Archive for October, 2008

My Brain Hurts

October 31, 2008

I love Halloween parties, but the aftermath is bleh. So yes, my brain hurts today……alot!! And I can’t sleep, so it’s stupid o’clock here.


Remember the gorgy Halloween skin from SchismPrenic? She now has an inworld store yay! She has a few low price or dollarbie skins, so go check it out! This particular one is called Sally’s Song Blue, and while I didn’t see it at the store, I’m sure it will be available in no time.


The stunning dresses are from Pixel Dolls subscribo. Both utilise system skirts, so have your buttless shape to hand!! I love this shade of blue/green, so pretty.


These yummy shirts are from the Fishy Strawberry subscribo. They’re unisex, so you boys can grab em too.





Our gorgy sim mates Free Speerit are back with a vengeance!! Join the group now to grab your beta copies of these skins. Desidelia Vella is looking for feedback before the skin line is relaunched. My 2 cents? Thicker eyebrows please!! Other than that I love them, beautiful tone, body and the tears are darling. The lips are perfectly pouty with just a hint of gloss, delish. Yay Desi!! Drop a card on her with your likes/dislikes, ooh and there’s a Halloween gift in the notices too!! Urgh back to bed for me, gotta catch an hour’s sleep before my darling butterfly wakes up wanting brekkie!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Jeans (not free)
Desert Moon Clothers

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Vampire Weekend

October 31, 2008


I love this band Vampire Weekend and now I have an excuse to inflict them on everyone else…

I’ve gone vintage Halloween today, I’m channelling Dita von Teese after she has just been fed some raw human. Did you know that when Dita goes to a Halloween party she dresses like a normal girl without makeup – that’s her outfit, that’s what she said in an interview last week.

This retro dotty gorgeous dress is a free gift from Ingenue. Also comes in many other colours but only the orange is free. The hair is a freebie by Jetdoll at Savoir Hair and the teeth are part of a 1L Vampirella outfit from JetDoll (see here for complete outfit, I blogged it nearly a year ago and it’s still available in store)


This web and spider jewellery is a free gift from Star Kindler, beautiful and intricately detailed, it’s hard to show it in its full glory in these pics. (Woops just noticed Ashia has featured these here too) There’s no such thing as overexposure when it comes to this luffly jewellery though.


ingenue star kindler_013

ingenue,# star kindler ring

Other items worn
Halloween Skin: Beauty Avatar (1L)
Orange eyes: Aralute’s (20L)

To be honest I’ve got a bit of beef with Halloween in RL. Call me an old grump, but I find kids I don’t know (most of them bigger than me) ringing my doorbell and begging for sweets pretty annoying. Now my girls are desperate to do it “cos everyone else is”. Gaaahhh what to do?

Thankfully we are going to be out at a party later, so hopefully we will get back late and miss all that.

Little Fish = Big, big love!!

October 31, 2008

There really isn;t much to say, other than, get off ya butt and get down to Little Fish tommorrow!!!!!
Check out this amazing orange creation. Sexy, saucy, orange and uber-awesome.
Available until the 1st of November. So get it.Or you’ll be sure to cry your eyes out.



Orange 1




Here’s the deal:
Halloween Outfit from Little Fish (available 31st October-1st November 2008)
Skin is from Loser on the Vain Ghost Hunt
Shoes are from katat0nik on the Vain Ghost Hunt
Hair from 20-minute camp @ ::69::
Eyes from MiaSofia Group Gift

Guest Post – Witchy Woman

October 30, 2008

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 4

I was feeling a little wicked cute, and decided to show you what made me go “Woot!”.

