<3 UnPick

**wooop woooop….new favie store alert**

I discovered a gorgeous store called UnPick on my travels a few weeks ago, the clothes here are totally adorable and doll-like. They have a new mainstore with 2 lucky chairs for group members (you can join the group by clicking the sign at the store).

I camped for 50 minutes to win this fantastic swirly dress, 50 minutes was just enough time to reply to all my IMs and notecards and do a minor inventory tidy, (I only touched the tip of the iceberg there). The other lucky chair in store contains the black version of this dress.



Made a new shape for y’all as well – no name yet but I’ll think of something suitably ridiculous – I will put this shape out at our upcoming Free Style sim hunt tomorrow, I think it looks so beautiful with the M&R Cupcakes skin (group gift).

If you click on these pic and view large you will see a cute little bow piercing on the bottom lip and left ear, this is a group gift from *BP.


Dress: UnPick (50 minute camp prize)
Super Cateye Skin: M&R Cupcakes (group gift 250L join fee)
Bow Piercings: *BP (group gift)
Blue Anime Eyes: Ashia Designs (not free)
Bow Hair: ::sixy-nine:: (approx 200L for various shades)

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