Archive for November, 2008


November 30, 2008

Counting down…2 days to go til the hunt starts!!

PEACE ON EARTH Grid Wide Hunt info:
As an intoduction to the holiday season Mode Rage will be staging a Grid Wide hunt December 2nd – 31th with an International – Places-of-the -World theme. You can read more information at the official PEACE ON EARTH blog!

With approx. 350 vendors, this grid wide hunt is the biggest hunt ever seen! You’d be crazy to miss it!

Here is another sneak preview of what you can get:


This is +plus creations for the hunt..Greek Olympic Spirit for the World Peace!

Striking poses angel

I am sooo so excited Striking Poses is a part of the hunt too! If you have not visited Striking Poses already, slap your hands! Zelly Mornington offers the most glamorous poses under one roof (2 floors). It’s a massive store full of great poses for all your needs! Join the Striking Poses update group for a chance to win fatpack poses off the new releases and for exclusive group gifts! Zelly spoils us yet again with this gorgeous pose, doesn’t she look beautiful in the poster?

Striking Poses (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Angel of Peace Commemorative Pose

Clover lola corset

I am wearing Clover‘s clothing, called LOLA (not free), includes jeans! The corset is so dayum sexy I have had to wear it.

Clover is in the Peace On Earth Hunt too so watch this space for the gift!

Necklace (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): House of Creation – Mother Earth Necklace

Ingenue outfit and xmas tree

Have you got a Christmas tree yet? This festive tree is so special, it’s from Fairy Unique Designs. where textures come alive! The tree has many different flags on them, suits perfectly with this hunt’s theme, go international! Visit Fairy Unique Designs if you need some good quality textures, or even some home building tutorial classes. I have been follwing Happyholly (the creator) since my early days on sl, seeing her regularly at TUi classes, she was the one who submitted me to be a class mocker! Shame on me for skipping classes…lol…

Tree (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Fairy Unique Designs International Christmas Tree

Dress (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Ingenue ~ East West ~ Scarlet

piece of candy

This dress (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): was created by Candy Enoch, of A Piece of Candy to celebrate this hunt! The pretty figure hugging blue gown is a classic chinese dress!


A Post That Makes No Sense Whatsoever!

November 29, 2008

I try to have some kind of discernible theme to my posts, probably ones that only make sense to me!! This one I give up!!

Remember Bebae? Well they are launching a brand new skin line, and this stunning skin I’m wearing could be all yours if you join the group!! Please note, the skin isn’t in the notices *yet* but it will be tres soon. Search Bebae under groups and hit that join button. The stockings and shoes you can get from Vinyl Cafe Fashions, love the garters!! Only available till December 31st. The hair I hear you cry! Group gift from Diversity, you get the “Alec” and “Ruby” styles in 5 colours each, fankyoo Aleri!


Next this yummylicious group gift from Brain Restriction, I hope it’s still available, I’ve had these pics up on my Flickr for awhile, just haven’t posted. The gorgeous earings were a Thanksgiving dollarbie from Star kindler, they may still be avail? Don’t yell at me for the slurl here, it’s a new location for the store!!


This outfit is an old freebie from Beauty Avatar, but I found it still available from Onrez!! Comes with the pants and all three tops shown. The amazing hair came to me from Loli via Creams!! Loli found this amazing store called Red Queen, told Creams who then told me. I spent a fecking fortune, I swear I went into this frenzy, anyhoo!! The hairs shown are group gifts, the hat/bandanna being texture change. Hurry though, again my laziness stopped me from posting so fingers crossed they’re still in notices! And last but by no means least *pauses for breath* the boots. These are available from Bounce in their camping chairs. There’s 3 colours to be had, grey, red and white. So go sort your inv, and come away with some yummy sculpted goodies! Ash out.

Other Fings
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair in Pic 2 (not free)
69 Mainstore

Tartan and fairies

November 29, 2008

Aye aye folks,fit like the day?

It’s St Andrews day here in Scotland tomorrow, althought I’ve been rocking my tartan for a while already, cos I love wearing it.

