
I meant to show you the 1L Mrs Deli Salami top from Ki2 earlier in the week when it was first released (thanks Kiki for sending it to me and I’ll smack my bum for being hugely disorganised). Ki2 give out a 1L goodie from their store every week and this week it’s a gorgeous purple top, hurry though as it’s been there nearly a week already.

It looks great with a bit of Edge Grafika, (the pants have been featured before by Cheri and they are a firm favie in my virtual wardrobe). I am trying to find any excuse to wear this tartan scarf right now, I love it, this is the new free gift from Edge Grafika. This entire ensemble is something I would wear in RL.



Damn group notices not coming through! I only just discovered this lush green jewelled top which is a group which is a group gift from M&R Cupcakes (250L join fee) which was sent out a few days ago.


Yeah maybe I’ve gone overboard on the tartan here, but you know I have to – being a Scottish lass and all that.

Everytime I see beautiful creations like these, I wish I could make clothes in SL. Believe me, I’ve tried and I suck.

Deli Salami Top: Ki2 (1L)
Pants, Tartan Skirt and Scarf: Edge Grafica (0L)
Green Top: M&R Cupcakes (group gift)
Skin by Den Dou (lucky board)
Aimee Hair by Maitraya (1L)

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