
There’s been heaps on the feed today about photoshop and photoshop tips. This post from Achariya, this one from Ana Lutetia, and this link to a wicked tutorial. It’s really inspiring to hear other people’s work flow, so I thought I’d give it a whirl too and do something a bit different with my pics!


Katatonik & Old Gravy

While stalking katatonik for the limited edition Malice dress, I saw that there were some new dollarbies out, 6 yummy babydolls, legwarmer boots, and new colours for the gorgy plaid skirt that’s been so popular. My daughter asked for dots on the background, so here they are! Also there was a note in the chat box about a freebie box from Old Gravy, I’ve shown 2 of the tops from there.



I got these yummy freebs from HLC, I can’t remember how I came accross the LM in my inventory, it was just there this morn when I finished hunting for bunnehs at Silent Sparrow!! For these pics, I did the Ana signature pic with the gradient shtuffs. I have to say, I found it very hard not to frame them (yus frame obssesed is what I am!)

Lokki House

Lokki House

Also in the chatbox was a tip about a prize camp dress at Likka House. Mui posted about this store waaaay back in May, there are gorgeous doll dresses for ridiculously cheap! The Alice dress shown is 20l. Also, as dolls and Alice seem to have become popular, I made my best friend Kenlee make me a doll key, which she said I could pass on to the group. You can find it in the notice archives. I tried hard to resist, but the frames called to me!! The background for the Alice dress, my daughter chose again, her colour de jour being pink!!

Pics 1 &2

Legwarmer Boots

Old Gravy

Hair (not free)

Pics 3&4

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)

Pics 5&6
Likka House (1 from the prize camp chair, the other 20l)

Hair (not free)
Diversity Hair

My Standard non freebies

Body politik

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