Absentia makes the heart grow fonder

This my favorite kind of post, NEW stores, yay!!! As I mentioned in the comments of Cream’s post, I still get so excited when I find or am told of places I’ve never been to before. Part of that excitement stems from wanting to share awesome finds with yooos!

These gorgy dresses are from Anachronism. It’s a small store, with all sorts of yummies, including teddybears!! The orange dress is free for Halloween, the black dress isn’t free but I had to have it! Check out the amazing chokers and cuffs. The first set is a group gift from P/A, my all time favorite store. You’ll need to have your group tag active and click on the sign in the main store to get this. The second is a terribly versatile leather set from the uber talented Rosie Barthelmess of Sable Rose. Grab yours and say hi while you’re there!

This beautiful skin is part of a huge Halloween gift box you’ll find at Absentia. I’ve shown it with the Queen of Hearts set from there, not free, but worth every penny to not be tortured with my nekkid ass doncha think!!

This super cool outfit is from Nyte ‘N’ Day. Nyte has loadsa shtuff out for Halloween, including apple bobbing!! There’s a whole heap of T’s too, I’m sure you boys could grab them. Only available till Nov 1st. Follow the slurl in this post to take you directly to the freebie area!

And just because I can’t seem to keep my clothes on lately, yet another half naked pic XD!! The amazing collar is part of a Halloween set from Star Kindler. Thanks to Lorelei in our chat box and also Elbereth for dropping these yummies on me!! I last blogged this store for the 4th July festivities, forever known as the “Kewt & Wootie” post *coughs*. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tatts (not free)

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