Free Stylin’

Hoooooo! (I’m trying to be retro saying ‘Hooo’, next I’ll be bringing back bling)

Sorry my posting as been so limited lately. Following my mental issues, which are now almost back to normal, (well, as normal as I can ever be) – I am now having technical issues. The laptop I use for SL won’t connect to the internet and I can’t download the new driver updates because the CD drive is broken, so it’s got to go to PC hospital. Currently I am using a wind-up computer from the olden days (it feels like it anyway). The graphics suck and I can hardly move when I play SL.

So I’ve got some pretty outfits and some GREAT NEWS for you’s…

I managed to move very slowly today and put together this cute little outfit, thankfully Ashia took these pics for me because honestly, you should see what the wind-up pooter does to my graphics – eeeeek!

The beautiful sheer jewelled top is a group gift by Pixel Dolls (this can also be worn alone to flash a bit of boobage). I paired it with the shorts and top which are part of the cute suspender shorts outfit, a group gift from Rosemar (this also comes with skirt – previously blogged by Ash).


Top: Pixel Dolls (group gift)
Shorts and T Shirt – Rosemar (group gift)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo(1L)

Have you heard the latest? Free*Style have a main store, don’t fret though, we still have our cute little Juicy place too. The mainstore is still being set up, but we have a few freebies out already. One of them being this amazing outfit from the supertalented and generous Katat0nik Pigeon of Axis Mundi.

This dress two skirt prims with different beautiful textures, leggings and various layers for the top, all free!



Outfit: Katat0nik at Free*Style (0L)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo (1L)

We are putting new stuff out all the time so keep checking back. I will be away for 2 weeks from Saturday so I’m hoping to get it all officially up and running when I get back. If you are a designer and wish to place a free or 1L item at Free*Style while I am away, please contact one of my fellow Free*Style bloggers.

Ooooh, and also I have put out 3 Photosphere’s with poses and backgrounds which are free to use, you will find these at the side of the building. Have fun and please don’t make a mess while I am away 😀

Non free items in this post
Golden Shimmer skin: Birthday Suit – Rosemar /Cupcakes
Black Cherry Heels: Juicy

The Short Hair: Magika

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