Archive for July, 2008

Birfdays, Brains And Bliensen

July 31, 2008

Remember when it was my rl bday? I said I wanted shoes, and a certain someone paid attention to me (makes a nice change XD!)


These gorgeous Mary Janes are called Serenity, they’re from Unique Needs. I’m showing them with the new group gift from the lovely Tuli. It’s called Amicitia, really a stunning dress.

Brain Hunt

Brain Hunt

These are my fave finds from the Ravenwear brain hunt. I have a thing at the moment for kyoot short dresses!! Also worth mentioning, Sai Pennell from Imperial Elegance is giving away an amazing AO at her main store, and is retiring a whole wall of shtuff. Everything on said wall is 1L, and will soon be gone for good. I grabbed an amazing tail, and modeling stool, as well as some new poses which weren’t a linden (I have a not so secret pose obsession!)

Pic 1
Tuli Group Gift

Shoes (not free)
Serenity Mary Janes
Unique Needs

Pics 2 & 3
Ravenwear Hunt Dress
A-Bomb Dress
Ravenwear Hunt

Blienson & Maitai
Ravenwear Hunt

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)

Tattoo (not free)

A Kaleidoscope Of Lush

July 30, 2008

Ok, I’ll try to be calm and composed, which is hard cos I’m totally fecking excited about this post!! I’ve been slowly going through my notecards and such, when I found one from Leigh Matos, telling me about her store and a hunt she was having there. I IM’d her in a panic, thinking I’d missed it, feeling 10 shades of bastard for not seeing the card sooner. Ha lucky me and indeed you, cos the hunt is still on, and baby, these clothes are HAWT. Yes I used capitals to emphasise my point, deal with it XD!





These are 4 of the 5 outfits up for grabs. Leigh’s store Kaleidoscope is small, so finding the boxes won’t be hard at all. Shown below are some of her other creations, that aren’t free, but sure as hell deserve a few pics!!





Btw, one of the first babydolls to not get all buggered by my AO, gots to love that! Do yourselves a favour, get thee to the store, do the hunt, spend some lindens on her other shtuffs, and remember who told you about her when she’s a huge celebritard designer person!! Ash out.

Pics 1-4
Kaleidoscope Hunt

Pics 5-9 (not free)

Worn Throughout

Hair (not free

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

L$1 Sale at Kuri Style

July 29, 2008

Kuri Styleの新店舗オープンを記念してL$1セールが今月末まで開催されています。L$1になっている物を探してみてくださいね^^ こちらでその中のいくつかをご紹介しまーす。詳しくはK*Sのブログをご覧ください^^



To celebrate the grand opening of Kuri Style‘s new store, they are doing L$1 sale till the end of this month. Here are some of the L$1 outfits^-^ 2 more days left, so hurrryyyyy~

Ashia Goes To Hollywood

July 29, 2008

Feeling a bit blah today. It’s freezing here in Sydney, our heater has finally packed up and my daughter has cabin fever!! But at least when she’s chasing the cat, she’s not trying to strip nekkid!

Here is the new dollarbie from Jojo of Wigwambam. Ain’t it purdy. Goes perfectly with this wicked hair from Katatonik, which isn’t free, but for one price you get the equivelant of a fat pack as it has a colour change script.

I thought it was about time we showed some more jewelry too. The last big post about fabulous jewels was when Adi did the epic hunt at Bonitas. Little Reasons is a brand new store I had the pleasure of visiting last night. The designer is lovely, and has put out 2 dollarbies for you. Her collection is small, but lovingly made and well worth a look.


The outfit I chose to show off the lush accessories is the new release from Wigwambam. Not free, but hella kewl!

Lemania Group Gift

And by no means least, this new group gift from Lemania, called Hollywood. I do so love her gowns, the perfect pick me up on a dreary day. Also, just a quick reminder, if you’re a designer who wants to contribute to our brand spanking new main store, please IM either myself or my super awesome fellow bloggers. If you already have stuff at our Juicy location and want to move it/put new stuff down please let us know also. We are especially interested in new designers who may have not had much exposure and/or are waiting to get on the fashion feed. WE WANT TO PIMP YOUR SHTUFFS!!!!