She can rock you in the nighttime
’til your skin turns red
Woo hoo witchy woman
See how high she flies

~ The Eagles

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 3

I have been blogging for a year now on my own, and have always included some of my great free gift finds in my “Look Of The Day” posts, but I rarely make a whole look out of freebie finds. This is one occasion where I could not resist. I have been a fan of Bare Rose Tokyo since I discovered it almost two years ago, and not only do they have a free gift orb, so you can win surprises as you shop, but they always have fabulous lucky chair gifts for guys and gals. Better yet, all their gifts are transfer, so you can pass them to friends if you get more then one. This Tartan Tartan Pumpkin dress is so sweet, and has great prim details like the bow on one upper arm, and also comes with a hilarious Pumpkin Hat and stockings that I decided to leave out. Make sure you grab it before the seasons change!

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 2

The Ginger Witch Hair/Hat combo was one I picked up last year from ~Gracile~, which is thankfully still available in-store. Head to the hair room to the back right of the shop, and you will find a box on the floor full of different shades of hair and this great sculpted witch hat!

Look Of The Day [October 30/08] 1

If you are not a member of the Kari or Torrid Wear Subscribe-O-Matic group, make sure you join by November 7th to get this amazing Scripted Flying Broom. It attaches to your hand, has 3 sweet riding animations, and if you click your cat, it moves you to a standing position with the broom in hand. It is adorable and a real treasure. Check past notices for the Broom, which was delivered on the 29th of October.

Big thanks to all the talented designers in-world sending Halloween Love our way!


Free Gift Items Only Available NOW!
Hat/Hair – ~Gracile~, Ginger (Complete Set of Colours, White)[In Store Gift]
Dress – ::B@R::, Tartan Tartan Pumpkin [Lucky Chair Gift, Includes Pumpkin Hat & Stockings (Not Worn)]
Broom – TW & Kari, Flying Broom [Subscribe-O-Matic Group Gift]

Other Details (NOT FREE, But Fabulous!):
Boots – (Shiny Things), Chunky Ribbon Boots (Black)
Socks – (CS) Lulu Socks, OTK Fishnets – Grey (Black)
Ring – Caroline’s Jewelry, Gimcrack Diamond Solitaire Ring
Skin – Celestial Studios, Charmed Line (Tone 20, Smoke)
Eyes – Miriel, Hazel Eyes (Big)

The Ballad Of Barry And Freda

October 30, 2008

Ms Analee Balut has gone and spoilt us stupid again!! This amazing outfit is available in the main store now.


The skirt is just incredible, and you get a million and twenty two options.



The corset is so beautiful, check out the lacing detail on the back, feel free to zoom!


So run now my pretties!! ALB Dream Fashions (blogger may bugger up my link, last time I blogged this store the slurl wouldn’t work no matter how many times I did it)


You can also pick up this set for 10l if you feel like camming.


Yes more ass shots, this cute set was too adorables to resist!! Pick yours up from Vinyl Cafe Fashions, out for a limited time only.

And without further ado, I present to you the video that distracted the shit outta me yesterday when I was supposed to be working, I present to you The Ballad Of Freda And Barry, enjoi, Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)

Tattoos (not free)

I’m Having a Gang Bang!!

October 29, 2008

Don’t kill me, but this post isn’t entirely about freebies. It is very important that you know about this – you’ll thank me for it in the end, mark my words…read on luvva’s.

Thimbles has a MASSIVE 5L sale on everything which is orange or black, or a combo of both until 31st Oct. I love this store so much, the clothes are fantastic and created with such humour, even the names of the outfits are funny.

I decided to have a team get-together WITH MY ALTS to show some of the clothes here, the first time this has ever happened in my history of SL.

Actually, my craptop would find it impossible to run so many sessions of SL, so I just superimposed them onto a photo together, yes guess who only just figured out how to do this in PS (ableit very badly :D) If I had planned ahead properly I coulda done a mass Alt Orgy with them in all sorts of positions together, maybe next time…

Anyhoo here’s all the yummy stuff I picked up today from Thimbles, guess how many of my alts were involved in these pics today?

