tell me your thoughts….

I was having a think today about Free*Style and if there is any point to it. I really want to know a few things.

If you are a Store Owner/Creator, have you noticed an increase in sales after advertising in the Free*Style group or being featured on this blog?

As a Shopper, are you really interested in the items which are advertised in the Free*Style group, are you discovering new stores you would never have found before?

That’s what I’d like to know.

So I’ve created a poll at the side of this blog and would really appreciate if you could take a second to answer. There’s one for shoppers and one for store owners.

Also, if you have the time, please leave any additional comments on this post. I’d be really interested to hear any suggestions, constructive criticism, what you would like more/less of etc…
If you require a response, please also include your SL name.


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