The Aftermath!

After the horror of Q popping Eisa’s cherry, the poor lass needed some time off, bless her! Don’t worry though Eisa, I’m sure she’ll call, specially after you used such lines as “You look fiiiiiine sugartits” *Coughs*

On with the clothes. Thanks to narin Auer, who dropped these yummys on me. You can get these at the main store, in a little gift box by the door. Anari stocks some really pretty silks, gowns and all sorts of other gorgy stuff. The silks shown are very skimpy, as in they haz no undies. Just thought you should know before you hit the ETD sale wearing em 😉

This dress comes via the Sweeter Than Candy subscribo. Candace sends out gifts on such a regular basis, we are thoroughly spoilt! Loving the cleavage, perfect for showing off them “sugartits” haha.

The top is also from Sweeter Than Candy, the jeans are a group gift from Kanan, fankyoo Millie for the tip! And now I must run round getting enrolment forms for mini me to get into a pre-school instead of daycare, god the time has flown, 2 minutes ago she was getting her first teefs, now it’s nearly school time *sniffs* Ash out.

Other Schtuffage
Hair (not free, and damned if I can bring myself to take it off!)

Tattoo (not free)

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