Clothes for pretty girls

Miu has a new mainstore and to celebrate there is a hunt. You have to find little cups of darjeeling tea, there are many around the store but only 4 contain goodies. I managed to find 3 with the help of Noir Gothly (thankyoooo).

We both struggled to find the 4th cup which contains the turtleneck sweater, so good luck with that Chica’s – cos you’ll need it ツ




You can also find many other really cute low priced items all around Miu‘s store, this hair and top were free (the top is unisex). The shorts are by Garbage Prototype (Random Designs) at the Gnubie Store (0L).

The beautiful skin worn is at Diversity and if you are under 30 days old you can get a free set and also a free hair of your choice. TP to the store and follow the instructioons given to you when you arrive.

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