WARNING: An Enema Of Happy May Occur!

Ok. So the feed’s been kinda on attack/defense mode in the last week, from my perspective. There’s a few things that have set this off, blog posts, flickr feeds etc. Well, I was planning on doing a post, thanking my amazing friends and colleagues for being so fecking awesome to me through such a difficult time in my personal life. Then I had a chat with an old friend Tristan Micheline and that solidified the idea for me! Also, the designer that made the clothes featured in this post really cemented it.


These clothes are from Jill, an already incredibly generous and talented designer. I have my amazing Eden to thank for introducing me to this store. Eden who has listened to me emo, time and time again, who pokes a stick in my ass when I get lazy and is my foul mouthed voice of reason wrapped up in a super hawt av!


Jill had put out a new lucky board today, as reported in many blogs. Unfortunately, the board had script errors, which I IM’d Jill about to let her know. So she put the outfit out as a freebie. Christ I could have fallen over. Her generosity of spirit made me think alot about how the rest of us grid inhabitants treat each other.


As mentioned, you can get all of the clothes shown here for free, and you can also spend a fortune in the store as I did. (ps do that spend a fortune thing!)
I want to thank Kenlee, who worked an 18hr day, and still had time to sing Fallout Boy to me. I want to thank Creamz, my ever zen voice of reason. Cheri for my obsession with Japanese designers. Lolly, for my crap vocab that’s now getting worse!! Adi, for just being so fecking clever she makes me want to scream! Ach, who makes me want to spell words correctly at all times. Sasy for being so positive all the time, Efe for being my piece of home. Ames for being my Aussie grounding, and Eden for coming up with more swear words than should really be allowable in peace time XD! I guess, what I’m trying to say in my super crap, inelegant way is, write a post about the people who mean the most to you, thank them, mean it. Just for one day, forget the fashion dramz, what’s in and what’s not. Be thankful and happy and let those that mean the most to us know it. Ash out.
EDIT: I just got directed to Ivey’s post hurr, so do that shit too!!!

Other Shit
Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)

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