Big thanks to Kharisma who left a comment on Adaire’s post about this gorgeous free ‘Tarty Party’ dress at Callie Cline, (remember to wear underwear with this because I didn’t notice until I felt a little chilly ‘down there’ – gives a new meaning to stripping the willow)

tartan ccline
Also worn
Hair: Creamshop (not free)
Skin: Minnu (group gift – 250L enrollment fee but worth every L$)

I spotted this cute little tartan dress outfit worn by Welmita on This Doll Has Handbook blog, so I had to go down to the Miroku store to get it, the red one shown here is freeeee, other colours are available at full price, it’s also scripted to change size with a click.

tartan 1
Also worn
Skin: Lovey (not free)
Hair: Nylon (not free)

Now onto the non tartan’s, whilst at Miroku I also found this gorgeous gypsy style dress which is free for group members, (join the group and touch the sign in store), I could only find this at the Miroku Tenjin store

Also worn:
Skin: Glanz (group gift in store)
Hair: Nylon (not free)

…and omg, as luck would have it whilst wondering around Miroku, my letter came up on the lucky board. I am amazed by this glorious ‘fairy of flower’ outfit, it’s all glowy and ethereal-like. This outfit is only available on the lucky board at the Miroku mainstore


check the wing span on that, you will be seen from a mile off, draw distance or not.

Also worn
Hair: Coif (not free)
Skin: Glanz (group gift in store)
Boots: Armidi (not free)

Last but not least, this beautiful red dress is free from Pure Style, perfect for Xmas and beyond.

Pure Style

Also worn:
Skin: Lovey (not free)
Hair: Nylon (not free)


November 29, 2008

9 days since my first teaser: PEACE ON EARTH HUNT PT. 1, we are coming closer to the hunt! This is a notification of an upcoming, grid-wide hunt. You can read more information at the official PEACE ON EARTH blog.

The latest information is that the hunt currently have approx. 350 vendors! Wow, think of the gifts!

Frolic and Patch

From left: Frolic and Patch (smile, guys!)

Big names are participating in this hunt, namely SL Boulevard. The brains behind it are Frolic Mills, creator and editor-in-chief of The Best of SL Magazine and Patch Thibaud, a creative SL builder and architect, they have already built The Best of SL Boulevard – where Hollywood Glitz meets architecture. They bring us a new project – Patch Thibaud Auditorium! marble textures, shining glass store windows…this will be where the upcoming Miss Virtual Pageant will be held – and later, the PEACE ON EARTH party!!!

Watch this space because there will be gorgeous gifts exclusive from The Best of SL Boulevard!

Suri in Patch's Auditorium

Here I am admiring the work and effort put in to make this Patch Thibaud Auditorium. There is the signature statue surrounded by clear blue water. I hope Frolic and Patch won’t mind me messing about with their display here! There’s something sexy about cold marble tops..haha!

Statue of SL Boulevard

To visit Patch Thibaud’s Auditorium, CLICK HERE.
To visit The Best of SL Boulevard, CLICK HERE.

Suri in Patch's Auditorium

Outfit: :bijou: *XmasGIFT* jeweLeah, $0L. Find this outfit exactly on my landmark (thank you to Ephemeral Clowes for her help!) It is on the lingerie department, on a small table next to a store card vendor.

Includes hoodie and hair. Available in 3 colors,as blogged by Miss Creamy on: Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

Shoes and Clutch: Upcoming gift from Baby Monkey for the PEACE ON EARTH hunt.

OK, now time for a teaser to show off some gifts available; 350 vendors…can your inventory take them all???


First up, this Juanita shape by Katlene Niven represents the Dominican Republic. The skin is from A Piece Of Candy (soon to be released).


It’s Lemania!!!
A flowing green gown complete with hair accessories. I can’t wait for this one!


Necklace, anyone?
The preview is for the necklace. It’s made of a reused bullet casing and a rough amethyst crystal, strung on a gunmetal chain (jeweler humor). Something like beating a sword into a plowshare – by Nuala Shippe.


