don’t say i never did anything for you

i’m going to let you in on a little secret: curio is open, and it is spectacular. there. you may thank me with pretty fanboys and obscene amounts of cash. i’ll be needing the extra L to spend on every single thing set for sale on the sim. you think i’m kidding? the skins give such good nudity that i’m contemplating getting a stripper gig, and the hair is rich and luxuriant with some of the most fun prim wrangling i’ve seen in forever. did i mention there are eyes? and jewelry? check out the elegant vintage heart necklace (this version with a purple gemstone is an update group exclusive; it comes in four metals, even) below:

[hair – curio, holly (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, sprinkle (1000L); eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L, located upstairs above the hair)]

oh frabjous day you guys, BIG BOOTY BIG MONEY IS BACK! kind of. there’s only one lonely set of dresses up at the new retrology location but they’re deeelicious. the above soft mossy green delight is free and newly available in bbbm’s group notice archives.

moving on, shopping cart disco‘s dynamic duo of tenshi vielle ({boutique}) and iris seale (punch drunk) are celebrating a blog move to a new server or something nerdtacular like that. the important thing is that there are hot gifts out at their aspire isle stores (this weekend only!):

punch drunk‘s sassy colorful juno outfit:

[hair/flower – curio, psychobilly freakout (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, lavender (1000L)]

{boutique}‘s adorable sparkly disco diva gift (my hideous visage is mercifully obscured by mijn boa’s enchanting dollarbie mask. get it at her viva la glam installation, and pick up some of her swoony magical art while you’re at it because it’s beyond affordable):

[shoes – juicy, sparkling iridescent pink pumps (500L at the shoe expo. 100% of the proceeds go to the aspca!)]

aaand another {boutique} dollarbie, the elton john shades. i confess that i have no use for sir elton but i have a crush on these:

[hair – curio, gertrude; eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L)]

words words words blah some words blah.

edited to add more words: i bolded/italicized pertinent info for those who are a wee bit more on the instant gratification side. if i could have made it all blinky/scrolling marquee/dripping blood i would have… this might be helpful too (for those of you who’d prefer plain old pictures! yay!)

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