Archive for August, 2008

Limited Time, Unlimited Awesome.

August 31, 2008

As I’m wading through my legal research and recovering from a delightful hangover, I wanted to hit “pause” and show you a few things that I found this weekend that I lurrrve.

This first outfit is available for free in-store at Sn@tch just until midnight tonight (Sunday). The sheer top is a little risque with a lot of style, and Ivey’s “Deadly” cords have been a staple in my wardrobe. I tend to patronize the heck out of designers that make easy to mix-and-match basics, as I’m not very adept at pushing the style envelope. (More than once I’ve broken out in virtual hives and canned a post because I wasn’t sure if the outfit looked ok when I’ve mixed things together!)

The necklace in the above photo is from Rebel-X and one I’m pretty sure I’ve shown before, but just in case you haven’t snagged it, you can pick that one up and two others for free upstairs in the shop.

How I ended up there was another story. I randomly asked Dove Swanson (all the poses from this post are by Long Awkward Pose by the way…\\o// I didn’t forget!) if she’d been to any shops recently for some edgy clothing, and she sent me to Rebel-X. I ended up falling madly in love with the little shop – so much so that I have to show you a full-priced outfit. This “Mr. Bones” set includes not only the clothing, but a gazillion intricately detailed accessories with it, all for $350L. When I think about how much I usually blow just on accessories to match an outfit…well, I dun wanna think about that, but it’s too much and to be able to get an outfit with all these accessories was meep-worthy.
There’s a hunt going on in the House of Heart and Bewitched sims that has over 85 daisies with prizes in them. I think it ends at the close of the holiday weekend, if I recall correctly. While I peeked around looking for some, I heard a lot of different group chats with members saying, “85 Daisies! I’m so stressed!” Stress not, amigas…we can only do what we can. Many thanks to the generous designers for making it such a rad hunt.

Some of the daisies I did manage to find included a Tuli skin, eyes, and dress with some House of Heart hair that was just too cute not to show. (Not “kyoot!” I’m finally recovering from my excessive useage of “kyoot.” At least I hope I am. )
Gecko helped me with the pictures today, as my PC has decided that connecting wirelessly to the Internet is not its “thing.” Alas. I popped on this dress and the conversation went like:

G: Mmmm. That makes me want to yodel.
A: Erm…is that a good thing?
G: Yuss. My little yodel girl.
A: You want me to yodel? Yodeling is sexy?
G: Well, maybe if you were naked when you did it.
A: [rolls eyes]

Last but certainly not least is this dress from Marinoco Fashion that is available for $1L in-store for group members. The designer changes her dollarbies regularly, so best to grab it now if pink and poofy is your thing. I paired it with another House of Heart hairstyle I found on the daisy hunt in a misguided attempt to look a little more couture and a little less barbie. Please, don’t be too harsh! [grins]
And that concludes the end of my procrastination that I can justifably relish in. Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend!!

P.S. A few designers have recently lamented to me about how the “picks” in profiles really influences where their shop ends up after a search. Many of them can’t afford to pay customers money like some megastores do, and it really helps them out a lot if you include them in your profile. So, if you want to thank Silent Sparrow for the lucky chair goodness and group gifts, or House of Heart for the great hunts, or Sn@tch for how many awesome freebies are put out regularly, or any number of talented designers that are so generous, one of the best things you can do is make theeir store a “pick” in your profile. Thanks!! xx

Non-free items in this post:
“Streetwalkers ~ Plain Janes” shoes by Sn@tch
“Casket” hair by ARGRACE
“Deception” boots by SiniStyle
“Angel” jewelry set by Violet Voltaire

Minty Quicky!

August 30, 2008

Hya’s been holding out on us!! How she ever kept these gorgy outfits to herself is beyond me!! Now , not only are they available, but she’s put them in the lucky chair. Ash overload!!!