Some gorgeous skin for your overflowing skin folder already… 😉


Mode Rage and PEACE ON EARTH Grid Wide Hunt CEO’s Sequoia Nightfire and Katlene Niven are joined by caLLie cLine. Gracious caLLie made the wonderful tee’s that will go out in every starter kit and she helped in other ways to promote this event.

You will find plenty more pictures on the Peace On Earth Flickr Group; for previews of gifts, even submit your pictures showing off your prizes when the hunt starts.

Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

November 28, 2008

Some Crimbo foxyness here for you. A new Xmas gift at Bijou and its wonderous! Big thankies to Gogo for TPing me to this, she’s got her eye on that Fashion Feed (unlike me)

I roped in a couple of smexy friends to take pics with me, Gattina Dumpling (of Hotel Dare ) in the black and Kookie Lemon in the white. Freezing our arses off Mudshake, the cutest place for all your Winter goodies, (you can buy everything you see in the background on these pics.)


Gattina dutifully poses whilst Kookie and I hump the snowman, he’s so hot (or not)


Tis freezing work standing out in the snow in inappropriate footwear (in mine and Gatt’s case) Kookie is wearing her own creation, these gorgeous warm booties which Suri previously blogged here on special offer in her store.


So we retreat inside the cosy cabin and I read them a filthy, pornographic story, cos that’s the way we roll!


Outfits 3 colours, including the hood with hair – Bijou (free)
Skate Shoes on Creamy: ShoeFly (not free)
Kookie’s Boots: Kookie (95L special offer)
Gatt’s Shoes: probably Stiletto Moody knowing her 😉

Random T Day Goodness!

November 27, 2008

Goodness gracious! How is everyone? It is I, your crazed law student, days away from exams and out of my g. d. (I’m so crass!) mind. Free*Style blogging has always been an awesome study break, so that’s how I’m going to justify my taking the time to post a few goodies. *guilty look and shifty eyes*

There’s a new-ish Katat0nik dress in the lucky chair that is completely fun for the Fall and Winter season with a white turtleneck and jumper. You can also score a snowmonster doll that is the kyootness! I paired it with Calla’s subscribe-o-matic hair style gift with 5 gazillion hair colors. Ok, so there might not be that many but there are quite a few color options to play with.

Speaking of lucky chairs, Sn@tch has tons of new stuff in the two chairs in-store including shooz, full outfits, and other good stuffs. I was lucky a la the lucky chair gods to snag this outfit and I lurves the skirt. It’s proving to be a new wardrobe staple and worth the time stalking it!

The shop at Greenies has this retro style dress for a mere $1L and is totally worth roaming the lawn to find. (Just do “show on map” for a beacon there.) I’m loving these pumps too, a free gift in store at Zenith.
In the spirit of Black Friday tomorrow, I’m showing something that is not free but on sale for $50L. This adorable corset set is from Crimson Shadow and got me in the Christmas spirit. I think $50L is so worth it just for these adorable little wings. I also paired it with a smoking hot Slink skin that also isn’t free, but is so well done that I can’t seem to take it off. There’s a lucky chair there too, so you can hopefully score some gifty goodness while checking it out!

That’s all from me, folks! I’ll be posting a few sneak previews of the Peace on Earth hunt that Suri mentioned, which I hear is going to involve over THREE HUNDRED stores starting December 2nd. Luckily, there will be a whole month to hunt because it will take that long to get to them all! Ciao and happy thanksgiving!

Non-free items in this post:

Picture 1:
Sumi Skin (Pale/Purple Stars) ~ Tuli
Bowie Mary Jane Shoes ~ Katat0nik

Picture 2:
Doily Skin (Opaline) ~ Curio
Reed Hair (Black) ~ Deviant Kitties
Anubis Collar ~ SiniStyle
Spiked Cuff (Color Change) ~ Sn@tch
Boots ~ SiniStyle

Picture 3:
Ashley Hair (Black) ~ ETD (Go check out the $30L sale if you haven’t already!)
Sylvan Skin (Ultralight) ~ Nomine

Picture 4:
Matte Red Skin ~ Slink
Hair ~ Kin

Limited Dress

November 27, 2008

a VERY VERY QUICK NOTICE, because half the sl day has gone. Go get this dress before the end of today!!! Sooo cute, and warm!!


