Archive for July, 2008

Free Stylin’

July 24, 2008

Hoooooo! (I’m trying to be retro saying ‘Hooo’, next I’ll be bringing back bling)

Sorry my posting as been so limited lately. Following my mental issues, which are now almost back to normal, (well, as normal as I can ever be) – I am now having technical issues. The laptop I use for SL won’t connect to the internet and I can’t download the new driver updates because the CD drive is broken, so it’s got to go to PC hospital. Currently I am using a wind-up computer from the olden days (it feels like it anyway). The graphics suck and I can hardly move when I play SL.

So I’ve got some pretty outfits and some GREAT NEWS for you’s…

I managed to move very slowly today and put together this cute little outfit, thankfully Ashia took these pics for me because honestly, you should see what the wind-up pooter does to my graphics – eeeeek!

The beautiful sheer jewelled top is a group gift by Pixel Dolls (this can also be worn alone to flash a bit of boobage). I paired it with the shorts and top which are part of the cute suspender shorts outfit, a group gift from Rosemar (this also comes with skirt – previously blogged by Ash).


Top: Pixel Dolls (group gift)
Shorts and T Shirt – Rosemar (group gift)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo(1L)

Have you heard the latest? Free*Style have a main store, don’t fret though, we still have our cute little Juicy place too. The mainstore is still being set up, but we have a few freebies out already. One of them being this amazing outfit from the supertalented and generous Katat0nik Pigeon of Axis Mundi.

This dress two skirt prims with different beautiful textures, leggings and various layers for the top, all free!



Outfit: Katat0nik at Free*Style (0L)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo (1L)

We are putting new stuff out all the time so keep checking back. I will be away for 2 weeks from Saturday so I’m hoping to get it all officially up and running when I get back. If you are a designer and wish to place a free or 1L item at Free*Style while I am away, please contact one of my fellow Free*Style bloggers.

Ooooh, and also I have put out 3 Photosphere’s with poses and backgrounds which are free to use, you will find these at the side of the building. Have fun and please don’t make a mess while I am away 😀

Non free items in this post
Golden Shimmer skin: Birthday Suit – Rosemar /Cupcakes
Black Cherry Heels: Juicy

The Short Hair: Magika

Here Comes The Bridezilla

July 22, 2008

If you’ve been following the comments in the last few days, you would see that our luscious Liv has been getting all hawt and heavy with Anon. This culminated in a proposal, and now lovely readers, our Liv is slsingle no longer!! So this post is for her and all you slbrides out there!! There is a bridal expo happening right now as we speak, showcasing the best of sl bridal wear and jewels, and of course giftys for you.

bridal expo_007

bridal expo_006

bridal expo_005

Perfect for the night before the big day, get sloshed, wear a veil made of condoms, and behave rather badly feeling up the groinal region of a long haired, over muscly stripper!

bridal expo_003

bridal expo_001

Ain’t this dress the shit! You wont find this at the expo though, it’s from G & N Design, and it’s only free for this week. I saw in the lobby wedding invites from the designer. What a lovely way to celebrate her wedding, giving you lot a stunning dress. Give her a massive huggle if you run into her.EDIT:, It’s the designers first wedding anniversary, yays!! See lurve can last! xxx

bridal expo_008

This dress is a gift from the expo, perfect for leaving your reception in style!

bridal expo_004

The ultimate in wedding night attire, boy shorts and a tank, woot!!! Now I’m off back to rl work, and it’s also my rl birthday, so I expect comment lurve, and shoes…….lots of shoes!!! 😉

Bride’s Dress
G & N Design

The Most Perfect Pearls Ever
Flirt @ The Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

PJ’s, T-Shirts and Black Formal Dress
Bridal Expo

Hair (not free)


July 22, 2008

the forever generous moire georgette of comme il faut is holding a creative, fun hunt through july 27th. among the prizes are several skins which are dreamy as hell. there’s a sultry vamp quality to them (as you can see in my post about the earlier group special) that would make alla nazimova proud, but don’t feel obligated to don a flapper dress when you slip into one of these babies. the skin in the first photo is one of the hunt gifts, and one i felt meshed pretty well with gigi couture’s i heart l.a. gift, in a punk rock chola kinda way. aaaaand since i fell in lust with the luscious pout and soft focus prettiness, i chose to show off a regular priced makeup in the second photo, one i felt complimented the stunning new group gift gown from ivalde. off with your heads! or whatever. i just wanted to say that.

