tweakage of windlight settings to show you this in it’s true light, I wanted the cute spattering of freckles and the natural makeup to show through in the photo’s, not easy with windlight but I think I managed in the end.

This particular skin tone (golden – rainbow) looks great with light coloured sunkissed hair, the style here I won on the lucky chair at TekuTeku (thankies to Mel of Grid Expections for the TP)


These are the other 6 tones available, freckled and unfreckled variaties, you will also recieve more skin tones if you join the Cupcakes group, I believe this is also 250L joining fee (like Rosemar), but again well worth it for the amount of great gifts Mimi gives away.

rosemar cupcake 1

rosemar cupcake 2

Hangten Dress: Surfine, free for 1 week
Birthday Suit Skin: Rosemar (group gift – 250L joining fee)
Cream (rainbow_gold) Hair: TekuTeku (lucky chair)
Brown Hair Club Kaya: TekuTeku This was a previous gift at Club Kaya (not sure if still available)
Tattoo: SLoves
Jewellery: Onigiri (free)
Bluegold Eyes: Blue Blood (not free)