Dress by ::maria bonita:: , free gift of the week (avaliable for one day ONLY), $0L

November 26, 2008

the endlessly talented jojo of runoruno has put out a couple newish free lovelies! one is the y dress tee, inspired by a piece in the four yip exhibit i posted about last night. with four’s permission, jojo used the painting as a texture, and the following is the result (pay no mind to my big old hip jutting out):

for nothing you get each piece on every possible layer, and the options to wear it as a top or a dress, with a high collar or a low one. the other freebie is this demurely alluring tank and panties set:

as with the y dress, it comes in 948567 layers with options for wear as a one piece or two piece set. when wearing the two piece, make sure to wear the underwear/pants with the appropriate jacket layer (and wear only the undershirt/shirt for the cami) in order to give the thong the high leg effect.

there’s other newness, too. not free, but i’m not sure where else 50L will get you so much elegant come-hither-tude:

so much sexy vulnerable melancholy! all available at the moonlight requiem location as well as jojo’s new setup at the hotel dare. while you’re there, check out her amazing hotel room:

seedy and suggestive all at once. makes me wanna have a wordless intense pixel tryst. erm, not really, but you get the idea.

the rest
not free:
hair – nylon outfitters, aveda at etd, miriel
skin – mia
bangles – kookie

November 26, 2008

one of the things that makes me happiest in this game is the attempt to collect every damn thing four yip has to give. in a shamefully enormous inventory like mine, though, sometimes even her wizardry gets swallowed up into the disorganized ether. when i rediscover it it’s kinda like christmas, i guess.

the other day i randomly slapped something called “gallery word voque-ing” on my head and ended up looking like this:

an ass. as if i needed a sign to declare that. the folder contains 5 wearable signs, each scripted or whatever the fuck to change words on a click… actually. wet. spank. bimbo. style. stuff like that. i like to run around like this as is but it’d be fun to do with a group.

anyway i had my little sign on when i tp’d into the hotel dare the other morning to check out creamy’s fuck me skates. when she asked me about it i mumbled something about “maybe… yip… kmadd.” not being completely sure, i decided to doublecheck my hunch, and along with being proven right another freebie reminder greeted me:

skin, hair, eyes, dress, flower, pose, everything, all free from four yip. get your ass to kmadd’s center for the arts and check that shit out.

other stuff
cami – church of luxe (subscribo gift, may no longer be available)

not free
hair: w&y
skin: mia

It’s Grace and Kookie!

November 26, 2008

Remember the mini hunt even at Gracies? This is the second time I am blogging Grace’s stuff, from Gracie’s. I found 2 camping chairs in her store, in the casuals department, here are my prizes!


Surrealia, $0L (camp 40 minutes to get)
Hair from 69 (not free)


Chocolate Mousse, $0L (camp 40 minutes to get)
Hair from 69 (not free)

Here is me and my sis, I am wearing the colorful Bird Of Paradise dress (not free), with my sis Celes (she’s showing off her ring)!

Hair from Detour (not free)

TP to Gracie here!


And time for some boots!! Kookie has just announced that she has put out a special pair of Muggys for only $95L! I already have a pair in tartan but I love this one too because it has a LOVE charm on the boots, and at $95L who can resist it?!


This is one of the two new dresses Kookie has brought out too, along with her new jewellery line. They are currently $100L for the pack of 2 dresses, so cute!


Check out my shoes! I am wearing the Phoebe shoes (not free), also from Kookie.

Pic 5 & 6:
*Kookie* LeRocket dress
*Kookie* Booska Dress

Both dresses for $100L.

Hair from 69 (not free)