Limited Distribution

Peppermint Blue is a place I heard of so many times. I have not been there recently, but right now they are distributing some cool freebies. Peppermint Blue is good to offer newbie packs, which includes everything from skin, shape to your clothes and shoes! Even if you don’t need a newbie pack. you can still go there for the clothes, right?Left: ::IZUMIYA::080913Western Party Pack for Cowgirl, $0L
Right: [ Bingo ] Belle Eyelet ChocoPink Peppermint, $0L

Left: Set.::PeppermintBlue::.080905Lf0a Assistance Set, $0L
Right: [ Bingo ] Belle Eyelet ChocoPink Peppermint, $0L

Remember the clothes are avaliable for limited time only! I have only shown the 4 outfits I have picked, so do go to Peppermint Blue and see what you fancy!

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