Ashia’s Trip Round The Grid

It’s been ages since I’ve trotted round the grid on a freebie adventure!! My journey actually started at Ms Julieta’s blog hurr. She makes everything look amazing and high fashion!! I wanted to see if I could dress the er dress down a bit!


This is my take, hooves of course included!! The mall that C’est La Vie is in is super cute, and deserved a wander round I thought.


And looky what I found next door at Encemble. Click the group inviter instore and then touch the pic of the dress to get yours, there’s also a really nice knit top up for grabs.



These 2 dresses came about from a huge poster in the aforementioned mall showing the gorgeous pink dress. I clicked on the sign and was tp’d to EM Item camp, the camping group for Hitomi Racing. There’s 2 prize camp chairs, with a group inviter inbetween them. You MUST join the group to camp. The pink dress is 15mins and the black was 10, but it’s a surprise item, so yours may differ!! Cam round while you’re camping, the clothes here are stunning and all an awesome price. In other Ash related news, a preschool has been found and bribed 20 camels to take on my adorable little troublemaker next year!! She’s waaaaay more excited than me, stopping strangers on the way home to tell them that she was going to school now kthnxbai. Example “I’m going to school now, I’m very busy, I can’t talk to you” By the time we got back, she had said that to a total of 5 people, including one poor man waiting for a bus she nearly gave a heartattack to XD! Ash out.

Other Fings
Hair (not free)
Mirai Style
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Finger Tape (not free)

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