photo #1:
skin – comme il faut, hunt gift
i love l.a. outfit – gigi couture, group gift
earrings – bebae, instore gift
stockings – chambre de chocolat group gift
bracelet – bonita’s, instore gift

not free:
hair – mirai style, jule (200L for a two color pack)
shoes – urban bomb unit, pornstar hi-tops (595L. i know, i know. but if there’s one pair of kicks to save your pennies for, it’s this one – there are a million and one coloring/sizing/folding options, and are so worth it)

photo #2:
necklace – ~flirt~, 1L gift at bridal expo (which by the way, i know i did little justice to but you’re not gonna find a more charming, versatile pair of pearls on the grid, free or not)
dis gown, silver – ivalde group gift

not free:
skin – comme il faut, catherine (875L)
hair – paper couture, queen of roses (300L)


July 21, 2008

“KSHHHHT.. Seven mary three be on the look out for a gang of crazed men weilding hammers and looking in the most unlikely of places for free clothing OVER.. KSHHHHHHT”

That’s right fellas!! Vendors all over the grid have banded together to produce a hunt JUST FOR MEN (not related to the hair product.. please don’t sue me). I have been waiting for this one for a long time so big props go out to Colorful Sinister and all the vendors involved for making this dream a reality. I am going to make a disclaimer right now so listen up… if I mention a store (in BOLD letters) but do not provide a link it is because the slurl is on the notecard for the Hammer Hunt which you can get HERE (oh yeah… throw a tip in the big grenade while yer there). I have mixed in a few other freebies that are not on the hunt which I have collected on my 2 week hiatus (sowwy)… those I will provide the links to. Now… on to the goodness that is the CS HAMMER HUNT!!

Kore Sieyes over at Ekstras packed his hammer with 4 freebies which included the “Blu” jeans you see here. Ephemeral had what was probably the most well hidden hammer on the hunt but it was well worth the time it took to find it considering it had 9 items in it including this Wire Braclet, the Captive-Bead Earrings (quintuple) and the Captive-Bead Triple Eyebrow Rings you see here. Twisted Rose, who was one of the many that doled out 2 hammers, threw down their kickass Star Tank and Biohazard Chain as an offering for us bois. SN@TCH‘s Hustlers in the Grunge texture covered those socks I am all too well known for, lol. I love my belts… and Simply Spoiled didn’t disappoint with their D-Ring Belt. I almost went into a full on seizure when put on this Rawk Out Pale Skin lessthan3 had in their hammer, it is honestly to die for… they also had the blue frost eyes you see here.

Mechanism is always showin’ love to their customers and this week it was with not only a free braclet but also a member’s giftpack which included this shirt in both black and white and a mini sweater for the ladies. SN@TCH’s second hammer had the Hardcore Bondage Belt you see here plus another gift from Retox which you will see in a moment. Another item from that packed out hammer from Ephemeral is this Wire Choker. Bodies by Oh sent me into a frenzy again with their stunning Sinsation Male Pale Skin. Good male skins are hard enough to find and to think that these are FREE is nothing short of astounding. Sweeter than Candy also showed us guys some freebie love this week with a pair of Regular Medium Blue Jeans.

This hunt wasn’t just about the clothes though. Sugar Mill had a couple of poses in their hammer and big thanks go out to Anicia Medici for not only providing this Breakin 2 pose but also for allowing yours truly to model in the ad for their new Electric Boogaloo pose set which includes 8 static poses and and an animated headspin that will have you reaching for the ibuprofen. Retox (located inside SN@TCH‘s store) offered up this Gas Mask and after searching like a mad man for their hammer you know damn well I was gonna find a way to fit it in… haha. Now… when I saw She’s So Unusual on the hunt list I was a bit skeptical but being the shoe whore I am I celebrated in attaining the Green Hawaii Platform Creepers to add to my ridiculous shoe collection. While I was at Mudhoney I had a chance to speak with the owner Rayvn Hynes who was very helpful in giving me some hints to attain this Randem Designs Midget Shirt (I will leave it to you to pick this one up and find out just what it says). I also have on a dollarbie pair of VG Republic Jeans which Creamy blogged for the ladies… yeah they got them in mens too… WEWT!!! Although it is barely visible, Simply Spoiled had a second hammer that contained their Mystical Necklace and it this point I am on FREEBIE OVERLOAD!!

