Breezy Vibe

Yeehaw, I’ve finally got my finger out of my butt to do a blog post, it’s way past my bed time but I wanted to show you this beautiful floatsome dress which is this weeks free gift from Kunglers, perfect with this Kin hair (free at Hair Fair – Pink) to give that ‘Summer of Lurrve’ vibe.



I am in total and utter love with Sandy from Fuel’s shoes, these particular ones are free at our Free Style hunt. I have some just like these in RL…my favie shoes!


I also joined the Kunglers group whilst in store and found this beautifully sexy dress in the notices, I think this may have been blogged before but I’m waaay to tired to look, so here it is again, worn with the beautiful free hair from Magika at the Hair Fair – Purple


Oh gush, gush, gush and major wordyness…the skin is beautiful too, it’s by Tuli of course, the Elizabeth in Fern which you will find at the Free Style hunt this week.

I will do the links tomorrow because I am just about losing conciousness here (so much I can’t even spell it). But if you are really desperate to get them NOW you will find the stores SLURL’s if you type the store name in our blog search up there.

Byeeee for nooow

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