STOP: Strayer Time!

Hai kids!! First up, two fabulous dollarbies from two of my fave designers!!

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On the left, we have an awesome tank from Strayer. I love Yohan’s quirky designs, and he loves my “speak”, so it works out well!!! The Pants aren’t free, but they’re avail at Strayer if you wanna pick them up. And on the right, a new dollarbie from Jojo of Wigwambam. It’s a wee bit see through (read hawt), and the phrase on it means “long time no see”. Jojo’s also been kind enough to place some of her dollarbies at the Free*style main store, woot!!! It’s so chock full of wicked stuff now, if you haven’t checked it out before, do so post haste!


Check out this lollitastic gift from Alchemy!! The dress and sunnies come in a wicked picnic basket, you have heaps of bright colours to pick from (for the sunnies) and flower particles you can wear or place (if you have land). You get 3 different skirts too, all in funky colours, so you can mix and match, or miss match to your hearts content! Now I’m gonna work on my sltan, xoxo

Pic 1

Pants (not free)

Hair (not free)
Diversity Hair

Pic 2
Dress And Sunnies
Alchemy Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Diversity Hair

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