Ready to ride all night long

with abra 2

*rawr* hello there, dear ones. We’re feeling feisty. 

is this PG??

Juicy post for sure, Suri and I ran into the hottest boots around and they inspired us to dress down and get dirty at the motor track. A girl can’t help it, there’s no way to say clean with all the exhaust, cigarettes and mud all around.

bitches on bikes

To say we turned a few heads would be an understatement, but who can pass up a shoot like this? 

is this PG 2??

We are in LOVE with these boots from EvA. They are patent leather sexy with cute pumpkins on them- most definitely the sexiest holiday boots I’ve ever seen. The shape is incredible, they are resizable, have sound, the works. They are perfect in every way.


The fantastic lingerie is from Chic Boutique. Would you know it? I just dropped a pretty penny on some non-free items from the Crush Row location. I could not help myself!! The pretty, feminine styles and bits of classy sparkle caught my eye and it was instant loooveee.


Unbeknownst to me, but very apparent to Suri, were some gorgeous free sets at the main location, here. Either way you go, Arielle’s Chic Boutique is the place to go for something sexy and feminine.


There’s a little something for every girl, whether you want to make it steamy or keep it sweet. 


Suri has gone a little boy crazy, if you can’t read the writing on her a**. After this photo we had to wield sticks to beat the bikers away. Actually that was just me- good cop/bad cop, or rather sweet cop/tart cop. *spank* down boys!

with abra 1


With Abra

*chugga chugga chugga chugga* The bikes are so fun to ride, although I drive them like a mad woman- completely out of control! You can demo, then buy- but even if you aren’t into bikes, bring your guy friends and show them a good time. @ Motor World


Keeping it hot, because we can, Suri picked up this smokin’ catsuit from the [She Wants Revenge] group. *rawr* Besides having the frickin’ coolest name ever, [SWR] is also having a 60% off sale!! Hellls yea. Get your booties down there!


xo, Abra & Suri


Halloween Boots @ EvA

All Lingerie @ Chic Boutique

Red Cat Suit @ [She Wants Revenge] (group gift)

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