Here Comes The Bridezilla

If you’ve been following the comments in the last few days, you would see that our luscious Liv has been getting all hawt and heavy with Anon. This culminated in a proposal, and now lovely readers, our Liv is slsingle no longer!! So this post is for her and all you slbrides out there!! There is a bridal expo happening right now as we speak, showcasing the best of sl bridal wear and jewels, and of course giftys for you.

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Perfect for the night before the big day, get sloshed, wear a veil made of condoms, and behave rather badly feeling up the groinal region of a long haired, over muscly stripper!

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Ain’t this dress the shit! You wont find this at the expo though, it’s from G & N Design, and it’s only free for this week. I saw in the lobby wedding invites from the designer. What a lovely way to celebrate her wedding, giving you lot a stunning dress. Give her a massive huggle if you run into her.EDIT:, It’s the designers first wedding anniversary, yays!! See lurve can last! xxx

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This dress is a gift from the expo, perfect for leaving your reception in style!

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The ultimate in wedding night attire, boy shorts and a tank, woot!!! Now I’m off back to rl work, and it’s also my rl birthday, so I expect comment lurve, and shoes…….lots of shoes!!! 😉

Bride’s Dress
G & N Design

The Most Perfect Pearls Ever
Flirt @ The Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

PJ’s, T-Shirts and Black Formal Dress
Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)

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