I got me some Attitoode

Attitudes have some gorgeous new lingerie for Fall, all of this for FREEEEE…


If I saw this lingerie in a RL store, I would buy all of it..


Even something for the guys, are you missing your ‘hippo’s’ on your friends list? I know I am, so get your guy some for his pants to fill that void.

Oh and my guy av hangs to the right FYI!

All underwear: Attitudes (0L)

The beautiful female skin worn is the new Dutch Touch group gift, touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose History, Option 1. The Hair is the new group gift from W&Y and the Yashna Shape is at Free*Style (1L)

The male skin is the new Halloween group gift from Minnu, joining fee is 250L, the hair was a previous group gift in the Minnu group but is now available to buy in store.

I am also now blogging freebie skins on the !Skin love! blog, so hop on over there if you have a serious skin addiction like me.

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