flickr pick of the day

i know, i know….what with adaire about to scamper off a-globetrotting i should be stepping up to the blogging plate. but i had to drop everything and share this dorablez photo i just found by ashcrunkk in the free*style flickr pool:

we found teh amulet, charlieee

all that cuteness AND a charlie the unicorn reference in her photo title? i could die.

outfit details:

Puncture lip ring – not free
Pandora tiara – not free
D3 bracelets – not free
(Pixel Dolls) bikini – group gift
sn@tch tattoo – L$0
Winter Moon skin – L$1
+++BLUE BLOOD+++ stomp boots – camping 20 min.
Saya python tights – L$0
To Heart neon blue nails – L$0
Primalot white tutu mini – L$0
Maitreya hair – L$0

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