There’s couple of rules for the SS chair: “As requested previously. PLEASE do not call Lucky Chair letters in the ~silentsparrow~ group or any other Lucky Chair group. Teleport your friends!! ” Fankyoo Hya you legend x0x0

The Caged Bird Jacket In Minty
Caged Bird Lolita In Rosey
The Sylvan Suit In Silvery

Silent Sparrow

I Wish Upon A Сладък Star

August 29, 2008

You can wait your whole sl for something incredible like this. I thought I’d found my nirvana with the Facelight 3000, but this group gift from Bettypage tops that. It’s amazing, it’s Rozkošný beyond compare and it’s my own personal spotlight!!!

You get 3 versions in the box, including one you can wear, in case of a sim with build off. Theses pose props have to be the Süßt things I have ever seen. Fankyoo Betty, the stars are made of awesome!

Kenlee and I were wandering round the Sugarmill sim, dressed as Alice and Malice, playing with all the Sød poses. There’s even twister kids, too much fun!! I hadn’t been there for ages, and we ended up in Fluky. We were lucky enough to bump into the owner Bronwyn Llewelyn, who was a heap of fun to talk to, and was kind enough to let us try our luck with the Fortune Teller gift giver thingo! I actually won!! Wonders will never cease, and this Knap dress was my prize! It’s blood covered perfection!!

There’s also a huge box of freebies, of which I’ve shown a couple of the Joli outfits. I luff the star tank, perfectly in keeping with my theme du jour! The jeans have the belt drawn on them, so perfect for that laggy event you can’t say no to!! The hair alas is not free, but it comes with it’s own super carino tiara *whispers* you all need a tiara! Grab yours from the Deviant Kitties booth at Hair Fair.


BP* Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties @ Hair Fair

And as a closing thought, I luff the word Χαριτωμένος, it’s just so Atraente doncha think! 😉

To Love…And Endeavour!

August 29, 2008
I Got wind (not the kind that makes you fart) that Endeavour has an enticing lucky board! I swear to God I have been there the whole day, and I finally managed to get 2 things… Oriental Bustier including brooch!
Yes! I can pose anytime…any place…
Amber Eyes from the lucky board!
I am so lucky!
Sweetheart Beulah Mills let me know there is an ‘S’ on the Michelle Pumps lucky chair, you know me…I like to mismatch my shoes and I am so glad I got them! They normal retails at $289L per color.
On Suri
Endeavour – Oriental Bustier with Booch
Endeavour – Amber Eyes
Lya – Michelle Pumps

Dreamy Creamy

August 29, 2008

Old picture of Creamy.

Cuz we all love Creamy so much I made this just for us! A very cool sand writing!!! It will ba avaliable to you all to take home at out Piers location soon. In the meantime if you simply cannot wait, you can go to S.LOVES!! to get it now!!!
TEAM CREAMY sand writing, $0L at S.LOVES!!


August 29, 2008
Vain Inc. is giving out some sexay group gifts! First up is this super evening gown. Package include a tummy revealing outfit (my favorite) consisting a backless halter neck top and a long seirly glitch skirt…plus a feathered earrings!
Anyone got their Moody shoes to go with it? 🙂

On Suri

Vain Inc Group Gift from LH Fashions – Everything you see there not including me or my wedding ring.
To get the gifts please join Vain Inc. and look into past notices…it’s still sizzling hot!


August 28, 2008

U may have to rub your eyes TWICE, even 3 times when you see me here!! What the hell? I stole Creamy’s office keys and am raiding Free*Style!!I am the new contributor, at your service… I will pop in every now and again to cause some havok! I bet you would like that though?! Hm? 😉 Morgana of Soft Touch Skins has kindly let me use her new Bri Skins to demonstrate this dress today. I love the particular detail on the face, makes me want to go to a Masquerade Night! By the way, there is a Masquerade Ball is on Aug 31 the last day of the 3 day Pirate Day event.. runs from 8-10pm slt at the Cassieopeia Isle!

Outfit is free from ScarlettCast Gift Ball For August 2008, $0L. To join just tp to Second Wave Apparel !

These Georgeous! Stilettos are gift from .: DK :. Shape, $0L When I tp’d to the store at LA Street Scene, there is a Catherine shape, also a freebie!