Pic 1
Hair (not free)


Pics 2-5
Hair (not free)

Outfit (not free)

Little reasons
(Some free, Some not, pics marked accordingly)
JE*Republic Group Gift

Pics 6
Lemania Group Gift

Hair (not free)
Mirai Style

Tattoo (not free)

some beach, somewhurrrrr

July 28, 2008

someone’s blasting this frigging song and now it’s in my head and i would rather scrape out my eardrums with a moldy spork than listen to any newish country music especially something that references goddamn margaritaville although that josh turner dude‘s majestic hasselhoffian chest hair does give me some special feelings in the pants anyway so maybe if i use this as a post title it’ll go away and i wonder how much more horrific a runon sentence this can get? NOT VERY.

anyway. this post is all bathing suits, i was too lazy to shoot at a beach, and i totally stole ash’s polaroid gimmick. skip to the end for slurls, prices where applicable, and item credits.

not free, all photos
hair – naughty, nicole (350L for a three color pack)
skin – cake, sienna (3000L for a four makeup pack)

photo #1
bikini – bijou instore freebie, comes in other colors as well.
shorts – mirrors*+, instore gift but you MUST join their group in order to get them. these delightful hickory shorts come in three versions, each better to show off your plumbers crack than the one before. there are several other gifts there as well – leggings, a bag, a cute tshirt.

photo #2
bathing suit – amerie’s naughty, 20 minute item camp. located in the little shack next to the main store. comes with two skirt attachments, but also is super cute alone.

photo #3
bikini – laughing academy, retrolicious instore freeb/dollarbie.
sunglasses – worldwide industries subscribe-o gift. i believe they plan to give out gifts everytime they reach a milestone of so many members, so join up and stay put!

photo #4
bikini – in the light, bronze bikini (250L). and the prim skirt resizing torture was worth it.

photos #5 & #6
bikini – grabbed it at the b11 mall opening and there are a slew of other great freebs around. also home of one of the greatest carousels in the history of slcarousels, the hieronymous bosch carousel; which is perhaps second only to the moustache rides at floyd.
hasselhoff lounge chair, tophat, beer tub, necklace, and flip flops – all prizes from the latest <a href="
“>ohana isle treasure hunt:
“Our treasure hunt has just gotten started – will run through Aug 3rd… There’s 43 treasures to find, and 5 more in our new extra uber treasure hunters bonus round. (Full instructions at the landing point on Mt Wannahawkaloogie.) We try to offer a fair amount of men’s items too – it’s never even anywhere in SL but we do make it worth it for the guys.”

Sunday Stalking

July 27, 2008

Yes Sunday was for stalking! Stalking of lucky chairs to be precise. Now for ages, I haven’t been getting group notices unless I’m online. They don’t even go to my email, so when I saw Ach in a new lucky chair suite from Silent Sparrow, my scream could be heard in Bondi!!! Jealous much Ash? Yes, yes I was!

ss lucky chair &amp; miasofia

ss lucky chair

It comes with all the options you would expect, 2 different skirts, jacket, arm warmers *sighs* 4 hours was so worth the wait! While there, it turned into a bit of a party, as it usually does, and there was Georgia, wearing the most amazing skin I have ever seen. I rarely take off my skins, unless I’m oohing and ahing over another designer’s skill and talent. Miasnow Myriam is one of those deigners. Then Georgia tells me you can get this incredible skin from the lucky chair. Oh I was off, I may have said goodbye, not too sure I was in such a hurry!

ss lucky chair

WARNING: HUMAN/DOG HYBRID BEWBS AHEAD! This is the most amazing skin I have ever seen, you really have to have it on to fully appreciate it. If you can’t wait for the lucky chair, there are other versions of this skin for sale, along with a whole heap of other skins!

Dalamation Dame Skin
Miasofia Lucky Chair

Star Tattoos
Miasofia Lucky Chair

Sylvan Suite in Rose
Silent Sparrow Lucky Chair

Hair (not free)

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Monocle (old group gift)

Beauty’s Punishment

July 27, 2008

Have you read the Beauty Trilogy? In the second book, Beauty’s Punishment, her and her fellow slaves are kidnapped from the Village, and taken to an oppulant palace, and there on the walls, is living art. Slaves who have misbehaved are framed and left to do nothing more than decorate the palace. Must have stuck in my mind, because when InaraSerra Jewell dropped the LM for her store on me, and I saw her designs, I knew exactly how I would shoot them.



