Black And White?

I’ve been feeling a bit lack lustre about Phil’s Place of late, mostly due to alot of pressure RL. However, that pressure should be eased as I have a brand new room mate moving in this afternoon, yay! He’s fabulous and from London originally, like me. More importantly, mini me seems to like him as much as she likes the cat (which is ALOT!)


What better to lift me from my funk than a stunning skirt? Made by none other than our multi talented Creams! She made it using the nifty prim skirt builder by Vint. I was saying the other day, all we need now is a shoe maker to join the blog and we have all bases covered! I paired it with this gorgy top from DP Yumyum, goes perfectly. And looky, NEW HOOVES!!! Soo not free, but worth every cent I spent on the fat pack. I have hooves for every occasions, in all colours *sighs happily*




These beautiful dresses are from Brain Restriction, a new to me store. The clothes are stunning, and you’ll find a more than generous freebie/cheapie section.


And in keeping with the black and white theme, this super cute group gift from Sn@tch. You won’t be able to miss this on the wall, it’s the only white vendor XD! And now I’m off to get new headphones, my fourth pair…I suspect they make em crappy so you have to keep replacing them!!

Pic 1
DP Yumyum

Made By Creams (might be coming to the Free*style store?)

Pics 2-4
Brain Restriction

Pic 5

Non Freebs

Lazy Places

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