On Suri
Hair: JE*REPUBLIC-Cutie Perm Hair (group gift), $0L
Shape: .: DK :. Shape – Catherine, $0L
Dress: N i V E N Fashion – Abstract Art Dress, from ScarlettCast Gift Ball For August 2008, $0L
Hat: *GF* Rose Hat in White, also from ScarlettCast Gift Ball For August 2008, $0L
Skin: Soft Touch Skins – Bri, FREE this weekend in conjunction with the Masquerade Ball.
Shoes: .: DK :. Shape – White Stilettoes, $0L



August 28, 2008

It’s about time I featured my good friend Morgan Kincess on Free*Style, I’ve been meaning to feature her here for a long time. She’s superfun, superstylish, supercreative with her store Digital Eyes and she always puts a smile on my face when I’m having an off day.

Yesterday, PixelDolls gave the group this stunningly sexy, high waisted, sparkly skirt. I was standing outside Free*Style faffing about with the skirt prim and trying to decide what to wear with the it and lo and behold Morgan appears….. “Creammmtard!”. She’s wearing the same skirt with an amazing corset which she got for free from Baiaistice, so she TP’d me there for the corset (which comes in 4 colours) and she is in all her beautiful glory.

me and morg_001

Has anyone noticed how SL has started doing that cross eyed thing again? It was one bug in a previous version that I was disappointed that they had fixed because I LOVED it! Well, YAY, it’s back, I was desperate to get the cross-eyed money shot, but SL was being a shiat and wouldn’t let us take photo’s at the exact moment so I missed it, bah!

The hair we are wearing here is made by Morgan for her store Digital Eyes, it’s free at Juicy Bella in the brighter shade until the end of today so hurry if you want it, you can buy many other shades in her store. The beautiful skin is by Free Speerit in the Free Style Sim hunt and my jewellery from Diamonde, the beautiful ‘Miabella’ bracelet is 1L in store but the earrings are sadly not available at the moment. (I checked at the store and couldn’t see them)

me and morg_002

Glammin it up 3


Skin : FS Skin – Whitney (FS Make Up)(Naked) –
Freestyle hunt
Hair :
Digital Eyes – Ponytail Fushia Bella – free at Juicy Bella (limited time)
Lashes : Rachel _Lashes !
WigWamBam/Rachael Gift – Free
Eyes :
Digital Eyes – Eyes! Cat Purple – Free
Corset :
Baiaistice Corsett sexy black – Free
High Button Miniskirt –
PixelDolls Subscribomatic group gift
Boots :
atuzoko boots – Free
Necklace :
Digital Eyes – Pearl Necklace Black – group gift “Digital Eyes Update Group”

Skin & Lashes: FS Skin – Whitney (FS Make Up)(Naked) –
Freestyle hunt
Corset :
Baiaistice Corsett sexy Purple – Free
High Button Miniskirt –
PixelDolls Subscribomatic group gift
Shape: Tabitha by Creamy:
Free*Style at Paradise Pier (free)
Jewellery by
Diamonde, Bracelet is 1L
Not free- Creamy:
Anime Eyes : Ashia designs
Hair :
Digital Eyes – Ponytail – (this shade not free, Morgan’s is free)
Shoes in Squid Ink:

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair

Breezy Vibe

August 26, 2008

Yeehaw, I’ve finally got my finger out of my butt to do a blog post, it’s way past my bed time but I wanted to show you this beautiful floatsome dress which is this weeks free gift from Kunglers, perfect with this Kin hair (free at Hair Fair – Pink) to give that ‘Summer of Lurrve’ vibe.



I am in total and utter love with Sandy from Fuel’s shoes, these particular ones are free at our Free Style hunt. I have some just like these in RL…my favie shoes!


I also joined the Kunglers group whilst in store and found this beautifully sexy dress in the notices, I think this may have been blogged before but I’m waaay to tired to look, so here it is again, worn with the beautiful free hair from Magika at the Hair Fair – Purple


Oh gush, gush, gush and major wordyness…the skin is beautiful too, it’s by Tuli of course, the Elizabeth in Fern which you will find at the Free Style hunt this week.

I will do the links tomorrow because I am just about losing conciousness here (so much I can’t even spell it). But if you are really desperate to get them NOW you will find the stores SLURL’s if you type the store name in our blog search up there.

Byeeee for nooow