Scrappy McScrapperson

Lo*momo has expanded, opening 3 new stores! Yay and huge congrats to the luffley owner Ayura Freschi. There is a stunning gifty waiting for you, trick is to go to all 3 locations to pick up the various bits of the outfit.

Stunning isn’t it! Location 1, Location 2, Location 3.

These gorgy skins are from the Little Bird Nation lucky chair, the ones above are the Elf set, the ones below the Goth set. They come with the eyes shown, a shape and eyebrows (not shown). You can see why everyone’s desperate to get their hands on them, they’re so delicate and beautiful.

You’ll need to have you wits about you to get anywhere close to the chair!! The Doll set eludes me, but I shall prevail! If you’re smart, you’ll deprim completely as at any given time the sim was packed to capacity. For the most part, everyone was really well behaved and having a great time, save the odd one or two. Let’s remember our lucky chair etiquette, especially when a store is so busy, and FYI, saying you’re going to spit on the chair is, A: Gross and B: Very unladylike behaviour, you know who you are!

Other Shit
Deviant Kitties (not free)
Sixty Nine lucky chair

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

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