Thimbles1 CEC

All clothings worn above were 5L from Thimbles (including the mens)

Skin: Mia: (Not Free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (no longer available in group)
Roman Skin: Nylon (Not Free)
Hair: Novocane (Not Free)

thimble3 hhl

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Bat Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 2
Hair: Diversity (not free)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Shoes: Ki2 (not free)

Girl 3
Skull Hair:House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Thimbles2 LFH

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other Items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Girl 2
Bewitched Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 3
Skull Hair in white: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)
Python tights: Saya (free)
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (not free)

thimble rockberry_002

Shirt: Thimbles(5L)
Jeans: Random at Gnubie Store (0L)
Hair: House of Heart Halloween free gift in store
Skin: Rockberry (group gift)

Have I overwhelmed you enough? No? OK here’s some more then….(not all of these items are from Thimbles)

l ki2 thim, f hoh thim, l aoharu

Girl 1:
Skull Top: Ki2 (1L this week)
Skirt: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

Girl 2:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift)
Dress: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)

Girl 3:
Goooorgeousness Jacket and dress (0L FOR 3 DAYS, AOHARU)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

One more while I’m here. Check out what Muism have in the group notices, you can be a, errrrm, beautiful (?) zombie couple. Includes male and female outfits and skins.

muism zombies2

muism zombies

M&F Zombie Outfits and Skins: Muism group gift (join the group and look in notice archives)
Sweeny Todd hair: House of Heart (Blonde colour – 0L) (Black – not free)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

So how many alts then, you ask? Work it out for yourselves ;~)

Good *PHLOW* Hunting!

October 28, 2008

Is October a hunting month?
Instead of chillin’ out after finishing the ghostbusters hunt, I dived straight into another – PHLOW hunt.

The store has been moved to a BIGGER location, and to celebrate, Lowee has put out a few things in her store for you to find! It is just a mini hunt and it is super super easy, with the first staring right at you as soon as you enter the entrance!

Good Phlow Hunting

PHLow – Angie Set with Gloves

Good Phlow Hunting

PHLow Shirt – Pink & White stripe + tie
*CUPCAKES* – Basic Trousers in Olive from the Ghostbusters hunt (#94)
iGems Necklace from the Ghostbusters hunt (#48)
iGems Emerald bracelet (not free)

Good Phlow Hunting

PHLow Shirt – Wine & White stripe + tie
PHLow Denim Skirt
iGems Emerald bracelet (not free)
iGems Necklace from the Ghostbusters hunt (#48)

Good Phlow Hunting

PHLow Candy Stripper
JunkDrawer Living Dead necklace from the Ghostbusters hunt (#72)
iGems Emerald bracelet (not free)

miss Justin

Don’t forget PHlow still have the group gift – Miss Justin! You need to go to the store and click on the group gift invitation, doesn’t Lowee look cute in this?

NOW I can chill…………see you all soon!! 🙂

Sexual Fruit

October 28, 2008

Sanu | 1

Mah friend Sanu, who brought you these rocking chokers and these hot earrings (both freebies because she loves you), has taken that concept of ‘lurrrve’ to a new level. She’s launched a mini line of cute, naughty, ‘tasty’ foods that are as tantalizing to the mind as they are to the eyes. Not to mention they are funny as hell! They’re scriped with poses and if you give them a click they’ll react with a dirty lil response. heh heh heh. She’s put her Tasty Melons up on dollarbie for 24 hours, so go now if you want to have way too much fun playing with your food!

Sanu | 2

Sanu | 4

Sanu | 3

ps. You might recognize the Tasty Nuts poster girl. *wink


{all photos}
Sexual Tasty Fruit: “Tasty Melons” “Tasty Cherry” “Tasty Mixed Nuts” all by Sanu Collars (Melons are a 24 hour dollarbie, so run now!)

