Naughty Old Girl

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME… AND ADAIRE!! (OMG how could I forget that Adaire and I share a birthday?)

Shhhh don’t tell anyone, but it’s just after midnight here and that means it’s September 12. My RL birthday. Lets just say I am officially old enought to know better….

So to celebrate I adorned my avi in this beautiful dress from which is a group gift from the wonderful store, Saya .


The texture on this dress is absolutely gorgeous, it comes with the brown sweater, pretty pendant necklace and flower belt.


Also Amerie’s Naughty group has given away this cheeky pair of painters jeans. These come in two different leg styles and are super low waisted to show a bit of bum cleavage.



And now I’m off to bed, I plan a day of binge-SL’ing tomorrow, and then binge-drinking and shopping all weekend. YAY!

birthday hat

Dress : Saya Group Gift
Cake Hat: Saya free in store (other free items there too)
Jeans: Amerie’s Naughty Group Gift

Not Free
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (10L)
Bombshell skin: MiA
The Short Hair in Pearl: Armidi

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