Bumper Poses

Hey all!


Here are my findings for today, I love the poses that Freestyle Adamski aka Creamy informed us all about, haha

Sugar mill

First of all, this pose is from Sugar Mill’s bumper pack of poses in the ghostbusters hunt!

Caeo wears outfit from L.A. Couture, called ‘Joshua’, available for $1L
As for me? I have this lovely checkered top available on the lucky board at C&H. Oh how I waited for an ‘S’ to appear……………….


Caeo wears a love gift from Lookr! The tee says ‘Lookr Loves Me’ and it has a female version in the gift bag too!

On Suri:
*Shanghai* GROUP GIFT – Denim Belt Vest Jersey, $0L

Kunglers Design spoils us again with this way cool crocodile pants…they are puurfect with my new kick ass League Boots (not free!!). This croc pants is a gift for the group only. Girls, you know what to do!

Pose from IE Poses: Wall Pose, $1L

is he looking?!

So happy that I try to do a handstand, with Caeo’s help…wait a minute…is he peeping?!
This is again, a pose from Sugar Mill’s ghost in the ghostbuster’s hunt.

show off

I am wearing a shortcoat from Grandma! You can get this from their update group. Look into notices! This store is cute, packed with lots of floral style clothes and vintage style dresses. I saw a floral fitted shirt there, which totally reminded me of my middle aged manager at work, somehow he thinks its fashion to wear these to meetings and after clubs…hmm….I don’t think so!

Boots and hotpants both from League…hawt hawt hawt!!!
NOT FREE but impossible to ignore!!!

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