{not free}
Shorts: “Booty Shorts” in Black by League
Jacket: “Harlot” coat by Sn@tch (everything is 50% off, run!!)
Hair: “Egoist” hair in red brown by LALA Moon (Mah favorite hair, like, ever.)
Skin: “Carbon” in classic by Curio

ღ¸ More changes to Free*Style áƒ¦Â¸

October 28, 2008

Following some helpful feedback to my question here, I have now created a separate Free*Style group for free and 1L home & garden items.

Guess what I’ve called it? Yes, Free*Style Home & Garden!!
If you are a creator of home, garden, even fun miscellaneous items which cannot be worn on an avatar. Please send your info to FREESTYLE ADAMSKI (my alt) on a notecard and I will invite you as a designer so you can send notices. THIS GROUP IS OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR ALL SHOPPERS, but only myself, designers and store owners can send notices.

The Main FREE*STYLE Group is now only for notices about items which can be worn on an avatar.

This group is now OPEN ENROLLMENT too!!. At long last, SL has given group owners ability to turn off the pesky group IM chat, so (hopefully) no more spam.

To join the group type Free*Style in group search (yes the group now shows up in search too..things are looking up).

Current members can also invite new members to the group, so if you meet a new player or someone in need, help them out and send them an invite, remember to tell them about the our blog and the stores also, locations below and more coming soon….


IF you have space in your profile picks, it would be great if you could put one of our Free*Style locations there, to help people who may look at your profile and also to enable us to be found more easily in search. The more people who have us in their profile, the higher we will show in search.

If you wear your Free*Style group tag you can set your home location to here also. You can also unpack here if you wear your group tag but please remember to clear up afterwards .

If you are a Designer/Store owner you will still need send a note with your info to Freestyle Adamski or an Officer to be given the ability to send notices to this group.


This group is also open enrollment and can be found in Search. Also current members can invite new members and anyone can chat in group IM, share info on lucky chairs/hunts/freebie finds or anything.

This group does not receive notices like the other groups. Remember MUTE button is your friend in any open chat group. Spam is NOT allowed in this group but it is very difficult to control. If anyone is offensive or provides any suspicious links in group chat, please send me the info and I will ban them from all Free*Style groups.


Vain Inc. Ghostbusters Hunt Pt. 2

October 28, 2008

You didn’t think I would be back, did you?
Well…as persistent as I am, I had to bring out a part 2!

It’s the Vain Inc. Ghostbusters Hunt! Again!
This time I have gathered the rest of the things I love, and blog them here…

vain inc hunt

#42: Sweetest Goodbye
#57: Feral Spirit
#72: JunkDrawer
#76: Stitch By Stitch
#78: Design of Darkness
#80: Adam n Eve

Vain inc hunt

#48: iGems
#89: N.B. Look
#94: M&R Cupcakes
#113: Pixel Lounge

Vain inc hunt

#36: Francination
#43: Acid Mall
#52: Rave Nation
#83: Baiastice
#84: Annuarisu Confectionery

vain inc hunt

#39: Sugar Mill Pose Sets!!!
#102: Freda’s Fashion
#103: kata0nik
#113: Pixel Lounge

Also a BIG thank you to Jessyka Richard who submitted her pic on our Free*Style Flickr! This particular one ties in with the hunt and it is very detailed!

Jessyka Richard

Jessyka says:


Lying down hair: Philotic Energy – Tamora (Lucky Chair)
Hat: PERTURB/ation – FLIRT -Dresshat- (In store freebie?)
Necklace: Caroline’s Jewelry – Halloween Pumpkin Necklace (Ghostbuster Hunt)
Bangles: Ephemeral Creations – Jangle Bangle Bracelets (Ghostbuster Hunt)
Nails: Love Soul – Prim Nail*Halloween2008*Purple (Lucky Chair)
Dress: Katat0nik – Candy Corn Dress (Ghostbuster Hunt)
Shoes: Katat0nik – Ruffle Witch Shoe (Ghostbuster Hunt)

Not free:
Standing hair: Zero Style –
ClichyGlasses: Second Eyes – Rodeo Drive Glasses