This is Freestyle…

Meet Freestyle Adamski. ..Oh yeah, I know she looks like all my other alts :D.

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I have created her as my admin alt for the group, so I can keep all my notecards and group info in order. Creamy’s inventory is terrifying.

So, if you have any queries about the group, would like an invite to the group as a designer or would like me to review something for the blog, anything Free*style related really, please send a NOTECARD or FOLDER (no IMs please) with all your info to Freestyle Adamski and hopefully I can keep on top of things more easily.

I only log on as her once a day for a short time if I can, just to reply to notes and stuff but please give me up to 5 days to reply to you, if I haven’t replied after 5 days please contact me again, your note may have got lost.

I’ll put my latest favourite new stores, along with old favies in Freestyle Adamski’s profile picks, so keep checking because it will probably change often. Today I stumbled across a wonderful place called Christmas, which funnily enough, is mostly Halloween themed. There are not many stores here yet but many of the stores here have fun free gifts (mostly Halloween inspired at the moment)

Look at this amazing bat hairband from Edelweiss, it’s only available at their Christmas location.

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I was sooo surprised by what happened when I took to the skies…the wings open up and flap beautiful, like they are carrying you off.

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The photo’s were taken on the Christmas sim, the sweetie filled pumpkin house is right at the top of the hill. Also check out the Pure Angel Mall right next to this sim (at the bottom of the hill). Lots of yummers stuff there too.

Bat Hairband: Edelweiss (0L)
Jacqueline Hair: Diversity (bought with new player voucher – under 30days old – remember to pick up your free new player skins too)
Skin: Sin Skins Group Gift (click the sign in store to subscribe and you will be given these skins)
Dress: GHOST at Free*Style (1L – or pay what you wish)

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