Christ In A Hatsack

My best friend and long suffering business partner Kenlee is colourful to say the least. The title of this post is one of her fave sayings, when something is so outrageous it beggars belief. I know for a fact that is what she would have said if she was at the Hair Fair sims today. The time and effort, not to mention the creativity that has gone into this event is just amazing. I was lucky to get a preview, and pat pat Sasy as she nearly passed out from lack of sleep and waaaaay too much Redbull!!! Shown below are jut a tiny few of the gifts you can pick up at the fair when it officially opens tomorrow.

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And what would a preview be without Ash spending eleventy twelve million lindens on brand spanking new, only available at the fair hair? Shown below are my fave purchases so far.

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

Get yourselves to the fair and spend or donate as much as you are able. With most of the hair, 50% of the proceeds goes to Locks Of Love, and if you buy a bandana, all of the proceeds go to that charity. Locks Of Love provides wigs to children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, and seeing a kid smile again, well it’s priceless isn’t it. As an aside, when talking about what I should do with my bandana, someone who shall remain nameless revealed that they were a survivor, and that their hair had only started to grow back recently. So, you never know just how close cancer is to you, especially in Phil’s Place xoxo

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange

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