Something Fishy Going on

Ah the emergency room… old friend, how I missed you. It’s been at least a couple of months since my last visit there, I had almost forgotten the um..specialness of it all!! *Almost* Mini me had a spill at daycare today, after she was allowed to run around on polished floors with wet feet….oy. This doesn’t make much sense for a co-ordinated adult, let alone a boisterous 3 and a half year old.

Once safely home and ice pack applied to a very purple and swollen chin, madam passed out. Usually after daycare, she’s raring to go, full of the day’s excitement and such. So the falling asleep tres early left me with an unusual amount of time on my hands. Time to pwn some lucky chairs!! Well actually just the Fishy Strawberry one, cos my other nemesis at Lo*momo remains unclaimed…….for now!

I got this gorgy dress from Salon De Pigeon Blanc. It’s a 10 min item camp, I needed a break from glaring at the Lo*momo lucky board XD!

These cuties are also from Salon De Pigeon Blanc, you’ll find them on the wall next to the camp stool. I luff the leggings, they suit my Q down to a T. A perfect way to still wear a short skirt in the cooler months doncha think?

Pic 1
Fishy Strawberry Lucky Chair

Kumamoto Japan

Pics 2&3
Salon De Pigeon Blanc Item Camp

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Pics 4&5
Salon De Pigeon Blanc

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Hair worn throughout

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