Thats Hot!

Well it’s nearly over, y’all would have voted by now, or you’re about to!! I’m unbelievably excited, even living in Oz. Most of my SL friends are Americans and the talk of change has been rife for weeks. For once the taboo subject of politics has been openly discussed and debated, now that’s hot!


And here she is, the about to be elected President, trashbag extraordinaire, Ms Paris Hilton!! Seen here, about to head up to her room and prepare her victory speech.


“Gimme my key bitches!”


Now with the hard part over, she just has to get on with the pesky business of running the country, while looking hot, not a hard ask really!!

And for those that missed it, here’s Ms Hilton’s announcement that she was indeed running for President, see her in the Whitehouse bitches! Ash out.

Paris Avatar
KA Designs (complete down to shoes)

ETD (sale on atm)

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