Time to chill out and grab a beer from FD Style’s Budweiser Beer Tub… even though in RL I would never let such a liquid down my throat the free-ness of it made it feel somehow acceptable. Once again I have my beloved Urban Bomb Unit Pornstars slip-ons ($495L and well worth it) in full effect along with a Marijuana Necklace they were handing out at Rezzable’s Footwear Expo. The skin I am wearing is a pre-release (keep that in mind.. this is an unfinished sneak peak) of iNFLiCT’s Blacksmith Skin complete with facial tattoo in a much darker shade than The G would ever normally wear.

*sighs heavily and looks at the clock knowing he should be in bed but does not waiver in his commitment to the Free*Style minions* So… to close things out I just wanna say that there are many other items on the CS Hunt that I was not able to cram into this post so PLEASE take the time to visit each store because their generosity to all the bros in SL should be appreciated. The hunt will be going on until August 3rd. I also need to add that all of the pics above included Philotic Energy’s Saxon Hair in Jet Black ($199L for a 3 color pack) and that Aemilia Case makes the best damn hair on the grid.

P.S. I bet you thought you had gotten away without me getting all schmoopy about the absence of my better half and one of your deeply missed Free*Style bloggers, Adaire. NOT SO!!! In fact she is the one that inspires me every day and you can thank her for urging me to trudge on despite her absence. I MISS YOU MORE EVERY DAY.

Ok… must sleep.. Good Night and Good Luck.


July 21, 2008

pig's kick8


<3 Cupcakes

<3 Cupcakes

<3 Cupcakes


Sweeter Than Candy
3 Cupcakes
Pixel Dolls

What? This is Free?? Yes Sireee!

July 20, 2008

I was mid preparation of this post when I read comments from a couple of anonymous people to Olivia’s previous post, complaining that we don’t show entirely freebies. Guess what, this post is entirely free – not a Linden Dollar in sight!!

This gorgeous dress is July’s group gift by Pop*Feel, wear your group tag and touch the sign in the store.


The amazing Auri (paint box) skin is a group gift from SINdecade, join the group and look in the notice archives. Check out the store for more variations on this skin too. The fabboo Hipster hair is a group gift by Curio as seen in Olivia’s post (join Gala & Rita Design Announcements for this and the beautiful skins and jewellery)


This adorable outfit I spied on Beanie Loves Japan blog, (if you love all things Japanese you must check out Beannie’s blog). The Starlit sky outfit is by DP yumyum, join the Itutu group and look in the notice archives for this outfit, total kewtness and it can be worn in various ways.



Now for the boring bit, you can skim read past this bit if you wish – we don’t force anyone to read ‘wordyness’

This blog has never been entirely freebies, which is why the title reads “Creamy & Co show you how to look stylish for (mostly) free”. There are many freebie blogs out there and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find new items which have not already been blogged – if we showed only freebies we would all be showing the same stuff and I believe that is pointless and boring.

We work hard here to show you cool things which are mostly free and we like to dress them up with non-free items sometimes, we are doing this for fun! SL is supposed to be fun!

Nuff said!

Now my bed calls, ni nites ❤

don’t say i never did anything for you

July 20, 2008

i’m going to let you in on a little secret: curio is open, and it is spectacular. there. you may thank me with pretty fanboys and obscene amounts of cash. i’ll be needing the extra L to spend on every single thing set for sale on the sim. you think i’m kidding? the skins give such good nudity that i’m contemplating getting a stripper gig, and the hair is rich and luxuriant with some of the most fun prim wrangling i’ve seen in forever. did i mention there are eyes? and jewelry? check out the elegant vintage heart necklace (this version with a purple gemstone is an update group exclusive; it comes in four metals, even) below:

[hair – curio, holly (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, sprinkle (1000L); eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L, located upstairs above the hair)]

oh frabjous day you guys, BIG BOOTY BIG MONEY IS BACK! kind of. there’s only one lonely set of dresses up at the new retrology location but they’re deeelicious. the above soft mossy green delight is free and newly available in bbbm’s group notice archives.

