My Shoes Are So Fly

I am such a shoe whore. And a hair whore. And a clothes whore.

shoe flys!

My fly shoes are from Shoe Fly Shoes, of course! You will find this pair of shoes near to the gift card vendor, its an appreciation gift from CCTV!

hotpants kini

My HOTPANTS kini is a new addition to M&R Cupcakes! Find this Camo Purple one on the wall for $0L!


When I saw these I almost cried out for joy, I wanted something like this for ageeeessss. Priced at $400L, they come in assorted colors. But no fear girls! Grab your 2 day giftcard in store and buy this Industrial Mule for $200L!


Another cutesy swimsuit to show you..check out my tutu! LOL

Rosy Mood Swimsuit, avaliable only at Tiger Cafe! $0L

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