There are so many sets of silks for a linden, I’ve only shown 4 here, you can see most of the rest on my Flickr. Check out the awesome slave shoes! Before she left Creams sent us girls off to The Dominatrix Shop Of DxD to grab these and some Mistress heels. Both free and fabulous.



Also at Inara’s store, you can camp for clothes in a “sweatshop” type environment! Sit down at the sewing machine and slave away to get some gorgy gowns!

Inara’s Main Store

The Dominatrix Shop Of DxD

Frames (not free)
Part of a fat pack from LostAngel Poses

Hair (not free)
Mirai Style

Collar (not free)
Dari’s Haus

July 26, 2008

Outfit – GL (free)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Skin – Curio (not free)

AOHARUでアイスクリームフェア開催中です。L$10支払うとランダムに70種類以上のアクセサリーやアニメーション付きのアイスクリームの中から1点もらえます。Trans OKなのでお友達へプレゼントしたら喜ばれること間違いなしです。グループギフトと店内にも無料ギフトが期間限定で置かれてますので是非ゲットしてくださいね^^スキンはHeaven’s ShapeのB11モールのみ扱いの期間限定の物です。ポップな色合いでお気に入りです。ブルーの涼しげなキャミソールはC’est la vieのギフト。

Skin – Heaven’s Shape (free for limited time only at B11 Mall)
Camisole – C’est la vie (free)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Cherry earrings and ice cream necklace – AOHARU (L$10 each. AOHARU is holding Ice Cream Fair and there’s a vendor by the landing point. Pay L$10 and you get a random gift out of over 70 accessories. All Trans OK. There’s 2 group gifts too, one in the group notices and one in store)

title goes here

July 25, 2008

crimson shadow’s lucky chair is one of the few i have the patience to stalk on a regular basis. it’s fortunate that everyone and their mother stalks it too, ’cause as a dummy who chose a vowel name lucky chairs are generally exercises in futility, and having 30458 people keeping the letters moving is a welcome sight*. it also makes the wait a little less lonesome 😀

the chair’s newness (through the 10th of august) is the Midnight Blue dress, an exquisite moxie polano special. the satin shines like water and the skirts rustle soft and dreamy. and the details, oh, the details: a delicate lace veil, a rose trimmed bodice, opera length gloves, a pretty pair of shoes. there’s a second skirt option, even, a slimmer prim skirt attachment for a naughtier, more modern feel:

i figured while i’m on a dress-up kick i’d post about the newest evie’s closet freebie. after a longish hiatus, evie’s back! there are several new gowns in her store, and while you’re there you can pick up the empire waist dina dress in this free cranberry color:

crimson shadow, lucky chair dress in midnight blue
evie’s closet, dina dress

not free:
skin – curio, dahlia
hair – comme il faut, anna may

*except for those of you rude enough to tp in and hop on the chair straightaway, blatantly disregarding people who’ve been waiting for their letter. youall can DIAF.


July 24, 2008

First up, not a new designer, but a new store for said designer! Modern Gypsy carries gorgy, floaty dresses and skirts in lush colours. For a limited time you can get one for free!! The rest of the items in the store are incredibly priced, just don’t buy it all like I did!!



Also thanks to Eden, who left a note in our chat box, and also tracked me down in world to tell me about Honey Shop. I’ve blogged them before, and was amazed then at the lovely clothes and amazing freebie. At the moment theres a half off sale as well as new freebies. I’ve shown some of what I found, for scrummy pics of the 25L items, check out Beanie Loves Japan.




And finally, a dollarbie dress from a new designer. I haven’t taken it off since I got it!! It’s the right kinda short and goes perfectly with my hooves!!

Dresses Pics 1 & 2
Modern Gypsy

Hair (not free)

Honey Shop

Hair (not free

Dress In Last Pic
Change Designs

Hair (not free)