moving on, shopping cart disco‘s dynamic duo of tenshi vielle ({boutique}) and iris seale (punch drunk) are celebrating a blog move to a new server or something nerdtacular like that. the important thing is that there are hot gifts out at their aspire isle stores (this weekend only!):

punch drunk‘s sassy colorful juno outfit:

[hair/flower – curio, psychobilly freakout (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, lavender (1000L)]

{boutique}‘s adorable sparkly disco diva gift (my hideous visage is mercifully obscured by mijn boa’s enchanting dollarbie mask. get it at her viva la glam installation, and pick up some of her swoony magical art while you’re at it because it’s beyond affordable):

[shoes – juicy, sparkling iridescent pink pumps (500L at the shoe expo. 100% of the proceeds go to the aspca!)]

aaand another {boutique} dollarbie, the elton john shades. i confess that i have no use for sir elton but i have a crush on these:

[hair – curio, gertrude; eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L)]

words words words blah some words blah.

edited to add more words: i bolded/italicized pertinent info for those who are a wee bit more on the instant gratification side. if i could have made it all blinky/scrolling marquee/dripping blood i would have… this might be helpful too (for those of you who’d prefer plain old pictures! yay!)

Elegant hair & Cute cardigan*

July 19, 2008

*f.wiさんの エレガントなヘアとRay Skinさんの かわいい鍵編みカーディガンを紹介します。
Ray Skin さんのこちらのカーディガンには2種類のポーズがセットで入ってます。

It introduces elegant hair and a lovely cardigan. 🙂
You can get hair from a lucky board. *f.wi
A lovely cardigan is 1L$. Two kinds of poses make a set. Ray Skin
Ray Skin sells the yukata(1L$) and posed sets(0~1L$) too.


Hair : *f.wi  Lucky board
Cardigan : Ray Skin  1L$

Minty Yumyums

July 18, 2008

Sometimes I hate Fashcon, sometimes I love it. This is one of the lurve times! I was so excited when I got a notice saying Peppermint Blue had a new freebie release.I hadn’t been there in months and it was nice to be reminded!! For those that do’t know, Peppermint Blue provides complete avatar packs, complete down to accessories and shoes. You get loads of options within your chosen pack, even skins, based on Eloh’s fab templates.

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

This is the new pack, with all these options! I’m wearing my own skin for the pics. Shown below are some other examples of other outfits you can pick up there.

peppermint blue

Love love the ripped jeans.

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

peppermint blue

This one also comes with a bikini I think!! I’m a bit distracted atm with making new skins and eyes, hence these pics have sat in my flickr for a night and day begging me to blog em!!!

Peppermint Blue

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoo (not free)

Ears (not free)
Body Politik


July 18, 2008

about all those not-so-free gala phoenix skins i’ve been torturing the free*style readership with lately? here’s one that’s totally, completely, utterly without strings:

[shirt – cupcakes group gift, check notice archives; jeans – lf fashions – trusty jeans (the best 200L you’ll ever spend)]

rita groshomme of curio generously dropped me a folder of loveliness, which naturally i squeed over for about 10 minutes because really, what’s the point of being an f-list e-fashion mock celebritard if you can’t trick people into giving you stuff once in awhile? actually i squeed because i died a lame little fangirl death inside, but anyway… i was even more delighted to make the connection that my folder = the latest gifts to the gala and rita design announcements group. yes, that’s right, you too can procure rita’s cute cropped hipster hairdo (which is eerily close to my own RL ‘do. i’m generally of the opinion that hipsterness is wrong wrong wrong but it never felt so right) in about 2380572 brilliant shades, and gala’s nightshade makeup in 983259823 luminous tones. you bet your ass i counted. stick around the group too, ’cause as a member you’ll get a day early sneak peek at the curio sim:

We are pleased to announce the sneak preview of our new sim Curio, exclusively to members of our update group Saturday July 19th at noon SLT. The offical opening will be Sunday July 20th at noon SLT.

Be sure to join our update group “Gala & Rita Design Announcements” to get in early so you can shop with less lag. You can find the group in search or IM Rita Groshomme if you need an invite. We will also be giving out several group gifts before the opening 😀

We will have all new skins, hair, furniture, eyes, and more! See you there!

and with that, i’m off to sleepwalk through another muggy, hot-as-balls friday workday. hurry up, saturday!