Good Hair Day

A very good hair day, in fact. I am all over the grid grabbing the hair I see. I ain’t picky either, LOL!


First up, group gift from Glitter Hair Store. This hair you will find spread across 6 lucky boards, all in different color! As you can see in the picture below. The only catch is that you have to join the group before you can get these babies! Invitation box beside these lucky boards, just click on it!

Dress is from Vitamin Girl in the Free Town Mall. Lucky board prize again!

glitter me

I only got the black colored one – I have a mission to collect hair today!

My Purple Donna Platforms are my latest addition from Kookie, as Abra has previously announced:

“PS. KOOKIE SHOES HAS A 50% OFF SALE!! I completely flipped when I heard, as Kookie is not only a sweetie, she makes some of my favorite shoes in SL. I’m seriously going over there this minute to scoop up the new muggy’s in brown, the boots I’ve been eyeing, heels, ahhh, everything in sight. There are times when a girl should restrain herself and keep her purse strings closed. This is NOT one of those times people! lmao ;)) {not free, but completely worth it}”
– Abra


This hair is from W&Y, called Free4hair, $0L.
Dress: Alchemy – Heavenly Purple, not free.



KMH – Halloween Special Gift Hair, lucky board prize! Comes with different hair color and ribbons

Dress: Alchemy – Delicate Yellow, not free.

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