Massimo Attack

I little cheeky reference to one of my favie ever bands Massive Attack there.

Massimo have this amazing outfit in their group notices which you need

I’m rockin’ it like futuristic barbie doll gone wrong – in a good way!



Oh and you need to check out the 4 lucky boards and lucky chair in the Massimo store too. I’ve been stalking for weeks and only won the cushions so far (which rocks by the way) but there’s a few outfits there for men and women which you will love …. I need!

Fighting Queen outfit: Massimo (group gift)
Eartha Boots: Sole Sisters: 1L
AD-Virgo-Sunkissed-Drama-Infected Yellow (LS): Diversity (not free, previous hunt gift)
48 Hair W&Y (100L)

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